Pastors’ Seminar: Banteay Meanchey Province (Cambodia)

Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
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Church & Leadership
Leadership Training

Our team of five has embarked on a ministry trip to Banteay Meanchey province in order to hold a seminar for 45 pastors from different denominations.  The province is located in the far northwest of Cambodia, about eight hours drive from Phnom Penh, and shares an international border with Thailand to the west. Over 99% of the population in this province are Buddhist and it is vital that pastors are taught and equipped with sound Bible teaching.  

We are often faced with challenges leading into these ministry trips and right before we left, I (Huy) was very sick for three days, and Pastor Vicheat developed food poisoning, which prevented him from joining us as he was still receiving IV treatment.

We taught on a number of different topics using Derek’s Bible teaching and this included material from You Matter to God, By Grace Alone, Spiritual Warfare, Praying for Government, and From Repentance to Faith. All the pastors were very receptive to the teaching. At the end of the seminar, we gifted each pastor a set of Derek’s teaching materials in order that they can use it in their church and ministry.


Pastor An Houn is a female pastor from Banteay Meanchey church. She shared her story, saying:

"My father was a pastor, but he fell very sick and eventually passed away. I felt desperate and lonely after his death. Although many people asked me to continue the ministry, I refused because I believed that being a woman meant I lacked the ability to lead the church."

One day, she prayed to God for a husband who could serve alongside her in the church. Three months later, the Lord brought a Korean missionary into her life, and despite the language barrier, they were able to connect well. They were married six months later, and now she has three children and serves the Lord at a church with her husband.

Her life is a testament to the goodness of the Lord, and she keeps telling young people to trust in God because He loves each of us greatly.

Derek’s book You Matter to God is a true reflection of this belief, as the Lord understands our situations and knows exactly what we need, and His blessings exceed our expectations.

During a seminar, a former pastor of a Seventh-Day Adventist Church shared his personal experience with us. He agreed that Derek’s book By Grace Alone was accurate in its description of the constant struggle to uphold the law and the feeling of never being good enough, no matter how hard he tried.

"One day, I became so tired of this that I decided to stop going to church. However, a friend invited me to a Christian church where I experienced the grace of the Lord." He realized that it was not his own work that earned him blessings, but it was all by the grace of the Lord. This revelation gave him rest and peace, and he found solace in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It was a great experience for both the local pastor and our team. We thank God for revealing Himself to us as we came together to learn from His Word. Glory be to our God.

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