Derek Prince Ministries Zimbabwe continues its vital work alongside rural ministries and pastors, bringing hope and Biblical guidance to communities across the nation. Recently, a significant milestone was achieved as What’s So Important About The Cross was translated into Shona, titled Chii Chakanyanya Kukosha Pamuchinjikwa. This endeavor, made possible by the support of generous donors and ministry partners, marks a significant step in reaching local communities with Derek Prince's teachings.

Partnership with Africa Chaplains Association (AFCA)
One of our partners in Zimbabwe is the Africa Chaplains Association (AFCA), a dedicated network providing pastoral and psychosocial counseling to distressed individuals, particularly inmates and ex-inmates. In a recent event on February 10, 2024, Derek Prince Ministries Zimbabwe collaborated with AFCA to distribute Life-Changing Spiritual Power and What’s So Important About The Cross books to their graduates in Masvingo.
Prison Ministry: Bringing Hope Behind Bars

We thank God for opening a door for us to minister to inmates. On February 26, 2024, in conjunction with Africa Chaplains Association, our team visited Kwekwe Town Prison, distributing 340 Derek Prince books, translated into Shona, to inmates. They also shared a message titled “God did not send His Son, Jesus, to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” The response was overwhelming, with over 100 inmates accepting Christ into their lives.
Similar acts of compassion were extended to Mutimurefu Prison in Masvingo and various other prisons, including the Kariba, Karoi and Hurungwe prisons, where Derek Prince's books are now enriching prison libraries, offering inmates encouragement and guidance from God's Word.
Expanding Reach: Seminars and Translation Projects

Derek Prince Ministries Zimbabwe continues to expand its reach through seminars and translation projects. Recently, a two-day seminar was held in Kariba (Mola) on March 26-27, providing pastors and church leaders with Biblical insights and resources to support them in their calling to serve the Lord.
Additionally, ongoing translation efforts have brought several titles that were printed, including Founded on the Rock, The Divine Exchange, Expelling Demons and Explaining Blessings and Curses in Tongan; and Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, Praying for the Government, and What Is So Important About The Cross in Shona. Books that have been translated into Tongan and now ready for printing are What Is So Important About The Cross, Authority and Power of God’s Word and Through Repentance to Faith.
Our target is to translate the whole Foundation booklet series into both Tongan and Shona. The first 8 books in the Foundational series have been translated into Shona and are ready for printing. So far there is one title from this series printed in the Tongan language.
Our Ndebele translator will start with the book Divine Exchange. Please join us in prayer to find another Ndebele translator, who is Spirit-filled and who can translate the teaching in such a way that the Bible message is not lost or distorted.
Transformative Testimonies
The impact of Derek Prince's teachings is evident in the testimonies of individuals like a customer from Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, whose life was profoundly impacted by Blessing or Curse, You Can Choose. He wrote:
“I got the book Blessing or Curse, You Can Choose, sometime in 2018. I shared the book and the information from the book with several people, who all testified to the powerful and life-changing message in the book, especially on breaking curses. My family and I have found the book very useful and indispensable.
Our son-in-law and his family also had their copy, which was borrowed by a family who found it very useful and could not return it. Our son-in-law then borrowed our copy, which they use regularly. I found it rather unfair to ask them to return it, so as a result I got another copy.”
Such testimonies serve as a reminder of the transformative power of the Gospel. Your prayers and contributions are invaluable in spreading the light of Christ to every corner of Zimbabwe. Thank you for being a part of our mission to bring hope, healing, and salvation to those in need.