Reaching the Unreached in South East Asia

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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As the Lord’s return draws ever closer, we are reminded that Jesus Himself instructs us in Matthew 28:19-20,

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Our DPM teams in Vietnam and Cambodia continue to do just this and, thanks to your generous donations over the past year, thousands have been reached with the Gospel message and hundreds of pastors have been taught from Derek’s material. We are now very excited about planned events for 2024!


Population: 99 million | Non-Christians: 84.9 million
People Groups: 118 | Unreached People Groups: 68 | Smartphone Users: 93 million

The statistics show that there are millions of people in Vietnam who have never heard the Gospel message. So, we are delighted that we have been able to sponsor, with your help, a further five pastors/evangelists during 2024 who will take the message of the Gospel and plant churches in some of the remotest villages in Vietnam. This year, 10 more Gospel outreaches are planned for a total cost of NZ$2,424.

A very grateful Pastor Trung said:

“Thank you for praying and supporting this wonderful conference; thanks to Ps. “D” and the team for coming and humbly teaching us precious lessons on families and discipleship based on the Self Study Bible Course. We desperately needed this tool for discipling the new believers. There are a lot of new believers, but many of us do not know how and do not have the tools to help them. Thanks lot again.” 

There is a huge need for new believers and pastors alike to be taught from sound Bible teaching. With this in mind, DPM representative, Ps. “D”, based in Da Nang, plans on holding 10 Bible training meetings over 2-3 days with many pastors, tribal leaders and Bible students at each meeting. These will cost approximately NZ$4,850 and covers travel, accommodation, meals and all meeting room costs. Coupled with this, a laptop and projector are also now needed for translation and PowerPoint presentations at meetings, costing NZ$1,500. Would you like to help sponsor these costs?

Vietnamese Believers with Derek's Books

Our other DPM-Vietnam representative, Ps. “A”, based in Ho Chi Minh city, also plans on holding three seminars for pastors this year. These will be held in the Central Highlands, northern Vietnam and the Mekong Delta for about 240 pastors from many different churches. The total cost for holding these seminars will be approximately NZ$6,500. With our south east Asia budget in deficit this year, we urgently need to raise the funds so that no-one misses out on attending these seminars, which will be life-changing for many. Would you please prayerfully consider partnering with us to help with the cost of these seminars. This year your gift to DPM’s Vietnam and Cambodia outreaches are tax deductible.


Population: 17.1 million | Non-Christians: 16.9 million
People Groups: 44 | Unreached People Groups: 30 | Smartphone Users: Almost 100% 

Cambodia is a nation which is predominantly Buddhist and traditional customs and religion play an integral part of everyday life. In January 2023, Cambodia marked 100 years of Christianity in the nation, but it is clear that there is still a huge harvest of souls to be brought into the Kingdom. Mr Huy and the DPM team are working hard to help bring in this harvest and to train pastors and leaders with God’s Word, using Derek’s teaching. This year, Huy plans to hold 12 pastors’ seminars throughout different provinces in Cambodia, plus five large Gospel outreaches. The cost to hold these seminars and outreaches is just over NZ$31,000.

Group Discussion on Derek's Teaching at a Cambodia Pastors' Seminar

Pastor Sothea wrote saying: 

“Huy and the DPM team visited my church to hold a pastors’ seminar and youth outreach. They brought with them Derek Prince books to give out. I was so touched and happy during the seminar and decided to use the Self Study Bible Course for our church Bible study lesson. Also, the book Spiritual Warfare is really helpful to me as a pastor and my church leaders – we now have a better understanding of what happens in the spiritual realm. Other pastors were also very encouraged by the seminar and ask for more books. Our churches are now growing and many young people are attending. May God continue to bless Derek Prince Ministries.” 

Because these pastors have little or no access to Christian Bible teaching, each seminar attendee is gifted a set of Derek’s Khmer-language books. This year we are very low on some books and need to reprint 25 titles for a cost of approximately NZ$24,000. Your tax-deductible gift will very much help Huy and the DPM team to equip these pastors with Derek’s life-changing Bible teaching.

Pastors' Seminar, Cambodia

Digital Outreach 

As mentioned above, over 93 million people in Vietnam and over 17 million in Cambodia have smartphones. So this year we plan to heavily promote the DPM websites in these languages so millions more people can freely access Derek’s teaching in their own language.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support as together we “Reach the Unreached and Teach the Untaught”.

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