Who Cares About Witchcraft's Rising Influence?

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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In an age where the supernatural is often dismissed, Derek Prince’s teachings in The Enemies We Face bring a stark reminder of the unseen battles raging around us. His urgent message about the resurgence of witchcraft hits home not only in far-off mission fields but increasingly in the western world.

The Reality of Demons and Deliverance

"My wife, Ruth, and I were in Zambia with some other brothers and sisters. We offered to pray for all the ladies who were barren and could not have children. For Africans, that’s a real disaster. About 400 ladies gathered in front of us, all professing Christians. Before we prayed, someone asked: ‘How many of you went to the witch doctor for a potion to deliver you from barrenness?’ and all but two of them raised their hands.”

Derek’s story highlights a chilling reality. “I tell people in foreign mission fields: Don’t ever go to Africa or India and tell people that Satan is not real. They all know he is. Demons are real. They know them well. What you have to tell them is demons are real, but Jesus is real, and He has defeated the demons. Moreover, He gives us power to defeat them.”

Today, Derek’s warning is more relevant than ever. “Witchcraft is making a determined comeback. In the past, Christianity pushed back these dark forces, but they were never fully defeated. Now, they’re saying, ‘It is our turn. We are coming back.’ You could not count the number of people in this nation today who are involved in the occult. I’m sure it must be at least 75 percent of people.”

The allure of the occult is powerful, fueled by a desire for power, control, and knowledge. “What was the desire that first got the human race into trouble? Knowledge. When Adam reached out for knowledge in an illegitimate way, he became a captive of Satan. Uncounted millions are lured into the occult by the desire for knowledge.”

Battling Witchcraft in Tanzania

Amani and Sarah Moses, outreach workers for Derek Prince Ministries in Tanzania, see this battle firsthand. “We’ve been troubled by the lack of spiritual maturity among young people. After some digging and prayerful observation, we found three main causes: witchcraft, peer influence and media, and poor parenting. Witchcraft’s impact is enormous. Many young people are already entangled in it, often initiated by their peers. It’s happening in schools, homes, and on the streets. The enemy is fighting on all fronts.”

Adding to the challenge, Amani and Sarah have noticed a worrying trend in Christian education in Tanzania. “Many so-called Christian teachers are shockingly ignorant of the Bible. What do they teach? We were horrified by some of the things being taught in the name of Christianity. Thankfully, Derek Prince Ministries offers resources to tackle these issues effectively.”

Strengthen Your Spiritual Armor

To dive deeper into this spiritual battle and hear more from Amani Moses, watch the video.

In these times, it's vital to ground yourself in God's Word - Derek’s Think About This Daily Devotional provides daily insights and teachings that will strengthen your faith and equip you for spiritual warfare.

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