Equipping Spiritually Hungry Cambodian Pastors

Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
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Pastoral Support

A special Derek Prince Ministries (DPM) seminar was recently held in an area between the three provinces, attracting approximately 60 pastors from Kompong Chnang, Kampong Cham, and Kandal provinces. The unique setting of the seminar, held under the shade of trees in a church compound due to the sweltering heat, created a serene and inspiring atmosphere.

Hunger For God's Word

The enthusiasm and spiritual hunger of the participating pastors were palpable. Despite limited resources, the DPM teaching materials proved to be a powerful draw, attracting individuals who were eager to deepen their understanding of God's Word. The love and care shown by the seminar organizers also played a significant role in creating a welcoming and supportive environment.

A Focus on Key DPM Teachings

The seminar focused on six essential DPM books: "Hear God's Voice," "The Power of Proclamation," "Fatherhood," "Applying the Blood," "You Matter to God," and "Praying for the Government." These books provided valuable insights and practical guidance for the pastors, equipping them for effective ministry.

Powerful Testimonies and Engaging Discussions

The seminar was marked by powerful testimonies from participants, sharing how the teachings had impacted their lives and ministries. The small group discussions were particularly engaging, with pastors eagerly sharing their experiences and insights. The extended duration of these discussions highlighted the depth of connection and spiritual growth fostered among the participants.

The DPM seminar was a resounding success, demonstrating the enduring value of Derek Prince's teachings and the power of community and fellowship. The event provided a much-needed spiritual renewal for the participating pastors, equipping them to serve their communities with greater effectiveness.

A Journey of Freedom and Redemption

Pastor San Vanny, a dedicated servant of the Lord since 1985, shared a profound testimony during the seminar. For many years, she had struggled with a spirit of condemnation, believing that salvation was contingent upon personal performance and obedience to strict religious standards.

Pastor Vanny's ministry at the Church of Hope was characterized by a heavy emphasis on prayer, Bible study, giving, and service. While she genuinely desired to see others come to Christ, her approach often created a burdensome atmosphere, discouraging rather than encouraging participation. The more she pressed her congregation to strive for perfection, the fewer people attended church, and she found herself feeling increasingly weary and confused.

A turning point came during our DPM seminar, where Pastor Vanny was deeply touched by the truth revealed in the book "Apply the Blood." The message of Jesus's perfect sacrifice and the cleansing power of His blood resonated with her profoundly. It reminded her again that her salvation was not earned through her own efforts but was a gift freely given by God through faith in Christ.

The realization that she was loved and accepted unconditionally, regardless of her performance, was a revelation for Pastor Vanny. It liberated her from the spirit of condemnation that had burdened her and her church for so long. The weight of guilt and shame was lifted, replaced by a sense of peace and assurance.

Pastor Vanny's testimony is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of God's grace. Her journey from legalism to freedom is a testament to the importance of understanding the true nature of salvation and the liberating power of the gospel. Through her own experience, Pastor Vanny has learned that true spiritual growth and vitality come not from striving for perfection but from embracing the grace of God and resting in His love.

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