In the 14 years since we began our One Million Book Mission, over 772,000 copies of this six-book compilation, Life Changing Spiritual Power, plus tens of thousands of the six single books, have been printed in over 30 different languages and 20 nations, including India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Kenya, Indonesia, China, Mongolia and France, as well as in eight East European nations. The messages making up this compilation, are Derek’s books Divine Exchange; God’s Medicine Bottle; Holy Spirit in You; How to Pass from Curse to Blessing; Self Study Bible Course and Spiritual Warfare.
Huge Need For Sound Bible Teaching Amongst New Believers
Today in Cambodia and Vietnam, huge numbers of people are coming to salvation and urgently need to be discipled. This is where the teaching contained in Life Changing Spiritual Power can make a significant difference. Pastor “S” shared with DPM-Cambodia Director, Huy:
“I pastor a church in a remote location in Cambodia, surrounded by ancient Hindu temples. There was much witchcraft and people rejected the Gospel, so I was tempted to leave the area. Huy and team held a DPM seminar and youth outreach and left us Derek’s books Self Study Bible Course and Spiritual Warfare, plus others. Pastors and leaders find these very helpful and our churches are now growing, with many youth attending.”
Pastors and Christian leaders, like Pastor “S”, are incredibly grateful at having access to the teaching contained in this book – whether it be in the compilation format or the individual books – so that they can disciple new believers. This is especially important in nations where error is being taught in churches and where the pastors have never received any formal Bible college training.

One of our coordinators in Vietnam, Pastor “D”, was advised:
“Derek’s books, especially Self Study Bible Course are being used effectively in a new area where the gospel has been preached for the first time. One of our brothers has given the books out and taught Self Study Bible Course, together with the Bible. The people in this area have now burned all witchcraft and demonic objects and books.”
Ps. “D” regularly travels to remote areas of Vietnam to hold Gospel outreaches and pastors’ seminars. He is seeing many new churches being established and Bible training sessions for new believers are held on a regular basis. Without access to these key books, it would be almost impossible to train new believers in the Word of God.
Pastors And Christians Love LCSP
With many pastors and Christian leaders unable to afford to purchase Bible teaching material, there is also a great need amongst them for sound Bible teaching. A seminar was therefore recently held by DPM-India Directors, Elsie and Danny, for over 350 female pastors and leaders in Karaikal (south-east India). Teaching was based solely on material from Life Changing Spiritual Power. One of our DPM-New Zealand Trustees attended this seminar whilst visiting India and testified that these pastors and leaders were thirsty for the Word and drank in every word that Elsie taught. At the end of the meeting each attendee was gifted a copy of Life Changing Spiritual Power. This book will be treasured by them and used to teach many others in their ministries.

The six titles contained in Life Changing Spiritual Power have also been translated into many of the languages spoken in south east Asia. Copies of the six books are widely distributed amongst pastors and leaders at conferences and seminars, and they are also available as free downloadable books from our various websites.
Looking Ahead
Firstly, we would like to thank you, our faithful supporters, for helping us print and distribute this life-changing book. Over the past year, we have been busy printing and distributing it in many Indian and south-east Asian languages and we now find that our funds are almost depleted.
Would you please prayerfully consider partnering with us once again to help us reprint this significant book and equip pastors, leaders and new believers alike. The average cost to print this compilation book is just NZ$3. 100% of all donations designated to our “Million Book Mission” will be sent overseas to our DPM outreach
leaders to arrange printing and distribution.
Thank you so much for your help to provide Derek’s Life Changing Spiritual Power Bible teaching in the India subcontinent and south east Asia.