In 1953 a British climbing expedition, which included New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary, finally managed to reach the peak of Mt Everest in Nepal for the first time after battling fatigue, lack of oxygen and bad weather.
Many expeditions before them had failed. Since 1953 thousands have attempted the same challenge. Many have still failed and died in the process, whilst thousands of others have had the joy of achieving the same result, reaching the top of the world’s highest mountain. The secret of their success... teamwork and their determination to never give up.
From small beginnings in 1996 with just two titles translated, we have reached a high point in Nepali Christian publishing. Today, 87 book titles by Derek Prince have been translated, with over 900,000 now published and distributed – 90% of the way to the one million peak.

As a DPM partner you have also played a vital role in helping us to reach this milestone and for this we thank you on behalf of the growing church in Nepal.
Just as most Nepalese know the name of Ed. Hillary, we are told that the name Derek Prince is known in almost all Christian homes across Nepal and many have read his books.
One recipient of Derek’s books wrote,
“Thank you for sending Derek Prince’s books to me. I have learnt about fasting, prayer and intercession, and praying for the sick and expelling demons. In our part of the country there is so much demon possession because people are ignorant of the true God. God is so kind that people are healed from various sickness and demon possession. Thank you for publishing Derek Prince’s books; his teaching has helped many people to learn and understand Biblical teaching.”
Unlike Everest, our peak has not yet been reached. Nepal has one of the world’s fastest growing Christian populations, and faith in Jesus Christ is quickly spreading across the nation. National census data shows that the number of Christians in the nation rose by nearly 40% in the last decade. There are currently around 1.3 million committed Christians throughout the nation, and we just don’t have enough books to meet their huge hunger for sound Bible teaching, particularly with false doctrines posing a significant challenge.
To give them the correct Bible teaching it is essential that they have Derek’s books in their hands; books such as What’s So Important About the Cross?; Applying the Blood; By Grace Alone; Spiritual Warfare and of course Derek’s Foundations Series.
Only two members of that British team reached the top of Everest, but dozens more support team members from Britain, New Zealand and Nepal, worked together and played a vital part in that success with their financial support, plus many hours of walking to the base camps and carrying essential food and equipment.
DPM’s “mountain” at this time is to publish one million copies of Derek’s books in the Nepali language. So we would like to ask you again for your help to print and distribute these books. We are beginning to reprint 106,000 books so that at least every pastor and minister in Nepal can have a copy from which to teach their congregations, but the total cost to do this will be $78,000.
These books will then be freely distributed to pastors, Christian leaders and Bible school students from our three distribution centres in Kathmandu, Itahari and Pokhara.
Would you be able to join with us at this opportune time to help bring God’s Word to huge numbers of believers in Nepal? Your special gift for books will help bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to this wonderful country at the foot of Mt Everest.
Many thanks for partnering with us and climbing this “mountain”.