What do you do when you feel as if you are running into a brick wall? When even your best efforts seem to be fruitless? In the times you feel like throwing in the towel?
Usually, on those occasions where we hit a stubborn problem with no apparent solution in sight, the Lord has already provided the answer for us in His Word. Rather than throwing up our hands in defeat and surrender, it makes more sense to throw open the pages of Scripture to find His solution. What is our main directive? Do not give up.
A Seemingly Fruitless Effort
Dick’s comments: A while back, I experienced this truth firsthand when I was asked to step in as an objective third-party counselor for a couple having marital difficulties. This can be a very sensitive and volatile situation. Often, by trying to help, the counselor becomes the enemy, and the couple end up joining forces to attack the innocent observer. (This falls into the category of: “No good deed goes unpunished.”)
Even with these risks, I agreed—and ended up talking with the husband in the situation. On the surface, he seemed to understand and agree with the advice I was giving. Then, within minutes, he would revert to the same stubborn position that had gotten him into trouble with his wife. After two conversations in which he took this approach, I decided to give up on talking with him. Then, a Bible verse came to mind.
Almost unbidden, as I was vowing to step out of this situation, the Lord brought Galatians 6:9 (NIV) to my mind: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” What was God telling me? Do not give up.
Cultivation Time
Philip’s comments: Let’s focus briefly on that phrase, “at the proper time.” It makes us realize that there may be some time involved in the reaping process. If you have ever planted a seed, you know that it doesn’t bear fruit the same day you put it in the ground—or even the next day. There is a gap between sowing and reaping. In our culture today, we expect immediate results. But there is a cultivation time between the sowing of the seed and the actual harvest.
Another observation I would make about reaping is that the seed we put in the ground determines what we are going to harvest. In this same chapter of Galatians, it says in verses 7 and 8: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (NASB1995).
We need to sow good seed so that eventually, we will reap a good harvest that matches up with the Spirit of God. We can’t let ourselves grow weary of sowing good seed—for the sake of a good harvest. Like the Word says: do not give up.
The Breakthrough Will Come
Philip’s comments continued: The weariness we experience is usually because of the difficulties we have had to deal with. Right? We feel totally worn out. But in my experience, that time of weariness can be exactly when the breakthrough happens. Often, that is the moment the miracle comes. So, this truth is an important reason not to grow weary in well-doing. Why? Because even when we are at the point of exhaustion, ready to give up, God is able to provide a miracle.
I heard a true story about a celebrity who had bought a house which needed a well. The well drillers came and dug down 40 feet, but did not strike water. They told the homeowner, “We’ve drilled down 40 feet, and there are no signs of water.” But the owner asked, “Could you try drilling down just 10 more feet?” When they began again, they hit water at just a foot-and-a-half farther down. If the owner had given up, there would have been no well. But by just going down another foot-and-a-half, the drillers struck water!
None of us can see the breakthrough before it comes. But just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It is there. Often, just when we are ready to give up is when the miracle comes. That’s why this word is so important: do not give up!
Our Need for Patience
In his radio message, “Fruit of the Spirit, Week 2,” Derek Prince talks about being persistent in the process of sowing and showing kindness to those around us. In this inspiring teaching, Derek confirms our need to hang in there and keep trying.
Really, kindness is just enlightened self-interest. What you want to get back is what you give out. However, in order for this to work, we have to combine kindness with the previous fruit of the Spirit I spoke about: patience, which requires a willingness to hold out.
We don’t always look for quick results. Sometimes we have to wait a long while before we reap what we have been sowing, whether it’s good or whether it’s evil. Scripture tells us clearly that whatever we sow, that is what we’re going to get back. Paul emphasizes the need for patience a little further on in Galatians chapter 6. In verse 9, he says: “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary” (NASB1995).
There is an interval between sowing and reaping. Treating others the way you want them to treat you doesn’t necessarily mean they will react and respond that way immediately. In fact, it may look like just the very opposite. But Paul says if you go on and don’t give up, in due time you will reap what you have sown.
The Lord’s Empowerment
What about you? Is this letter helping you with a particular obstacle or struggle? Have you been fighting the temptation to give up and quit trying? A vital principle to remember in dealing with discouragement is that we cannot prevail through our own strength. We need the Lord’s empowerment to sustain us. Let’s ask Him for His help.
Lord Jesus, You know the issue I have been dealing with for quite some time now. I’m so tired of struggling with it, Lord, and I confess that I am tempted to simply quit trying. But I hear Your encouragement in what I have read. You are telling me clearly not to give up or give in. Help me, Lord, to keep pushing forward.
Based upon the passage from Galatians 6, I believe this seemingly impossible situation will not end in my defeat or my surrender. Your Word promises that I will reap a harvest of blessing and fruitfulness—at Your appointed time.
By faith, I stand in this truth right now. I declare that with Your help and in Your time, this situation will be resolved. In Jesus’ Name, I will not give up. Amen.
Staying the Course
With the prayer we have offered together, you have just now made a courageous declaration. We believe it will be a game-changer for you, and we stand with you in the step of faith you have just taken. May the Lord strengthen you!
All of us here at Derek Prince Ministries want to assist in this process. Sometimes the breakthrough that eludes us requires patience and perseverance. Our ability to hang in there comes from good solid teaching from God’s Word. That being the case, a good first step might be for you to request “Fruit of the Spirit, Week 2,” the radio broadcast from which we took Derek’s quote. It is yours, free of charge, just use the download link.
Standing with you and providing helpful materials like this is a great privilege for us. The free message we are offering is simply our way of thanking you for your prayers and contributions to the worldwide outreach of Derek Prince Ministries. Honestly, we would be unable to do this work without you and your close involvement. Thank you!
An Uplifting Reminder
Let’s conclude this letter with a reminder about hanging in there until the Lord provides His answer for us—not giving up on the process. Our closing passage of Scripture, Psalm 27:13–14, comes from David, one of God’s choicest servants. He knew what it was like to keep believing, even in the face of overwhelming odds—and to wait for the victory God had promised. David was someone who did not give up.
Here are his poignant words: “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD.” One commentary says this about the passage: “It encourages believers to trust in God’s timing and to remain steadfast even during periods of waiting.”
What is the helpful message to us from this beloved psalmist? Do not give up!
Sincerely in Christ,

Philip Wyns
President, DPM-USA
All the best,

Dick Leggatt
Executive Consultant/Senior Editor