Breaking curses and restoring lives in Brazil

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Teaching Translation

How would you feel if your church encouraged traditions that were, in reality, idolatry? This might sound unbelievable, but in my country, Brazil, this happens all too often. The Church, called to preach the Gospel, is in desperate need of deliverance itself.

My name is Delma, and I’m a volunteer for Derek Prince Ministries in Brazil. My story is a testament to God's liberating power. It also reveals how people are ensnared by a powerful enemy: the idolatry of superstition—disguised as Christianity.

Growing Up Under a Curse

I grew up in a typical Brazilian family. My parents were Catholic, but their faith was deeply intertwined with pagan-Brazilian traditions. In our house, we had a table filled with statues of saints and candles—a kind of altar—where my parents prayed. Our family participated in religious processions in adoration of Our Lady of Aparecida, the patroness of Brazil. We faithfully honored the dead by offering prayers, candles, flowers, and cemetery visits on All Souls' Day. We also participated in many other activities, such as the celebration of Saint John the Baptist, which incorporates Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian practices. My mother even kept a specific set of plants near our front door to ward off evil eyes.

Superstition and idolatry are everywhere here in Brazil. People wear charms to attract wealth or bracelets to protect against evil.

On the beach, flowers are left near statues of a goddess to seek her favor in protecting fishermen. Bowls of food are placed on street corners as offerings to spirits, while magic spells, horoscopes, and tarot readings are widespread. Many Brazilians don’t realize that worshiping idols and nature spirits places them under a curse. They seek blessings but find bondage instead.

The Church in Brazil: A Mix of Faith and Superstition

You might assume the Church would stand against such practices, offering deliverance and freedom through Christ. Unfortunately, idolatry has deeply infiltrated the Church as well. In Bahia, for example, a church sells ribbons that supposedly bring miracles. The ritual is simple: tie the ribbon around your wrist, make three wishes, and when the ribbon eventually falls off, your wishes are said to come true. People travel long distances for these ribbons.

While it might seem like harmless superstition, it often leads to something far deeper—and more dangerous. Instead of trusting the living God, people trust dead objects and charms.

A Shocking Discovery

My eyes were opened to this reality through Derek Prince’s teachings. I stumbled upon a YouTube video about Blessing or Curse, where Derek explained how idolatry, disobedience, and ancestral sins can bring curses, even upon descendants. I was stunned. I realized: I am living under a curse! Not only me but my children too.

Through Derek's teachings, I began to understand the bondage my family—and my people—were trapped in. I started praying for freedom from these curses and felt a growing burden to share this truth with others.

The First Step to Freedom

For instance, one of my friends was going through a difficult time. Her life was in chaos, and constant setbacks had made her bitter. She relied heavily on horoscopes and kept a dream journal filled with “prophecies.” Could a curse be at work in her life? I wanted her to read Derek’s books, but they were in English, a language she didn’t understand. What could I do?

That’s when I decided to translate the book Blessing or Curse for her. As a Portuguese teacher, I was able to do this easily. But as I became more aware of how deeply idolatry shaped our culture, I felt a strong desire to make this teaching accessible to everyone in Brazil. That’s how I started volunteering with DPM, translating Derek’s books on this specific subject. To date, I have translated all his Teaching Letters, which are now available on the DPM Brazilian website, as well as subtitles for 24 videos. I have also translated the book Blessing or Curse into Brazilian Portuguese and worked on the online course based on this topic. Brazil urgently needs this message!

I saw the impact of this teaching firsthand. At first, my friend was resistant—she didn’t want to let go of her horoscopes. But when she realized that her practices were linked to demonic influence, she surrendered her life to Jesus.

Gradually, her life began to change. Her family relationships were restored, and peace returned to her home. One day, she burned all her dream journals, fully committing herself to Christ.

How You Can Help

What grieves me most is how deeply this idolatry has rooted itself in the Church. Many pastors and priests compromise the truth, avoiding sensitive topics like sin, demonic influence, or generational curses. Instead, they promote traditions that keep people in bondage. Will you help me bring Derek’s life-changing teaching to Brazil?

Here’s how you can help:


Please pray for us to connect with the right people and that God will open the hearts of pastors and church leaders. Also, pray that someone will step forward to lead DPM’s ministry in Brazil.

Support these projects:
  • Printing and Distributing Blessing or Curse – $25,000: This amount will allow us to produce and distribute 5,000 copies of the book. Shipping costs are especially high, as Brazil is nearly the size of the U.S. (including Alaska)!
  • Dubbing Derek’s Videos – $300 Each: Many Brazilians struggle to read subtitles. By dubbing Derek’s teachings into Portuguese, we can reach a broader audience.
  • Support a Representative – $3,000/Month: A dedicated representative could focus full-time on reaching pastors and churches with this teaching.

I’ve experienced the transformative power of Jesus through Derek’s Bible teaching. If you’ve been blessed in a similar way, would you consider supporting this mission? Together, we can bring hope and freedom to Brazil.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Delma Zachi

Coordinator, DPM Brazil

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