2024 proved to be a very significant year for our co-workers across the India subcontinent and south east Asia. Every month, conferences and seminars were held for hundreds of pastors and Christian leaders, along with Gospel outreaches to those yet to come to salvation. These events were highly successful and as a result we are now seeing much lasting ‘fruit’.
Here are just a few of the highlights from the latter part of 2024
Conferences and teaching seminars were held in India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam for thousands of pastors and Christian leaders, including youth leaders. These training sessions are vital for pastors and leaders, many of whom have received no formal Bible training and cannot afford to purchase Bible teaching materials. Participants also receive personal ministry at the meetings, which is a huge encouragement to them. They return to their churches and use what they have learnt to disciple many others.
In India, pastors Elsie and Danny taught on Spiritual Warfare at one of their conferences. The organizing pastor testified: I have never understood spiritual warfare until now, in the way it was presented. To us, spiritual warfare was just the devil opposing us and we struggle to overcome him. We thought we had to always endure the struggles. Today we have been taught from the Word of God to take up our weapons of warfare which will give us the victory - not weapons that will help us struggle. I am leaving with the confidence that now I will see the breakthrough in my ministry and bring the people of my district to salvation.”
Following a pastors’ seminar in Cambodia, Director, Huy, testified:
The impact of this seminar was tangible. The pastors received the teachings with an openness that left us humbled. Derek’s messages resonated deeply with their emphasis on the liberating power of the Gospel, which is easy to understand, especially in our own Khmer language. We witnessed a renewed sense of purpose and clarity in their eyes as they grasped the transformative potential of these truths. We left Takeo province knowing that this was just the beginning. The fire of faith ignited within these leaders has the power to illuminate entire communities with the light of the Gospel.
Gospel outreaches held in Cambodia included visiting the Tonle Sap Lake Community floating village. Over 200 villagers attended the outreach, with approximately 80% of them accepting Jesus as their saviour.
An outreach was also held for 400 young people in the capital, Phnom Penh, during the Khmer New Year, with many coming to salvation.

A seminar was recently held in Myanmar for 70 pastors from a number of different churches and denominations. Two theological school faculty members taught from Derek’s material on The Grace of Yielding, Father God and God’s Medicine Bottle, offering practical guidance and encouragement to the pastors. This seminar provided much-needed spiritual nourishment and encouragement to all attendees, equipping them to serve their communities with renewed vigour.
One participant at the seminar was diagnosed with cancer, experiencing severe facial swelling, and was given just six months to live. She received Derek’s book God’s Medicine Bottle and the message resonated deeply with her, offering hope and a renewed belief in God’s healing power. She clung to the truth that Jesus had taken all her diseases upon Himself on the cross, providing a path to complete healing. She placed her trust in the Lord and miraculously her condition began to improve. The cancer gradually subsided and the swelling on her face disappeared. A follow-up appointment with her doctor confirmed the incredible news that she was cancer-free.

Derek’s teaching continues to be translated into many different languages in most of the nations we work in. This material is then made freely available from the relevant DPM websites. Thousands of Derek’s books also continue to be printed and freely distributed.
This year our goal is to continue impacting the nations throughout the India subcontinent and south east Asia by training and equipping pastors and Christian leaders and holding Gospel outreaches to bring thousands more to salvation. The only limiting factor is the amount of finances we have available. Would you please prayerfully considering partnering with us today by sending a gift to help our DPM teams in these nations equip new and existing Christians with Derek’s life-changing Bible teaching?
If you would like to help impact the nations, you can do so by securely below. Many thanks for your support.