Vlad Chazov

Director, Derek Prince Ministres Ukraine

Vlad Chazov is a devoted servant of the Lord, passionate about spreading the teachings of Derek Prince throughout Ukraine and in the Russian-speaking diaspora. As the Director of DPM-Ukraine since 2011, Vlad oversees the production and distribution of Derek Prince materials in Ukrainian and Russian. This includes books, audio and video materials, evangelistic cards, and more. Vlad's dedication to this ministry has brought Derek’s teachings to many in the region, promoting spiritual growth and transformation.

Personal Insights

Vlad was born in Russia into the family of a Soviet army officer. His path to faith began immediately after a supernatural conversion to God, just after demobilization from the Soviet army in the summer of 1991, after which he left his home and his country and lived in Tallinn. In 1992, he began assisting Valery Solin, the first director of DPM, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, and quickly fell in love with the teachings of Derek Prince. In 1994, Vlad moved to Ukraine to open a DPM office there, obeying God's call rather than his own desire. To be able to work As a Christian volunteer and chaplain in a strict regime prison and as a church elder, Vlad had to work in a variety of jobs, from a bricklayer to a sweeper. At the same time, he graduated from several Bible schools, and he received a bachelor's degree in theology from the Slavic and Baltic Ecumenical Seminary of the Holy Cross. Vlad's faith was the guiding force in his life, which led him to make important life decisions in a supernatural way.

Influence Of Derek Prince

Derek Prince's teachings have profoundly impacted Vlad's spiritual journey. Two books, in particular, Protection From Deception and Five Main Ministries, came at critical times in his Christian life and provided invaluable guidance. Vlad learned from Derek Prince the importance of taking God and His Word seriously, seeking simplicity and honesty in God's plan. These principles have shaped Vlad's approach to ministry and life, inspiring him to remain faithful to God's calling.

Some Final Thoughts

Reflecting on his role at Derek Prince Ministries, Vlad feels a deep sense of purpose and gratitude. His passion for Derek Prince Ministries is driven by a desire to be faithful to the Lord and fulfil the calling God has placed on his life. Vlad is motivated by the belief that DPM’s ministry is effective, even if it’s fruits are not fully visible here on earth - “We must be faithful to our calling, believing that we will see the full fruits and influence of our ministry in heaven - God encourages us today, but it is only a foretaste of the full reward .”

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