The outreach of DPM into China began in 1984. Ross Paterson, a fluent Mandarin speaker who had served in Taiwan for ten years and had then worked in ministry into China, first visiting there in 1983, heard the Lord tell him to “take Derek Prince’s teaching to China”. Ross approached Derek, who readily gave his permission and his blessing. Today the office is based in Singapore.
Ross negotiated with the Far Eastern Broadcasting Company (FEBC) in Hong Kong to broadcast a daily 15-minute Mandarin radio programme into China. The English radio programme "Today with Derek Prince" was translated into Chinese and given the title "Living Sacrifice". The programme ran for two years, and became so popular in China that the radio listeners requested more. A four-year programme (edited from Derek’s audiocassette teachings) called "The Workman God Approves" followed. These radio broadcasts have run for over 25 years, and can be downloaded from a linked website. To make the teaching more acceptable to the Chinese Derek was given the name Ye Guang-Ming, meaning Clear Light.
A major project was launched in 1995 to print and distribute one million copies of the "Foundation Series" in Chinese by the year 2000. With God’s help, that goal was reached in late 1999. By the end of 2012, more than ten million copies of Derek Prince titles have been printed and distributed in China.
In addition to requesting books, Chinese believers and pastors are also asking for audio teachings and are downloading Bible study materials from our Chinese website. The site gets about 1,000 hits every day from Chinese believers and seekers who visit the website to download Derek’s Bible teaching messages in MP3 audio format. Responding to requests for Derek’s teaching on CD and VCD and DVD, 50,000 audio and video disks are produced each month and distributed free to different areas of China's vast land. Small dedicated audio devices with Derek's teaching are also taken to the countryside where reading ability is more limited. Indeed, the team particularly strives to reach believers in more remote areas.
Thus by book, disk, radio, internet and other means (we will soon have a smart phone app), China has been covered by Derek's teaching. But there still is a long way to go. Recently one of our team members, teaching in China, found that very few of a group of young believers had received Derek's materials. We continue to work on to fill these gaps for China's huge church.