
Derek Prince Ministries Norway was started in June 2001 when the DPM Director paid a visit to Bergen and decided to hand over the responsibility to run a Norwegian branch.

The first printed material was 3,000 copies of the “Self Study Bible Course”. Gradually we translated and printed more books, and in 2003 we also started texting DVD’s in Norwegian. Towards the end of 2005 Derek Prince Ministries Norway was re-organised and became a proper “Teaching Foundation”.

In January 2008, Derek Prince Ministries Norway became a National DPM Office. The office started sending out four Outreach letters per year to raise funds to help in spreading Derek's teaching and materials to mission fields around the globe. 4 Teaching letter per year were also printed to send out to Partners.

Since then, the office has been growing steadily, year by year. We have produced more than 50 books, two Bible courses, 64 DVD’s, 37 Proclamation Cards and 21 audio CD’s. Derek Prince Ministries Norway has also helped in establishing DPM Denmark. This outreach office was formed in 2009 and has now printed 20 of the major Derek Prince titles (2020).

In Sweden we cooperate with XP Media. 10 titles of Derek Prince in Swedish are being distributed in this nation.

In Finland we cooperate with TV7 Heaven in Helsinki. 6 titles of Derek Prince in Finnish are being distributed in this nation.

During all those years, Derek Prince Ministries Norway has been working on establishing good relationships with TV-stations, Bible schools and many pastors and evangelists in Norway. We also have had the privilege to establish Derek Prince Ministries contacts in Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and Finland to make Derek Prince Bible teaching available. A main goal has also been to supply books and DVD’s to other ministries and people that go regularly into Norwegian prisons to share the word of God and the good news of Jesus.

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Sverre Kristoffersen
+47 92 839 855
Po Box 129 – Loddefjord 5881 Bergen Norway
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