
Romania, a former communist country in Eastern Europe, has the biggest number of Baptists per capita in Europe. The Pentecostal community is quite large on its own and the gypsy churches are growing, due to an ongoing revival movement.

Derek Prince Ministries Romania was established in 1995, after the downfall of the communist regime and it was one of the first Christian publishing houses in Romania. Derek Prince's books and teachings have not only stayed relevant, but there is a growing interest in recent years, with more and more Christians discovering the richness of his teaching.

Over the years Derek Prince Ministries Romania has touched so many lives, by the grace of God, through the following:

Over 40 book titles have been translated and printed into Romanian with many in their 4th reprint. We are now processing new titles from the extensive archive of Derek Prince’s unpublished teachings.

Since 2016, over 30 videos have been translated and made available for free on our website and mobile app. These teachings are additionally broadcast every week on a Christian TV station which has over 3 million viewers in Romania and abroad.

Beginning with 2020, we have started translating Derek Prince Legacy Radio in Romanian. Recorded in a professional studio, they are available for free on our YouTube channel.

As part of a larger project, 1.000 samples of Life Changing Spiritual Power have been sent free of charge to Bible schools, pastors and Christian leaders in Romania, Moldova and the Ukraine.

Since 2010 we have held an annual national conference, where the director of Derek Prince Ministries Romania preaches about healing, deliverance, blessing and curses. Derek Prince books, God’s Remedy for Rejection, They Shall Expel Demons, Life’s Bitter Pool and especially Blessing or Curse, are a very valuable tool to equip and train the believers in maintaining their new found freedom in Christ.

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Fanel & Monica Serban
+40 74 453 2823
Str. Curcanilor Nr 21 Brasov 500108 Romania
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