Pray For Ukraine

Vlad Chazov
Director, Derek Prince Ministres Ukraine
Vlad Chazov
Director, Derek Prince Ministres Ukraine
Vlad Chazov
Director, Derek Prince Ministres Ukraine
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Prayer & Fasting
Refugee Care

Urgent prayer request from Vlad and Lydia, our Derek Prince Ministries outreach workers in Ukraine.

Serving the people

We are here to serve our people in this time of crisis and I am glad to say that we have been able to do so by making Derek's teaching materials available to many. Praise God for the teachings of Derek Prince. In times like this, God's people need a solid foundation to lean on, and our ministry is more than ever relevant.

Today after lunch a family of 4 people from Kramatorsk will come to our house. These are two adults, an elderly lady and a young man who is discharged from the army service because of a hand injury. We already accepted this family in our house as refugees in 2014, when the war in Donbass began and their city was captured by pro-Russian militants. They stayed in our area for about three or four months and then returned home after deliberation of their home. During those months, we shared the gospel with them. They read Derek Prince' books and became Christians.

In the past 8 years, we have maintained contact with them. And yesterday they asked if they could stay with us again, since their city had been fired upon by Russian artillery and rockets. These are quite poor people. At first, they will live with us until we manage to find them housing, which is very unlikely.

The war continues, as does our ministry

Yesterday, our designer told me the sad news that a mutual friend, a Christian brother from Kyiv, was killed. He had signed up for the civilian territorial defense. So the war continues!

But we continue to work on books and cards that can be distributed amongst refugees. Our experience shows that they really appreciate ‘light’ materials they can easily take with them. So we are preparing more proclamation cards, including new titles such as ‘Sheltered with God’, ‘Forgiveness’, ‘When I’m feeling down’, and also smaller booklets such as ‘Extravagant Love’ and ‘The Divine Exchange’, both in Ukrainian and Russian because many refugees come from Russian-speaking areas. Our aim is to put a proclamation card or a booklet in every parcel that is given out by a local church or a partner ministry to a displaced Ukrainian person or family.

Our Father...

Knowing that these cards will be given mainly to unbelieving people, we decided to amend them. On the reverse side at the top is the prayer "Our Father" - all Ukrainians know this prayer as the "main" Christian prayer, even if they do not know the whole text. A brief explanation of the essence of salvation is below it. And finally, at the very bottom - the prayer of a sinner.

Please pray that the Ukrainians who will receive Derek’s materials would get spiritual insight from God and that every book and proclamation card will reach the right person at the right moment.

Pray with us...

Vlad continues; 'As far as I can see the situation not be calmed down by itself - it's just a warming-up. Evil spirits seeking to destroy the destiny of people and the nation will not disappear by themselves without our prayers.'

  • Please pray with us against any evil spirits of aggressive nationalism, puffed arrogance, and pride imperialism.
  • Please pray with us against all kinds of spiritual darkness and lying spirits that envelop the minds of people and lead astray and keep them from a clear view of themselves and the world around them and eventually from true repentance.
  • Please pray for the people of Ukraine – pray for the protection of the vulnerable people, old people, children, and soldiers who are caught in the conflict and live in conflict zones.
  • Pray for Ukrainian churches to be a beacon of hope in these difficult times, pray that we will reach out to support our communities and care for each other.
  • Pray for a solution to be found by politicians, but most of all pray with us against the spirits plotting war. War has never been part of the best will of God.
  • Finally, please pray with us for opportunities to minister to people in our churches and communities using Derek Prince’s Bible teaching resources.

Thank to all God’s people praying for us at this difficult time! May God bless you all and your countries.

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