It has been five years since Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia Director Huy and the Derek Prince Ministries team last visited Kampong Chnang province, one of the central provinces of Cambodia. This province is situated 91 km from the capital city, Phnom Penh, although the city has grown until it encompasses the provincial border.
Huy writes:
This was an emotional place for us to visit, as it is the homeland of Chhairith’s wife. Chhairith is one of our Derek Prince Ministries translators and so we were both nervous and excited about bringing Derek’s teaching materials to the local churches there. Chhairith’s father-in-law is one of the senior pastors in the province and the family helped to call other pastors to join this seminar, which is a very precious arrangement.

On this trip we also invited Pastor Sokhon from Kampang Thom province. Pastor Sokhon has previously joined a few DPM seminars with us and is one of the preachers in a Christian radio program. This is our prayer - to have more pastors joining our teaching team each time - and we choose the potential preacher joining us through seminars we hold in each province. Besides Chhairith and Vicheat, our DPM translators, we had pastor Veansa from Sihanoukville province; pastor Joshua from Kampang Spue province, and pastor Sokhon from Kampang Thom province, and myself making up a training team. May the Lord continue to bring the right people into this team.

For this seminar, we focussed on Derek’s books Immersion in the Spirit, Resurrection of the Body and By Grace Alone. Forty pastors joined us and we divided into six small discussion groups. These pastors have just a very basic understanding of the Bible and tend to follow the doctrine of their respective denominations teaching which is concerning to us given that doctrinal error can easily creep in. These pastors are very new to Derek’s teaching, but by the end of the seminar, many of them stood up and shared that this was very clear teaching which enlightened them a lot, and they are happy to use the materials in their congregation. We observed that their facial expressions had changed from one of depression to joy after the seminar.

This trip highlighted the real need for Derek’s Bible teaching to be taught to as many pastors as possible so that they, in turn, can teach correct doctrine to their own congregations. Let's not just teach people to follow a particular denomination, but to focus on Jesus Christ. Bringing people to Jesus and equipping them with Derek’s teaching booklets and proclamation cards is our biggest mission. We will supply more material as needed in the future.
A testimony we received from a previous seminar we held reads:
“I am 21 years old and I live in Phnom Penh. I work for the glory of the Lord in a Baptist church. Through a DPM seminar, I learnt that we must have one specific goal; we must put the cross in the centre of our life. The Lord told me that if I didn’t have Christ and the cross in my life, I have nothing. As I am a leader, I take and put the cross in my heart. We don’t have much peace because of the Government leaders and we conflict with each other. I will pray for my Government leaders – that they become Christians and the country be healed. I have a passion to bring the Good News to the lost - as Jesus said in the Bible, we are to go and make disciples of all nations. I have compassion and want God to save them. I pray that Cambodia will have a good Government and blessing for the Cambodian people. Thank you, Derek Prince Ministries, for the seminar; the lessons have helped me understand I must put the cross at the centre of my life and as Christians, that is the most important thing. Thank you, God, for leading me to reach out to the lost people so I can reach them for Christ.”