Derek Prince Ministries outreach workers recently participated in L.I.F.E, an annual conference for pastors, leaders, and ministers of churches in Bauska, Latvia. This year, over 400 people attended from a variety of countries and continents, seeking an opportunity to connect, enjoy fellowship, and grow spiritually. Our outreach worker, German, together with ministers of his church in Estonia, came to the conference for three days.
German brought with him a collection of Derek Prince books which were presented at the exhibition tables during the conference. He observed:
“Along with us in the hall there were tables with books by other authors, but most people were interested in Derek’s books. Good and balanced Bible teaching will always be in demand.”
German is currently preparing materials for Derek Prince seminars at his local church where he is pastoring. “I am hoping to start training them in November”, German said.

Foundational Christian training is much needed in the Baltic states; Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. After decades of Communism, the Soviet Union’s collapse left a moral vacuum which was quickly filled by opportunistic negative influences. Drug and alchohol abuse, a widespread sex trade, and high rates of abortion and suicide, all point to significant needs. People often feel numb or even helpless. Although these countries have done relatively well from a technology and development perspective, they need prayer for the deeper and eternal needs of its people.
Furthermore, the church is in urgent need a spiritual awakening. Since their independence from the Soviet Union in 1990, the church has been beset by theological pressures, including Western Liberal Protestantism.
Thank you for supporting our ministry and for helping outreach workers like German to bring solid Bible teaching to strengthen the Body of Christ in this part of the world.