Day 6: Jesus is God’s Last Word
Daily Devotional
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Titles Of Jesus Series
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Day 6: Jesus is God’s Last Word

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
Daily Devotional: Titles Of Jesus

By Derek Prince

Previous Day: The Word of God

Words are the supreme medium of communication. Without words we can use signs and gestures, we can express certain basic feelings, we can communicate certain basic needs; but without words we can never communicate to one another the true content of our heart. We cannot really say what we want to say. We cannot express deep and intimate feelings and longings and talk about the things that are really worth talking about, interesting, stimulating, enriching. And so, Jesus is the Word of God. God reveals Himself in many ways, in creation, in history and in other ways. But when God really wants to say what is in His heart, He's only got one way to say it: He says it in Jesus. Jesus is the full and ultimate revelation of God. Only He totally knows God.

Let's look at the description in Hebrews 1:1-3 of who Jesus is in his eternal nature.

“In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son...”

There's a significance in the word "last." Jesus is the last Word of God. The prophets had much to say but when God wanted to say everything, sum it all up, He sent His Son. This is how the Son is described:

“...whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universes. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”

There are seven statements there about the Son. He's the heir of all things. Everything is going to come to fulfilment through Him. He made the universe, through Him God created the universe, He Himself being uncreative. He's the radiance of God's glory, the way God's glory comes into our lives. The exact representation of His being, the way that we get to know God exactly as He is. You remember Jesus said at one point, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." He sustains all things by his powerful word, He's the one who upholds all creation. And then two facts about our redemption. He provided purification for sins through His death on the cross. Having done so, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven, at the place of all authority and power and glory.

So, Jesus is the Word of God. The full, complete revelation and unfolding of all that God is, of all that God wants to say. And let me emphasize that without revelation man cannot know God.

I was at one time a professional philosopher, a teacher of philosophy and I studied many philosophical systems in which philosophers tried by mere natural reasoning to arrive at an understanding of whether there is a God and if so, what God is like. And do you know what I discovered? Each one of them came to a different conclusion. What I learned from that is this, that mere reasoning and human intelligence cannot give us a true or an accurate picture of God. So, we are dependent on God's own sovereign revelation of Himself if we're to know who God is and what He's like. And it pleased God to give us this total revelation of Himself in the person of His Son, the Word made flesh, the one in whom God has said all He has to say. And so, Jesus is that revelation of God, the Word of God, the one who shows us what God is really like, the one who pens up the very heart and nature and being of God, the one who reveals to us the mercy of God, the faithfulness of God, the wisdom of God, the one who gives us a true picture of God. Jesus tells us and shows us what God is really like.

And then there's one more important conclusion: Jesus is God's last word. He's the full and final revelation. If you reject that revelation you cannot expect to hear from God in some other way. There is no other way. Jesus said, "I am THE way. No man comes to the Father but by Me." You cannot reject Jesus and come to the Father. Receive Him, believe in Him, open your heart and mind to Him today. And He'll show you the real nature of God. You won't be groping, you won't be wondering, you'll have a clear understanding, an ever increasing and brighter revelation of the true nature and person of God. May God help you to do that today if you've never done it before.

Tomorrow we'll be studying another beautiful title of Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Prayer Response

Dear Father, thank You that You have given us Your precious Son Jesus. That in Him, You’ve said everything that needs to be said. Help me to listen to His voice, to know Who You are, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Help me to always stay open to receive more of Your revelation, because You are always bigger than I can imagine. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
Next Day: The Lamb of God
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