The Transformative Power of Faith

Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
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Amid life's challenges and uncertainties, there are stories of faith and hope that stand the test of time. Today, we revisit a powerful testimony shared several years ago by Heide and Vernon, two long-standing friends of Derek Prince Ministries South Africa, about God’s power to bring healing and deliverance. While Heide has since departed this earthly life, their testimony continues to be a source of blessing and encouragement.

Struggling Through Life

Heide's journey through life had been marked by challenges and trials. Born in Germany in 1948 and later moving to South Africa, Heide's early years were marred by the loss of her mother at a young age and the hardships of growing up with a stepmother who subjected her to emotional, mental, and physical abuse. Despite the difficulties at home, she pursued her education and eventually found love, marrying Vernon in 1970. However, their marriage was not without its hardships, including financial struggles and marital discord.

“At one point, our marriage was hanging on a thread,” Heide shared. “I felt I could just as easily manage on my own because he was hardly ever at home.”

The Overwhelming Love of Christ

It wasn't until Heide's encounter with Christ that things began to change.

After crying buckets of tears, the joy of the Lord filled me.

“One of my friends invited me to her house for a ladies’ Bible study. I felt guilty because I had not gone to church for quite a long time, so I felt obliged to say "yes". Through this Bible study group, I got saved. The love of Christ overwhelmed me. After crying buckets of tears, the joy of the Lord filled me. As I was walking home with a skip in my step, I was suddenly stopped in my tracks by the Holy Spirit, wondering how I was going to tell Vernon this good news. My husband had stopped going to church several years prior because he was disillusioned with religion and "man-made" rules, as he called it. He had told me very emphatically that I was not to talk to him about the Bible, God and Church. Now, I sensed in my spirit that I should not say anything.”

A year later, Heide felt compelled to share her newfound faith with Vernon during a "Marriage Encounter" weekend. To her surprise, he didn't react with anger as she had feared. Instead, he calmly responded, "I knew all along because you have changed." This pivotal moment sparked Vernon's curiosity, leading him to begin seeking and asking questions about the Bible himself. With Vernon eventually joining her in her faith in Christ, they became deeply involved in their church community. However, their personal struggles persisted, leading Heide into a deep depression.

“I made a suicide attempt, which caused me to go into a coma and landed me in hospital. Vernon was sitting at the side of my hospital bed while I was still in a coma and started questioning if God is real or if He is a figment of our imagination.”


It was during this dark period that Heide was introduced to the concept of deliverance through a friend.

“One Monday morning, I was sitting in my kitchen, crying my heart out, feeling trapped and not knowing which way to turn. My good friend and neighbor Jenny popped in at that moment and told me that what I needed was deliverance. I gave her a blank look because I did not have a clue what she was talking about.” Jenny gave Heide the phone number of a lady who prayed for people who needed deliverance. Desperate for a breakthrough, Heide went to see her and received prayer.

“God touched me, and my life was transformed, but I needed a lot of teaching. That is when I was introduced to the teachings of Derek Prince. The lady who had prayed for me gave me his audio series "From Curse to Blessing" and his teachings on spiritual warfare. I devoured them. They have had such a powerful impact on our lives.”

Healing of dyslexia

Immersing herself in Derek Prince's teachings, Heide found solace and direction in her life. His messages on breaking curses and embracing God's blessings resonated deeply with her, providing practical guidance for navigating life's challenges. Through applying these principles, Heide and Vernon saw remarkable changes in their lives. One of the most remarkable miracles occurred when their son Richard was healed from dyslexia through the power of prayer and faith in Jesus Christ.

“Richard was dyslexic and had to go to a special school, which cost us a fortune. I had received my deliverance while Richard was at this special school, and I asked him if he would like to be prayed for by this lady as well. He agreed. When he was prayed for, he felt as if there was a steel band around his head which got tighter and then suddenly snapped. He was freed from dyslexia."

Richard's deliverance opened doors for his academic and athletic success, ultimately leading to opportunities abroad.

God’s Love Never Fails

Heide attributed every blessing and victory in her life to the grace of God, knowing that He is the source of all blessings and the anchor of her soul.

“We give God all the glory and thank God for a faithful servant like Derek Prince. We have always felt that Derek Prince was our spiritual father, even though we had never met him. His teachings and daily emails have blessed us through the years. We find his material the most suitable for teaching in our Bible studies."

Heide and Vernon’s story serves as a beacon of hope for all of us who are facing adversity, reminding us:

With God, all things are possible, and His love never fails.

For more on the power of God's love, listen to Derek Prince's teaching I Have Been Adopted As A Child Of God

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