Mission and Impact
Local Presence
National Office
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa dedicates itself to the spiritual support and development of nations located south of Zambia and Madagascar. The ministry faces a vast array of challenging struggles, from dire political situations leading to starvation, as observed in Zimbabwe, to the wide-reaching AIDS crisis impacting most countries. In addition to tackling prevalent issues of lawlessness, high crime rates, economic instability, and rising living costs, the ministry is committed to serving a population that has been compelled to question their life foundations. As a result, it has noted a surge in the demand for stable Bible teaching materials and practices, demonstrating the significance of its work among those seeking serious commitment to their faith. The efforts of Derek Prince Ministries South Africa are indeed pivotal in these times of uncertainty.
Local Presence
National Office
In October 2024, I attended the Fellowship of National Outreach in Spain, with 70 global delegates discussing Derek's impactful teachings and reports.
DPM South-Africa office introduced using the MegaVoice solar-powered audio players to bring God's Word to rural areas, where there is limited electricity.
Since 2006, Derek Prince Ministries has been working to make Derek’s Bible teachings accessible across Africa through the voice dubbing of the Foundations DVDs.
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