DPM India Brings Hope to a Forgotten Frontier

Tim Sisarich
Director, DPM Connect
Tim Sisarich
Director, DPM Connect
Tim Sisarich
Director, DPM Connect
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Remote Outreach

Situated in the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman Islands hold a tumultuous history, having served as a place of exile for political prisoners during British rule. Despite the harsh conditions and remoteness, Christian missionaries arrived in the late 19th century, drawn by a desire to bring the Gospel to the indigenous peoples. This historical backdrop underscores the ongoing challenges faced by the islands, including isolation, limited resources, and spiritual opposition, making the mission work of DPM India in the islands all the more crucial.  

Elsie and Danny Daniel lead the Derek Prince Ministries' mission in India, work they say would be impossible without the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is what shapes their urgent mission to provide pastoral training and discipleship amidst increasing spiritual opposition. Their recent focus has been on the Andaman Islands, a remote and historically secluded region they describe as a "Forgotten Frontier."  

“The believer cannot act without the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will not act without the believer” (Derek Prince)

Bringing together approximately 350 pastors and leaders, the seminars organized in the Andaman Islands were transformative, empowering participants with the necessary tools and insights to navigate spiritual battles and challenges in their mission fields. Elsie and Danny’s ministry is inspired by Derek’s teaching that the Holy Spirit's empowerment is crucial, yet it also requires ongoing, active participation from believers. This understanding has fueled their commitment to equip pastors and leaders, not just with knowledge and resources, but with a deep, experiential understanding of cooperating with the Holy Spirit in their own ministry work.  

This emphasis on co-operating with the Holy Spirit is particularly relevant in the Andaman Islands, where the beauty of the natural landscape hides the spiritual challenges faced by a Christian minority. The testimonies emerging from the seminars, such as that of a pastor who, for the past 37 years, has devoted himself to missionary work in the Andamans, underscore the transformative power of this approach. He expressed how Derek Prince’s teaching profoundly impacted his soul, akin to a transformative operation:

“It was an experience devoid of pain, but brimming with gain, liberating me from the weight of guilt and equipping me to engage in spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness in the heavenly realms.”

These testimonies highlight the continuous, active engagement with the Holy Spirit, shaping and propelling ministry beyond mere informational sessions.

As Elsie and Danny prepare to extend their training to the first group of 500 young leaders in the Andamans, their mission is a testament to the critical importance of this divine cooperation. They aim not just to impart biblical knowledge but to cultivate a generation of leaders who are deeply attuned to the Holy Spirit's guidance and power, equipped to serve effectively in their unique contexts. This vision for ministry, grounded in the co-operation of believers with the Holy Spirit, is not only the foundation of their work in the Andamans but also a model for Christian service and leadership worldwide.  

As we reflect on the impactful work of Elsie and Danny Daniel and the DPM India team in the Andaman Islands, let's keep them and the local Christian leaders in our prayers. Let's also take a moment to reflect on our own journey of partnership with the Holy Spirit.

For deeper insights into this, Derek Prince's book "The Holy Spirit In You" would be a great place to start.

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