For years, Elsie Daniel and her husband, Danny, faithfully shared Derek Prince’s teachings with pastors and leaders across India, focusing on the powerful message of The Divine Exchange. However, in 2013, Elsie faced a personal health crisis that would forever deepen her understanding of this life-changing truth. Below, Elsie shares her remarkable story in her own words.
A Foundation of Faith
“We started printing Derek Prince books in India in 1997. My husband Danny and I would sit together, proofreading the books on the computer. This process allowed us to deeply engage with Derek’s teachings.
In 2010, we took on the responsibility of directing Derek Prince Ministries in India. One of our key focuses was The Divine Exchange—a foundational message we believed was the starting point for pastors to grow in their understanding of Derek’s teaching. From 2009, we traveled across India, sharing this message with pastors and leaders.
In 2013, God allowed me to experience the power of The Divine Exchange in my own life.”
A Health Crisis
“For six months in early 2013, I began experiencing tiny boils all over my body, accompanied by an unbearable itching sensation. The boils gradually spread across my entire body. Before attending a DPM Directors’ meeting in Singapore, I consulted a skin specialist in India. A biopsy revealed a rare condition called bullous pemphigoid. The doctor described it as a ‘one-in-a-thousand’ disease and prescribed heavy steroid medication.
Every day, I had to take 21 tablets to manage the condition.
The doctor mentioned that even with this treatment, it would take a minimum of three months for the boils to subside.
Despite my worsening condition, I traveled to Singapore for the conference. By then, the boils had become so severe that I would scratch them in my sleep, causing them to bleed. A cold shower in the morning felt like standing in fire.
The directors at the conference suspected my Indian doctors might have misdiagnosed my condition. One of them arranged for me to see a senior skin specialist in Singapore. However, after eight days on an increased dose of steroids, there was no improvement. I was growing weaker and more discouraged.”

Shifting My Faith
“On the eighth day, I picked up the tablets and prayed:
‘Lord, I have been on this medication for so many days with no change. Every day, my condition worsens. But it is not because of these medicines that I will be healed. It is because of the blood You shed for me on the cross of Calvary.’
In my heart, I held onto Derek’s teaching: ‘Jesus was wounded, that we might be healed.’ When I confessed this truth, my faith shifted from the medicines to the cross of Calvary. And that was when a mighty miracle began in my life.
The very next day, the boils on my body started to burst. By the tenth day, when we returned to India, there was not a single boil left—only scars remained.”
Complete Healing
“We continued to stand on the truth of The Divine Exchange. The same doctor who initially told me I would need three years of medication tapered my dosage and, within three months, stopped the steroids entirely.
That was in September 2013. Today, more than ten years later, I can testify to God’s glory that I have never needed another tablet, and not a single boil has returned.
This experience transformed my life. I had been preaching The Divine Exchange, but now I had personally experienced its power. I could boldly share my testimony with pastors and leaders. When they saw pictures of the boils that once covered my body, many were moved to tears. Seeing me—a living miracle—gave them fresh confidence in the message of the cross.”
"I had been preaching The Divine Exchange, but now I had personally experienced its power."
“Through this testimony, pastors and congregations across India are embracing The Divine Exchange. Hundreds of people have been impacted by this message. It has changed our lives, and we now share it with confidence, knowing its truth and power.
Derek’s teachings are bringing transformation, healing, and hope to countless lives in India—and I am humbled to be part of this incredible journey.”
Proclaim The Divine Exchange
Share The Good News
If this message stirs something in your heart, we encourage you to dive deeper with Derek Prince’s book The Divine Exchange. This booklet uncovers the fullness of what Jesus accomplished for us on the Cross, touching every area of our lives—health, peace, prosperity, friendship with God, and more.
We’re also inviting you to join us in a mission to share this message with as many people as possible. Consider gifting this book to friends, family, or your church community, or share Elsie's testimony online.
Together, let's hope, healing, and truth to those who are searching.