Touching Eastern Europe

Branislav Čekan
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Eastern Europe
Branislav Čekan
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Eastern Europe
Branislav Čekan
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Eastern Europe
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Ministry Update
Equipping Believers

Dear Friend,

Thirty-five years ago on November 9th, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, ushering in a new era for Eastern Europe. At that time, I was 18 years old, marching the streets of Slovakia with other students, demanding change. I wasn’t a believer, but my family and I experienced firsthand the revolution that was taking place. For the first time in decades, our country was open to the transformative message of the gospel.

The fall of communism marked the end of an era in which churches had been silenced, faith suppressed, and religious traditions all but erased. Under these atheistic regimes, Bibles were smuggled into Eastern Europe, pastors were imprisoned, and believers gathered in secret, risking everything for the chance to worship.

One Single Teaching

In those dark days, the teachings of Derek Prince crossed communist borders covertly. In 1978, a Hungarian couple stumbled upon one of Derek’s cassette tapes, “Deliverance for Children and Their Parents.” The effect of the teaching was astonishing, and after listening to the message they wrote to the address on the tape to see if Derek Prince would come to their communist country and teach the gospel. Some years later, when this became possible, the original group of seven college students had grown into an underground church of three hundred.

Derek and Ruth Prince were taken to a small house crammed with people. For fear of the secret police, the shades were pulled on every window. The church was so crowded there was nowhere to sit, but people were willing to stand for the five-hour worship service. People outside stood in  -10° centigrade weather to hear what was going on inside. Such was the spiritual hunger of the time.

Today, the landscape has changed dramatically. Churches are now open and Bibles are freely distributed—an incredible blessing. However, a deeper need remains: learning to hear God’s voice. Jesus said in John 10:27: "My sheep hear My voice . . . and they follow Me" (NASB). Without hearing His voice, we cannot follow Him. It is not enough to know the Scriptures. Derek often reminded us, “If you hold a Bible, all you have are black marks on white paper. Only the Holy Spirit can turn them into the voice of God. In any given situation, He brings to us the Word of God that we need and makes it a living voice.”

This is the heart of our mission: to equip believers across Eastern Europe to hear, recognize, and follow God’s voice. Eastern Europe faces immense challenges. The war in Ukraine overshadows the entire region. Economies are fragile and governments are unreliable, making the future feel uncertain and unstable. Yet, amid this turmoil, God speaks. He speaks peace, guidance, and hope. Even so, His people need to learn how to distinguish His voice from what they are hearing through other sources, such as social media, news broadcasts, and their own thoughts.

Reaching a New Generation

Decades of materialism have left their mark on Eastern Europe. Following the fall of the Iron Curtain, there was an initial wave of evangelism. However, many churches gradually lost their focus, prioritizing materialism over discipleship. But now we are seeing a new generation of leaders, eager for spiritual depth, spiritual maturity, and a personal relationship with God.

Our vision is to distribute Derek Prince’s book, Hear God’s Voice, across Eastern Europe. While this book is currently available only in Croatia, we dream of printing 5,000 copies in each of the 12 countries we serve, including Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and Bulgaria.

Along with publishing these books, we want to develop small group study guides that will help believers learn to discern God’s voice. Additionally, we want to create special proclamation cards to include teaching. Recognizing that proclamations aren’t magic spells or mantras, people need to understand how to hear from God and put their faith in His Word, before proclaiming it.

This is where you come in.

How You Can Partner with Us

1. Sponsor the Printing of Books

Every gift of R200 provides one believer with a copy of Hear God’s Voice. A gift of R9100 can supply an entire small church with this life-changing resource.

2. Support Small Group Resources

You can help with our goal to develop study guides that will accompany the books, equipping believers to grow together in practical ways. Your donation will enable us to create and distribute these essential tools.

3. Fund Proclamation Cards

Your contribution will enable us to design and print these powerful resources to strengthen faith communities across Eastern Europe.

Our mission is not just to distribute books—it is to equip a generation to hear the voice of their Savior and to be guided by His Spirit. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can support this work. We are deeply grateful for your partnership.

May you continue to hear His voice clearly in your own life and follow Him with joy.


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