August 1 - International
- Connect is DPM’s global Digital and Ministry Support team that gives support to all of our offices in their digital projects. Pray for good communication and teamwork, and that they can overcome all cultural and language barriers.
- Pray for God’s guidance and insight as they work to increase access to Derek’s teachings in many languages.
August 2 - Japan
- Pray for God’s anointing, health, and strength for our translator “Yvonne” as she works on the Japanese subtitles for 70 of Derek’s major video messages.
August 3 - Philippines
- Continue to pray for the Lord to connect us with the right Philippines-based coordinators to organize the work of DPM across this vast nation of 114 million people.
August 4 - China
- Continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in China, who face increasing restrictions on their opportunities to learn from God's Word. Ask the Lord to inspire our Chinese digital team with new ways of serving them and for their continued protection.
August 5 - Laos
- A two-day seminar for 21 pastors and other leaders was held in May using Derek’s Foundation Series teachings. Pray for the Lord to protect and anoint these leaders as they teach and shepherd their flocks in this Buddhist nation, where there is much persecution of Christians.
August 6 - Nepal
- Pray for speedy recovery for Director, Pastor Gopaljee, following some recent surgeries.
- Pray for God’s protection over Pastor Gopaljee in Kathmandu and his distributors in Itahari and Pokhara as they continue to reach this Hindu nation with Derek’s teaching.
August 7 - New Zealand
- A new devotional series, Laying the Foundations, has been voiced and is available on our DPM website. Each message is also airing nationwide five times a day on two Christian radio networks. Pray for many people to listen and also be drawn to visit our website.
August 8 - Cambodia
- This month, Director Huy and his team are holding a pastors’ seminar in Stung Treng. Pray for protection, good health, and God’s anointing as they teach and minister.
- Topics will include God’s grace and spiritual warfare. Pray that the pastors who come will be encouraged and grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and teach others what they have learned.
August 9 - Papa New Guinea
- Pray for the Australia office to find a reliable connection in Papua New Guinea to continue providing Derek’s Bible-teaching material to pastors and leaders.
August 10 - Sri Lanka
- Pray for God’s protection and anointing upon DPM–India Directors Elsie and Danny, and Alan and Lynda Brooks (DPM–New Zealand) during an outreach trip in Sri Lanka this month. They will be ministering predominantly in the south, a Sinhala-speaking area where the pastors have little exposure to Bible-teaching meetings. Pray also that these leaders will set aside differences and come together in unity.
- A Youth Training Program will also be held to bring forth new youth leaders, which is a unique opportunity. Pray the Lord will raise up a new generation of leaders.
August 11 - France
- Continue to pray for wisdom and strength for Catherine in her many responsibilities, for Caroline in overseeing our social media, and for Michaël in using his creativity for various tasks.
- Pray for Director René and his team to walk in God’s strength, and for refreshing to press on with God’s work.
August 12 - Switzerland
- Pray for an increased number of visitors to come to our new website and access Derek’s teaching that is available.
August 13 - Netherlands
- Nearly 5,000 people in the Netherlands receive our daily devotionals. Pray that many more will subscribe, and that lives will be shaped by Derek's teaching.
- We are looking to offer new online courses. Pray for all those involved in developing, translating, and managing these studies.
August 14 - United Kingdom
- Our team of intercessors faithfully prays for urgent requests that we receive. Pray for their encouragement and that this team will grow. Pray also for those who contact our staff, that they will encounter the Lord and be powerfully impacted by Derek’s teaching.
- Healing and deliverance ministries, along with Bible colleges in the UK, use Derek’s teaching resources. Pray that the Lord will use this material to equip and train young ministers in their work.
August 15 - Germany
- A business consultant who was blessed by Derek's teachings is working with us to help make Derek's teaching more easily available. Pray that this partnership will be fruitful, and that God will give us wisdom and guidance for decisions that must be made.
August 16 - Scandinavia
- Pray for wisdom for our new coordinators in Sweden in distributing Derek’s books.
- Continue to pray for the funds needed to produce more Swedish titles.
- Pray that we will find the right coordinators in Finland to build DPM’s work there.
August 17 - Spain
- Continue to pray for our Russian-speaking outreach team in Spain as they reach out to the Russian and Ukrainian speakers who have fled Ukraine.
- Pray especially for our worker in Torrevieja, who holds Bible lessons in Russian at a local church; and pray for many lives to be changed.
August 18 - Greece
- Pray for diligence and God’s anointing for Angela as she translates Derek’s teaching letters.
- Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of the Greek people to DPM’s ministry, as there is a strong religious spirit in this country.
August 19 - South Africa
- We have several new translations, including Blessing or Curse in Afrikaans, Life-Changing Spiritual Power in Xhosa and Tshwana, and The Power of Proclamation in North Sotho and Afrikaans. Pray for successful final editing and printing of this material.
- Pray that we will be able to translate Appointment in Jerusalem in Zulu.
August 20 - Zimbabwe/South Africa
- Books for Zimbabweans living in South Africa will be printed in South Africa in the Shona and Tonga languages. Pray that this teaching material will touch many lives.
August 21 - French-Speaking Africa
- Pray for Mamadou Kalidou Barry in Guinea, who has been working on the translations of Derek’s core video teachings in Fulani.
August 22 - United States/Hispanic Outreach
- Pray for many people to visit our new Spanish website.
- A Bible school in Cartagena, Colombia, was recently launched. It will be based on Derek’s Spanish books: Foundational Truths for Christian Living, Husbands and Fathers, Blessing or Curse; God’s Remedy for Rejection, God’s Plan for Your Money, and others. Pray for Derek's teaching to have a powerful impact in Colombia.
August 23 - United States
- Hundreds of prayer requests come to our office monthly, which are prayed over individually by our team of intercessors. Pray that God will intervene in the lives of those who contact us and be impacted by Derek’s teaching material.
August 24 - Brazil
- Pray for the needed finances to print two vital books: They Shall Expel Demons and Blessing or Curse.
- Pray also for the right partners to help with the successful distribution of these books.
August 25 - Azerbaijan
- Derek’s book, The Beast or The Lamb, is being translated into Azeri. Pray for all involve and that this teaching will impact many Azerbaijani Christians.
- Pray that other material, including Protection from Deception, True and False Church, Rediscovering God’s Church, and True and False Christ, can be translated into Azeri to build up church leaders and other believers.
August 26 - Tajikistan/Afghanistan
- Derek’s book, Does Your Tongue Need Healing? is very popular among Tajik believers. Pray that we can translate and produce more of Derek’s teaching into Tajik.
- Pray for open doors to enter Afghanistan to hold ministry activities.
August 27 - Belarus
- Pray for connections with more prisons and prison workers so that more of Derek's books can be made available for inmates.
- Pray for growth of the online Bible school and wisdom for all involved.
August 28 - Syria
- Pray for George and the outreach team in Homs as they reach out and minister through the Bible House bookshop ministry.
- Pray for believers to continue to look to God in the midst of the war and realize this world is not their home.
August 29 - Israel
- Pray for the Lord’s favor, guidance, and protection over those involved in our work here as they provide Derek’s material (in Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian) for local churches and individuals.
August 30 - Egypt
- Pray for the successful translation of Declaring God’s Word into the Moroccan Dialect and for smooth completion.
- The first part of Derek’s radio series on Grace in Kabyle was completed, and the second part is under way. Pray for those involved in this important project.
- The book Through the Psalms is being translated into Arabic. Pray for inspiration and encouragement for those who read it.
August 31 - Turkey
- We translated the Laying the Foundation video series into Turkish. Pray for a suitable voice for dubbing and that these teachings will impact Turkish-speaking believers.
- We plan to send copies of Does Your Tongue Need Healing? to Afghanistan. Pray for the best timing and way to do this.
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