
Prayer Guide
Join us in prayer throughout the month of July, as we continue to seek God and give thanks for all that He has done.

July 1 - International

  • Pray for the DPM Directors and staff members in many nations as they serve faithfully to share Derek’s teaching and support our outreach workers. They need God’s grace for the work yet to be done.

July 2 - India

  • Pray for God’s protection, health, and strength for Directors Elsie and Danny and the India staff as they impact this nation of 1.4 billion with Derek’s Bible teaching.

Outreach Report - India

After an 11-year gap, Elsie and Danny held a three-day seminar for pastors in Delhi and Shillong, Meghalaya. Elsie taught on Spiritual Warfare, with 250 people at each session and more than 400 in the evenings. On Sunday morning, over 1,500 came, with 2,000 more watching online. The Lord moved mightily with prophecy and deliverance, and many were set free! There was such joy at the end of the service. Everyone celebrated and danced for over an hour—praising God for what He had done!

Elsie and Danny returned to the remote Andaman Islands (in the Bay of Bengal) in May to hold a three-day training program for 50 Christian young people. There was an amazing response as the teaching brought new clarity and breakthroughs. Many were powerfully anointed, and several had a clear call from the Lord. Elsie and Danny also held a conference on Spiritual Warfare for nearly 120 pastors, their wives, and missionaries. One pastor and Bible teacher testified that he could see spiritual warfare in a new perspective.

July 3 - Australia

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our staff in developing and implementing a new national strategy to reach Australia with Derek’s teaching.
    Pray for effective ways to increase awareness of Derek’s teaching through social media, radio, outreaches, and local churches to “reach the unreached and teach the untaught.”

Praise Report - Australia

Peter and Katie Dunstan, our Indigenous outreach partners, spent four weeks visiting aboriginal communities in remote areas of Western Australia. This report came from one visit:

“At a Church in Kalgoorlie called 24/7, we preached on a Sunday and held a ‘Healing Wounded Hearts Seminar’ on a Thursday and Saturday. Participants attending the seminar included all 12 clients of the drug rehabilitation center called "Shalom House." There were many testimonies of God setting people free, bringing both emotional and physical healing from a range of chronic conditions. We handed out Derek’s teaching material and also had the opportunity to conduct one-on-one ministry.”

July 4 - Cambodia

  • Director Huy Ly and his team will hold a pastors’ seminar in Kratié Province on July 15. Pray for safe travel, good health, and God’s anointing.
  • Pray that attending pastors will grow in their knowledge of the Word. Topics include By Grace Alone; Faith to Live By; Power in the Name; Pulling Down Strongholds, Final Judgement and Complete Salvation.

Outreach Reports - Cambodia

A seminar for 51 pastors and leaders was recently held in Takeo and Kampot Provinces, a two-hour drive from Phnom Penh. Teaching from Derek’s books included Power in the Name, The Power of Proclamation, and By Grace Alone, and each attendee received material. After the Takeo seminar, Director Huy wrote: “The impact of this seminar was tangible. The pastors received the teachings with an openness that left us humbled. Derek’s messages resonated deeply with their emphasis on the liberating power of the Gospel, which is easy to understand, especially in our Khmer language. We witnessed a renewed sense of purpose and clarity as they grasped the transformative potential of these truths. We left knowing that this was just the beginning. The fire of faith ignited within these leaders has the power to illuminate entire communities with the light of the Gospel.”

A very successful outreach was held for 400 young people in Phnom Penh during the Khmer New Year, celebrated in April. Director Huy shared, “This outreach allowed us to share the joy of the season while offering a message of hope and belonging through faith in Christ. As a result, many accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord. We are excited to see how God uses these interactions to touch lives and inspire the next generation. Derek’s youth proclamation cards and the booklets, The Divine Exchange and Extravagant Love, were distributed. One attendee was Marady. His joy at witnessing students accept Jesus was truly inspiring. He didn't see it as a one-time interaction; he saw growth potential. Encouraged by the program, Marady has chosen to become an ambassador for Christ within his school. He continues to utilize the DPM youth cards and encourage his fellow students.”

July 5 - Myanmar

  • Pray for God’s protection upon the DPM team in Myanmar, as the political situation remains volatile with an escalation in fighting against the military government that seized power in a coup in February 2021.
  • Pray for new opportunities to share Derek’s teaching.

July 6 - Indonesia

  • Pray for God’s protection, health, and strength for our translators, Rolan and Matthew, in this, the world’s largest, Muslim nation.
  • Over 70 of Derek’s books in the Indonesian language are now freely available on the Indonesian website. Pray for many people to visit the website and use this material to grow stronger in their faith.

Day 7 - Thailand

  • Pray for DPM coordinators Jason and Arisa, and Alex and Jan, who together coordinate the work in Thailand.
  • Pray for protection and wisdom for our translators and that we will find the right translator for our social media.

July 8 - China

  • The new Chinese language Derek Prince Android app with a variety of videos has been developed and is receiving positive initial feedback. Most Chinese cell phones use a variety of Android, so please pray that many will find and use this app.
  • Pray for our translator who is working on the Chinese version of Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People.

Praise Report - China

We thank the Lord for the increased impact of our YouTube channel carrying Derek's materials, especially those in Chinese. Our China team has designed 547 videos and uploaded them to this platform where they are being watched by many Chinese speakers inside and outside China.

July 9 - Vietnam

  • Pray for God’s protection and wisdom for our two coordinators (who are also pastors) as they build DPM’s work in Vietnam.

Outreach Reports - Vietnam

A seminar was held at the end of April for 40 leaders representing five tribes. The theme was “Laying the Foundation,” and the books used for teaching included Founded on the Rock; The Authority and Power of God’s Word; and From Repentance to Faith.

Ten home group outreaches were held in early April in Da Nang and Dong Giang. There was a time of sharing the Word, testimonies, an invitation to receive Christ and a meal. About 60 people came to Christ, 15 were baptized, and a new home church was established. Copies of The Divine Exchange were also distributed.

July 10 - United Kingdom

  • Derek’s teaching letters are reaching many homes and churches. Pray that this material will encourage and strengthen many believers.
  • Pray for our Inside Outreach Prison ministry to grow and bring transformation to the lives of many prisoners. We are in the process of connecting with many chaplains and want to see this ministry become available in all prisons nationwide.
  • We have had a lot of interest in The Promised Land Bible course. Pray that the Lord will use it to touch believers in the UK and increase their biblical knowledge of the nation of Israel.

Testimony - United Kingdom

Paul recently contacted us with this testimony: “When I was a young man, I suffered from depression and anxiety. At the right time I read Derek’s book God’s Medicine Bottle. I thought if it could heal a man physically it could heal me of my problems. God guided me to a number of Scriptures and as I meditated on and confessed these verses, I began to get better. After a couple of months, I was completely healed, even of some physical symptoms.”

July 11 - Denmark

  • Pray for our new series of audiobooks to be well-received and impactful.
  • Also pray for the DPM display at Sommercamp Mosaik (one of the biggest Pentecostal gatherings in Denmark) from July 13–19 to attract a younger audience to Derek’s teachings.

July 12 - Netherlands

  • Director Paul Storms met with leaders from local immigrant faith communities to explore serving churches with Derek's teaching in non-English languages. Pray for successful follow-up and God’s direction.
  • We are developing a new website and webshop to better communicate our mission. Pray for smooth technical and creative work.

July 13 - Norway/Scandinavia

  • Pray for one more solid Norwegian translator.
  • Continue to pray for the development of a Scandinavian online Beta course that we can use to reach the Norwegian population.
  • Pray for our board to find new ways of spreading Derek’s teaching in Scandinavia.

July 14 - Greece

  • Our new Greek website has been launched soon. Pray that people will increasingly find and use it, along with our Instagram and Facebook accounts, to access Derek’s teaching.

July 15 - France

  • We have printed Return to Unity and two parts of the Foundation Series: Resurrection from the Dead and Eternal Judgment. Pray that these books will bring great blessing and revelation to those who read them.
  • Continue to pray for God's provision of finances and also for His wisdom for our work and staff going forward.

July 16 - Germany

  • We want to effectively use the tools of our generation to reach others. Pray that God will help us find the balance between being overly cautious of the dangers of new technologies and being overly naïve.

July 17 - Eastern Europe

  • Director Branislav oversees the various offices and work in these nations and travels regularly, encouraging staff and ministering to them. He recently had a serious health issue from which he is recovering. Pray for complete healing and for wisdom going forward.

July 18 - Ukraine

  • Pray for more translators, editors, and volunteers to help with the growing workload and also for God’s continued provision and protection.

July 19 - Egypt

  • Pray for the success of our first online group study of Derek’s book, I Forgive You.
  • The books Extravagant Love, God's Will for Your Life and Complete Salvation have been produced as short videos in the Kurmanji language. There are an estimated 15-17 million Kurmanji speakers, mainly in Turkey, Syria, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
  • Pray for these teachings to touch many lives and for our team to find the most widely spoken Kurmanji dialect for future video clips.

Praise Report - Egypt

In a remarkable display of faith in action, a team from DPM journeyed to Zahla, Lebanon, extending a hand of hope and healing to Syrian refugees, along with a medical team and a local Youth with a Mission team. This mission combined medical expertise and spiritual care; 150 children received pediatric care and 108 people received dental care with new equipment funded by generous DPM donors; 411 patients received medical treatment. Many others were treated for various issues, and personal visits were made to refugee homes, often just tents. The team’s approach was hands-on and heartfelt, treating illnesses and sharing the comforting message of Christ’s love.

July 20 - Iran

  • We are going to print Does Your Tongue Need Healing? in Farsi (Persian). Pray that the printing process will go smoothly.
  • Pray for the safe distribution of our newly published Farsi books to Iranian Christian communities in Iran, Turkey, the USA and Europe, and that they will powerfully impact all those who read them.
  • Also pray for our contacts in Iran who are under persecution, especially that our brother who has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for spreading the gospel may be released and reunited with his family.

July 21 - Estonia

  • Derek’s book, Appointment in Jerusalem, was translated into Estonian. Pray for printing to be completed by August.
  • Pray for guidance in bringing more students to enroll in our online Bible school so that their lives can be changed.

July 22 - Russia

  • As the team begins updating old videos, which were of poor quality, pray for a new translator, editor, dubbing voice, and video-editing manager.

July 23 - Armenia

  • The demand for Derek’s teachings has grown enormously, beyond the capacity of our present team. Pray for the Lord to send us new volunteers, especially for media-related tasks.
  • A businessman helped us fund and translate 31 videos and 15 audio teachings into Armenian. Pray for God’s blessing for his generous support and help.

July 24 - Tajikistan

  • Tajikistan is an Islamic country where Christians are regularly persecuted. For years, it has been closed and inaccessible to our ministry. However, we now see God opening doors here and into Afghanistan. Pray for the Lord’s protection and favor for our representative in Tajikistan and provision for every need in reaching out.

Testimony - Tajikistan

Alisher, who comes from a Muslim background and is now a Christian, writes:
"Derek Prince's book on blessings and curses helped me a lot. Curses are very common in our culture. People use such words every day without realizing their destructive effects. In Islam, they believe in the power of the curse, but they do not possess the power to get rid of that curse. Derek Prince helped me understand that the tongue has the power of life and death. After reading Derek’s book, my vocabulary has changed radically. Instead of cursing, I bless others and I am always thankful. Thank you for making this book available in my native language. It played an extremely important role in my life and that of my friends."

July 25 - Brazil

  • We have translated the subtitles of 15 Derek Prince video sermons into Brazilian Portuguese. Pray we will find the best way to dub these videos and that they will bring us new affiliations and collaborators.

July 26 - Canada

  • Pray for God’s vision and guidance for new Director Austin Simon and the Canada board regarding DPM outreach across Canada.
  • Pray for the right connections with churches, ministries, and individuals to help fund and distribute Derek’s teaching.

July 27 - United States/Hispanic Outreach

  • Our Hispanic team will travel to Cartagena, Colombia, August 7–9 to attend the opening of a local Bible school and to support pastors and leaders in the nation. Pray for safe travel and the Lord’s blessing on this special event.
  • The Hispanic team is working on the Spanish version of the new online course “Blessing or Curse.” Pray for this to continue well and touch many in the Spanish-speaking world.

July 28 - South Africa

  • Pray for our new national and provincial government leaders to lead in righteousness so that the work of DPM and other ministries can continue.
  • Pray for the successful printing of books into Portuguese, French, Tigrinya, Amharic, Afrikaans, North Sotho, Shona, Tonga, and Chichewa.
  • Pray for the successful editing, subtitling, and voicing of six DVD messages in Xhosa and Zulu.

Praise Reports - South Africa

A recent meeting was held at a church in Cape Town on the topic “Realigning our Vision to God's Perspective” considering Israel’s current conflict. The organizer wanted to order 150 of our “Comfort for Israel” proclamation cards. We donated these, and 100 each of other proclamation cards on Israel, along with books, CDs, and DVDs about Israel.

Regarding our recent elections, many Christians nationwide were praying and fasting. A 90-year-old DPM donor got help from his daughter to set up a WhatsApp group to fast and pray, and it soon had 150 people. Everyone was offered Derek's material for free and excited to be able to have it. We did not have a digital copy of Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting in Afrikaans. A printing company helped rescan and print the book to be ready before the elections.

One of our supporters has been doing friendship evangelism with a lady who owns a shop in a mall. The lady is Russian, and her husband is Jewish. We had printed the Russian Self-Study Bible Course which we gave her, and we gave her husband Appointment in Jerusalem and Pages from My Life's Book in Hebrew.

July 29 - Namibia/Zambia

  • A couple from Brazil who live in South Africa will travel to Namibia at the end of July to visit Udo Wahl who is the head of 12 Bible schools in Namibia and Zambia. They will be taking Derek’s English and Afrikaans books, along with the Megavoice Solar Player with 400 hours of Derek’s teachings, for the schools. Pray for this material to have a great impact on the students.

July 30 - Angola

  • The couple from South Africa who delivered Derek’s material to Namibia will also take Derek's Portuguese material to Angola for Udo Wahl’s Bible school there and for Angolan ministry leaders. Pray for Derek’s teaching to change the lives of these students and ministry leaders who could have a great impact in this nation.

July 31 - French-Speaking Africa

  • Continue to pray for the Lord to connect us with the right contacts to help establish bases for the distribution of Derek’s French material.

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Prayer guide
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024
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