March 1 - International
- Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for our directors worldwide as they plan, share Derek’s teaching, and minister to people.
- Pray for all staff and outreach workers to be protected, encouraged, and kept in good health so they may serve the Lord at full capacity.
March 2 - Sri Lanka
- Thirty Bible college students in Batticaloa (eastern Sri Lanka) were recently gifted Derek’s book What’s So Important About The Cross. Pray that they would grasp the great truths in this teaching and then teach many others on this vitally important topic.
March 3 - Australia
- Pray for wisdom for Director Alex and his staff. A long-time staff member recently resigned to join her husband in ministry. Pray for a good transition in the office operations.
March 4 - China
- A “destructive tsunami” (spiritually speaking) took place in Mainland China on January 19 when about 30 million WeChat users’ personal accounts were deleted by the government without reason. WeChat is China’s most used app with about 1.4 billion users. Although a small portion of that was deleted, it seems to indicate an increased worsening of the online ecosystem in China. Pray for the cybersecurity of our WeChat platforms and all our online users in China.
- Believers inside China are responding to our online materials. One wrote: “I am so excited to find your channel and website online. It has already become my group’s daily spiritual bread. May the Lord strengthen your hands.” Let’s thank God for every life inside China that has been strengthened to walk with Jesus and pray for many more to be likewise helped.
March 5 - Thailand
- Pray for God’s protection and anointing upon Arisa as she organizes the translation of 22 of Derek’s teaching letters into Thai, and for good health for Arisa and her husband, Jason.
March 6 - Nepal
- Pray for God’s protection and provision for Pastor Gopaljee, his wife Ganga, and the DPM book distributors in Pokhara, Itahari, and Kathmandu.
- Pray for Derek’s Nepali books to reach and impact every pastor and Christian leader in Nepal.
March 7 - Vietnam
- One hundred graduates from the Hanoi Theological Bible School will each be given 10 or more of Derek’s Vietnamese titles. Pray that this teaching will help them grow in the knowledge of God’s Word and equip them to teach many others what they learn.
Outreach Report:
- An outreach was held in late 2023 and attended by 50 women from a remote tribal area. They had been forgotten by men, but not by God, who touched them, saved them, and healed them. They were given our proclamation cards and taught how to use them.
- A seminar was held for 40 pastors and 30 church leaders in another remote tribal area, where the leaders are very hungry for God’s Word. Our team taught on The Divine Exchange and Fatherhood, and many cried out to God. Many leaders and pastors in this area have been jailed for four to eight years simply because of preaching the gospel.
March 8 - Cambodia
- Pray for God’s protection and anointing upon our team – Mr Huy, Vicheat and Chhairith – as they continue to reach this predominantly Buddhist nation with Derek’s Bible teaching.
- Pray for God’s protection over the new believers as a result of our Christmas outreaches, and that Derek’s books that were distributed and also placed in four prison libraries will be a source of great blessing to all who read them.
Outreach Report:
- Nine Christmas outreaches were held in December in different provinces for over 14,000 people. This included reaching out to 500 young people and 6,000 prisoners. Derek’s material was distributed, and new believers will have follow-up by local pastors.
- A pastors’ seminar was held for the first time in the Prey Veng Province where 35 pastors were taught from Power in the Name, God’s Medicine Bottle, Fatherhood, and By Grace Alone. The pastors appreciated the materials they received and said that Derek’s teaching is easy to understand and applicable to real world situations.
March 9 - Indonesia
- Pray for God’s protection and anointing upon Rolan as he continues to record Derek’s daily devotional, Declaring God’s Word, in Indonesian.
- Pray that many people would listen to the messages already on the Indonesian website and be built up in their faith.
March 10 - Netherlands
- Our online course Protection from Deception is running this month. Pray for the students to be well-equipped from God’s Word and able to discern the schemes of the enemy.
- Pray for new volunteers to help with proofreading books and our daily devotionals that are reaching a growing number of people.
March 11 - Germany
- We are focusing this year on creating and evaluating special discipleship programs. Pray that God would lead us in wisdom and reveal how we can best teach and nurture believers in this regard.
- Pray for God’s continued financial blessing and that He would show us how and where to best utilize the funds He is providing for us.
March 12 - Norway
- Pray for wisdom for our board as we explore the potential for expansion in Scandinavia, especially to translate and publish more of Derek’s books
- Pray for our new network in Norway as we invite congregations, evangelists, and other Christian organizations to come together and help spread Derek’s teaching across the country.
- Pray for new translators that are needed for Derek’s teaching so we can produce more Norwegian material.
March 13 - Switzerland
- Pray for Director Ruedi to make the right connections to increase the distribution of Derek’s teaching material.
- Pray for the new website to have a great impact and reach many more people across this region with Derek’s teaching.
March 14 - France
- Pray for wisdom for Catherine as she faithfully serves many Bible Correspondence Course students and does bookkeeping and other tasks.
- Our YouTube channel has a steady increase of Derek’s “Word from the Word” videos. We have close to 47,000 subscribers and continue to grow. Pray that more and more people will find these teachings.
March 15 - Bulgaria
- Pray for the translation of 70 video messages to be successfully completed by the end of August.
- Pray for these teachings to have a wide impact on the body of Christ in Bulgaria, reaching both believers and non-believers.
- Pray for the final proofing of Derek’s Foundation Series teachings. This is a big project which requires skills, time, and God’s grace to be done well.
March 16 - Croatia
- Our YouTube channel is reaching more and more people with Derek’s Bible teaching. Pray for our editor to successfully complete work on the subtitles of 70 of Derek’s video messages.
- Damir, our Croatia Director, is reaching out to young people and sharing the gospel. Pray he will have the Lord’s protection, anointing and wisdom and for those he reaches to gladly receive Derek’s teaching.
March 17 - United Kingdom
- We want to expand our prison work to reach inmates in the UK from Eastern Europe and the Middle East with materials in their own languages. Pray for guidance as we connect with prison outreach workers and that Derek’s teaching – Foundational Truths for Christian Living and other resources – will reach and transform many inmates.
- Dominick wrote: “Derek Prince’s teachings have had a big impact on my life, and I feel the Holy Spirit has ministered to me and taught me directly during the nearly six years I have been a believer. His teachings are solid, simple, clear, firm, and practical. I thank the Lord for blessing us all with Derek and his ministry.”
March 18 - Poland
- The translation of 70 of Derek’s video messages is in progress. Pray that we will successfully complete this project, together with book projects scheduled for 2024. May the biblical truths in Derek’s teaching change the hearts and lives of many people in Poland.
March 19 - Armenia
- Pray for protection and provision for the Christian refugees in Armenia. We are involved in helping children from refugee families and have about 200 children under our care. We lead them to Christ and need guidance and funding to feed and clothe them.
- We have now translated and posted more than 21 of Derek’s video teachings on YouTube, which have received about a million views! Pray for those who recently came to Christ through the teachings
to find a good church and become
true disciples.
March 20 - Ukraine
- We give many churches thousands of proclamation cards and brochures. Some churches then share them with soldiers in military hospitals. Pray this will increase
so we can reach more who are wounded and hurting. - Pray for those who take Derek’s books and proclamation cards, along with food and other items, to people in the frontline region and to the Ukrainian soldiers. Pray also for the material to touch many lives.
- Pray that the Lord will help us improve the audio and video quality of hundreds of old Derek Prince teachings.
March 21 - Turkey
- Pray for renewed energy and passion for our team, and for God to bring us new connections and partnerships to help share Derek’s teaching.
- Churches in Turkey are showing a lot of interest in Derek’s teachings, such as Blessing or Curse, printed for the second time in October through believers’ donations! Pray for this interest to continue to grow and the use of Derek’s material to increase.
- An exciting conference for Charismatic Catholics was held in Istanbul in February, where the ministers were delighted to receive Derek’s teaching materials. Pray it would be wisely used and bear much fruit.
March 22 - Iran
- Our Iranian representative, Steve, has launched Derek’s videos in Farsi on YouTube. Pray that these video teachings will reach many Iranians.
- Pray for Christians in Iran who are facing persecution to have strength, perseverance and protection, and continued growth in their faith.
- We praise God for the books published last year in the Persian language. Pray that they will change the lives of all who receive them.
March 23 - Egypt
- We have printed Will You Intercede? in Arabic. Pray that the Lord will use this teaching to call many to become intercessors.
- We are wanting to establish online discipleship groups based on Derek’s teachings. Pray for God’s guidance in choosing the right Arabic books for
the studies.
Praise Report:
- We were recently able to partner with YouVersion to create an Arabic weekly reading plan for Derek’s daily devotionals based on Declaring God’s Word. YouVersion is one of the biggest Bible apps, used by millions around the world. We were also able to translate God’s Will for Your Life into the Sorani language. This was done freely by a ministry friend, and we were able to bless him with a laptop for his translation work.
March 24 - Canada
- Pray for God’s clear direction as to how to spread Derek’s teaching most effectively across Canada, including to the Indigenous community.
March 25 - United States/Hispanic Outreach
- Pray for the continued smooth development of our new Spanish website.
- Our team has been working to produce short Spanish videos for YouTube and social media. Pray for wisdom for those involved in this project.
March 26 - Brazil
- This new outreach continues to grow. Pray against any strongholds and hindrances that would be blocking God’s purpose for DPM in Brazil.
- Pray for the Lord to raise up workers, church and ministry contacts and supporters, and to grant favor and wisdom for this work.
March 27 - South Africa
- Pastor Stemmet, a long-standing outreach partner, is travelling in the Cape area visiting small towns. Pray he connects with the right people to lead established Bible study groups using Derek’s material, and that these groups may even become outreach bases for us.
- Over 70 proclamation cards were translated into Afrikaans. Pray for Stienie as she edits them, and Ina as she does the graphics and layout.
- The Blessing or Curse book in Afrikaans is almost ready to print. Pray for this teaching to impact the nation in a mighty way.
- Pray for the printing of Life-Changing Spiritual Power in Chichewa in South Africa for the many Malawian Christians there.
March 28 - Kenya
- On March 30, our team will be ministering to 2,000 police training students. We will also distribute Derek’s teaching letters. Pray for favor and success for this event and that many students will be impacted.
- In April, we will be meeting with inmates in a juvenile prison. We will be sharing the gospel and giving them Derek’s teaching material. Pray that God will soften their hearts and allow His Word to change their lives.
March 29 - Angola
- Funding is still needed for printing Portuguese translations of over 20 titles by Derek for personal and ministry use for pastors and leaders. Please pray for God’s provision.
March 30 - Malawi
- The Chichewa Life-Changing Spiritual Power book was printed and distributed just before Christmas to many ministries and prisons. Pray that it will have a major impact on the Malawian church.
March 31 - Zimbabwe
- Pray for the successful distribution of several Shona and Tonga titles and that they will bring positive change to many people and communities.
- There is a need for a Ndebele translator for Derek’s books and teaching letters. Pray for the Lord to connect us to the right person soon, as we have been looking for some time now.
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