
Prayer Guide
Join us in prayer throughout the month of May, as we continue to seek God and give thanks for all that He has done.

May 1 - International

  • Pray for DPM’s leaders around the world to walk in unity and seek God’s wisdom effectively in their roles. Ask for God’s protection over all staff, outreach workers, and ministry teams as they carry out their duties.

May 2 - Sri Lanka

  • Pastor Charles Christopherson is our new coordinator in Sri Lanka. Pray that he will have God’s wisdom to expand the ministry and further spread DPM's resources nationwide.
  • Pray for the formation of fruitful ministry partnerships that will take Derek’s teaching to more unreached communities.

May 3 - India

  • Commit the plans of Directors Elsie and Danny to the Lord as they prepare to train the first group of 50 young leaders in the Andaman Islands. There are more than 500 Christian youth across the Andamans who desire to serve the Lord but do not have opportunities for training. This event will bring the first group of young people to be trained, challenged, and empowered for ministry.

Outreach Report - India

  • Directors Elsie and Danny had a successful ministry time in the Andamans in January. They held four seminars on spiritual warfare for about 350 pastors and leaders who all received Derek’s books and SD cards with his audio teaching. One pastor testified, "For the past 37 years, I have devoted myself to missionary work in the Andamans. However, today’s teaching has profoundly impacted my soul, akin to a transformative operation. It was an experience devoid of pain, but brimming with gain, liberating me from the weight of guilt and equipping me to engage in spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness in the heavenly realms."

May 4 - Australia

  • Indigenous Outreach Coordinators, Peter and Katie Dunstan, left at the end of April to travel this month through the southern part of Western Australia. They will minister in Aboriginal communities in a remote gold mining region where revival came in the early 1980s.
  • Pray for Peter and Katie to have divine connections, good health, safety, and protection from spiritual attacks, witchcraft, curses, and territorial spirits particularly relating to traditional Indigenous culture.
  • Pray for a powerful Holy Spirit outpouring and a great harvest of souls, with miracles, signs, and wonders.

May 5 - Cambodia

  • Two pastors’ seminars will be held in May and June for at least 50 pastors due to attend each one. The first will be in Mondulkiri Province after an outreach to a tribal group and the next one in Ratanakiri Province, home to many tribal groups.
  • Pray for smooth organization, and the health and safety of the team.
  • Pray that the teachings of Derek Prince would deeply impact the pastors attending and that they would have many open doors to reach unreached tribal groups and for many to be saved.

Outreach Reports - Cambodia

  • Pastors’ seminars were recently held in Pailin Province and Battambang Province. Nearly 40 pastors attended each one. DPM outreach worker, Huy, and his team taught from Derek’s books, including By Grace Alone, Applying the Blood, and Praying for the Government. The pastors had receptive minds and a great thirst for spiritual growth. All were given a pack of Derek’s Khmer language books to use in ministry.
  • An outreach was held for the first time in a remote tribal village in Mondulkiri Province. For many people, it was their first encounter with the gospel, and many came to salvation.

May 6 - Myanmar

  • Our team plans to hold pastors’ seminars in May and June. Pray for the funds needed and for God’s protection over all involved.


  • A two-day seminar was held recently for 35 pastors, church members, and health care workers (who "double" as evangelists). Our team taught from God’s Medicine Bottle and The Grace of Yielding, and each attendee received free books. One participant testified:
    "The recent seminar was truly a blessing. The teachings, particularly from God’s Medicine Bottle, had a profound impact on me. Just as medicine, even if well-packaged, needs to be used correctly to be effective, the Bible requires proper understanding and application to experience its full benefits. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit in studying the Bible allows its message to nourish and strengthen our bodies, minds, and spirits. This seminar wasn’t just beneficial for me. The lessons and informative pamphlets provided invaluable learning for all participants. I am grateful to Derek Prince for sharing his ministry and to everyone involved in this event."
  • Two other seminars were held in March for pastors, Bible college teachers, and Christian leaders from various denominations. The teaching included The Power of Proclamation, The Grace of Yielding, and Praying for the Government. The pastors expressed their gratitude, receiving Derek’s Burmese language books that they intend to share more widely across their pastoral networks.

May 7 - Indonesia

  • Translators Rolan and Matthew have completed work on several of Derek’s books in recent months. Pray that many people will find and use this free material from the Indonesian website and come to a greater understanding of God’s Word through the teaching.
  • Pray for God’s anointing upon Matthew as he works on subtitling 70 of Derek’s core messages in Indonesian.

May 8 - Thailand

  • Commit DPM coordinators in Thailand – Jason, Arisa, Alex, and Jan – to the Lord, praying for unity in their planning, and clarity in how best to make Derek’s teaching known throughout Thailand.

May 9 - China

  • The team is working on Derek’s book, Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People. As pressure increases on the church in China, pray that many will be strengthened by the truths in this book.
  • The team spends many hours placing Derek's Chinese teaching on different internet platforms in China. Continue to pray that God will protect these materials so that they can impact and change many lives.

Praise Report - China

With Christian materials having been previously blocked, a very popular app that allows short videos to be played in mainland China can be used again for sharing Derek’s teaching. Also, a new bilingual blog for mainland China has been opened, with devotional articles by Derek being shared!

May 10 - Vietnam

  • Uphold the DPM coordinators in Vietnam, asking for wisdom in their work and freedom to preach, teach, and distribute Derek’s teachings without interference from the government authorities.


A three-day seminar on "Fatherhood" using Derek’s teaching was held for 60 pastors and church leaders. It was very encouraging for these leaders who have been heavily persecuted for sharing the gospel. They were given Derek’s book, Fatherhood, and the God is My Father proclamation card. Two testimonies are below:

"The teaching touched my heart deeply; this is the first time I heard a teaching like this. I need to know God as a father as this is the foundation for my fatherhood to my children and disciples." – Pastor Uy

"I never really knew or understood my father’s love for me because he was not with me since I was a boy. I was hurt a lot because of it. But now I know God is my father. He loves me deeply and has healed my heart and helped me to show His father heart of love to others." – Pastor B

May 11 - Netherlands

  • The Dutch team is part of the Global Online Course Team. Last week, we launched the first global online course (in English) called "Promised Land", on God’s plan with Israel. Pray for us as we support new students from all over the world and that they will have a rich experience as they study God's Word.
  • Our online course, "How to be Led by the Holy Spirit" (in Dutch), will also start this month. We thank God for those who have registered. Pray that this teaching will greatly encourage them.

May 12 - Romania

  • Fanel Serban, our Romania Director, will lead deliverance conferences this month. Pray for God’s anointing and the protection of everyone involved, and for many people to be set free.
  • Pray for those attending and who receive Derek’s material to be greatly impacted by his teaching and continue to walk in freedom and victory.

May 13 - Norway

  • Pray for the development of our online "Beta-course", based on Hebrews 6:1-2, and that it reaches young people and deeply impacts their walk with Christ.
  • Pray for the growth of our network in Norway with key contacts joining with us to distribute Derek’s teaching.

May 14 - Poland

  • Lift up our translation projects, including the translation of 70 of Derek’s videos and various books into Polish.
  • Pray for God’s blessing on these projects, that they will powerfully equip the Polish church.

May 15 - France

  • Pray for Catherine and Caroline in the French office, asking for wisdom and strength for the work with our many Bible Correspondence Course students and in social media and communications.
  • Continue to pray for the development of our YouTube channel which has more of Derek’s "Word from the Word" devotional videos every week. We reach nearly 47,000 subscribers. Pray that many more people will find these teachings and grow in their faith!

May 16 - Bulgaria

  • Pray for the completion of translations of 70 of Derek's video messages into Bulgarian.
  • Pray for a smooth final proofing of Foundational Truths for Christian Living and that it will enrich the spiritual life of Bulgarian believers.

May 17 - Slovakia

  • Pray for the smooth completion of the translation and printing of Rediscovering God's Church and that it will greatly impact church leaders in this nation.

May 18 - United Kingdom

  • We thank God for the interest in Derek’s teaching letter, How to Heed God's Call. Pray for these teachings to reach all across the UK and beyond.
  • Pray for God to use Derek’s Self-Study Bible Course on Romans and Life’s Blueprint, strengthening believers in their faith walk.
  • A local supporter recently spoke on Israel using Derek’s teaching. There was great interest, and many people received our material on this topic. Pray that this teaching will have a lasting impact and bear good fruit.

May 19 - Ukraine

  • Uphold the editorial and publishing team, praying for spiritual discernment and protection.
  • Pray for more translators, editors, and volunteers to help with the growing workload.
  • We are grateful to print Derek’s books despite the deplorable state of printing and paper shortages! Ask God for provision to continue printing despite these challenges.  
  • Pray for our books and evangelistic cards to find receptive hearts.

May 20 - Iran

  • Pray for our team as we begin a new series of video and audio translations, that these resources will reach a wide audience and bring many to faith.
  • Pray for more powerful testimonies like that of the young man who came to Christ from atheism. After contacting us, he began to do translations for us into Persian and now helps spread Derek’s teaching!

Praise Report – Iran

In March, Vazgen (our Armenia Director) ministered at the Persian church of Los Angeles, California (USA) where Derek’s teaching has borne much fruit over the years. Two believers there left their jobs and homes, returning to Iran to share the gospel. Our team is planning a large conference this summer for Persian-speaking ministers in LA. We are believing for a far-reaching impact into Iran.

May 21 - Egypt

  • Thank God for the successful distribution of Derek’s Arabic books at the Cairo International Book Fair. Pray that the Holy Spirit works powerfully in everyone who purchased this material.
  • Pray for the ongoing effort of translating Declaring God's Word into the Fur language (spoken in parts of Sudan), and into Egyptian and Gulf Arabic dialects. Pray for the successful completion of these translations for broadcasting.

May 22 - Russia

  • Pray for the impact of our pastors' conference held in Sochi recently, attended by 400 pastors from 90 cities. Pray the books given away will be used well and bear much good fruit across Russia.
  • This year, an unprecedented 14,000 books have been distributed to Russian churches and believers and have sparked increased interest in Derek’s teaching, especially The Beast or The Lamb. Pray for the interest in Derek’s teachings to continue growing, enriching the spiritual life of believers.

May 23 - Armenia

  • Both Spiritual Warfare and The Cross at the Center have been translated into Armenian. Pray for the funds needed to print and publish them.
  • Give thanks for the growing popularity of our YouTube channel. The new translations of 25 video and 13 audio teachings have had more than 1.5 million views!

May 24 - Tajikistan

  • Pray for wisdom, new opportunities and new contacts for us to help the church grow in Tajikistan.
  • Praise God, Derek’s book Does Your Tongue Need Healing? was published, as the first such publication in this predominantly Muslim nation of ten million people where Christians are regularly persecuted. Pray that many more of Derek’s books can be printed so that many lives can be impacted by God’s Word.

May 25 - Belarus

  • DPM’s outreach in Belarus has challenges in the areas of finance, resources for distribution and personnel. Ask for God’s abundant provision to meet every need.

Testimony - Belarus

Praise God for the testimony of Ann, a student at DPM’s Bible School in Belarus. She shared this testimony:

"I am so happy and grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to study at DPM’s Bible School. I am glad to be able to learn, and for the support and guidance of loving people. I am so glad that God’s Word is bringing me more and more joy. Day after day, I am becoming more and more convinced that it is my daily bread. Derek Prince's ministry, his dedication, and his teaching continue to inspire me to trust, admire, and follow Christ. It means a lot that, although Brother Prince is no longer alive, his teaching is still relevant and practical. May your ministry be blessed! The greatest thing on earth is to contribute to the spread of the Gospel!"

May 26 - Canada

  • Pray for the new Director, Austin Simon, and the board as they seek God’s direction for DPM in Canada.
  • Pray for strategic partnerships with churches and ministries to spread Derek’s teachings and for the necessary financial support.

May 27 - United States/Hispanic Outreach

  • Pray for the Lord to bless the efforts of our Hispanic team following a leadership conference they helped organize and hold recently in Colombia, and that new, fruitful contacts emerge.
  • Pray that our Hispanic and Ministry Partnerships teams build strong, new relationships as a result of our participation in an event in Miami, Florida, in April organized by the Spanish Evangelical Publishers Association.

Day 28 - Brazil

  • We have connected with a publisher and a church in Brazil who are distributing Derek Prince’s Portuguese teaching. Pray for fruitful meetings and new initiatives.
  • Pray for discernment in talks with potential volunteers and for the right people to join the Brazil team, expanding our work there.

May 29 - South Africa

  • Pray for the Video Bible School Project that is in progress – subtitling and voicing 30 of Derek’s teachings in 13 African languages so that they can be added to YouTube. We are now working on Zulu and Xhosa DVDs.
  • A man in Johannesburg, who has been listening to Derek for many years and has been a broadcaster since 1990, requested to air Derek’s teaching. Pray for Derek’s teaching on his channel, Eastwave Radio, to reach many young people and impact the region’s large Muslim, Hindu, and Christian communities.

May 30 - Zimbabwe

  • We have eight booklets from the Foundations series translated into Shona and two into Tonga. What's So Important About The Cross has also been translated into Tonga and is now being printed. Pray that many lives will be touched by these teachings.

May 31 - Congo/French Speaking Africa

  • Recently, 26 pastors from Kinshasa, Congo, graduated from Missions Exposure and Training (MET) to be equipped for global missions. All of them received a pack of the French Foundations DVDs, the French Self-Study Bible Course, and other French titles, as well as information on our French YouTube channel, website, etc.
  • Pray for these pastors to share this material wisely and that many lives will be changed.

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Prayer guide
Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024
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