October 1 - International
- Connect, our global digital team, gives support to our worldwide offices and outreaches in their digital projects. Pray for clear communication and good teamwork.
- Pray for our worldwide directors and staff. God’s wisdom, guidance and provision are needed to complete their projects and goals for this year.
October 2 - Japan
- Pray for a significant increase in the number of people viewing our Facebook posts, leading them to our Japanese-language website with many free teaching resources.
- Pray for Masa, our social media developer for Japanese.
October 3 - Philippines
- We need prayer to find several Philippines-based coordinators to organize our work across this vast nation of 114 million people.
- Pray for Angelita and Pinky, our new social media co-workers.
October 4 - China
- In a major initiative that will take two years, the DPM–China team has started to create audiobooks, along with a bilingual short video series based on the Foundation Series. Pray that the Lord will lead the team and give smooth progress at every stage.
October 5 - Laos
- Pray for God’s protection and anointing for the translator and proofer as they work through Derek’s teaching letters in the Lao language.
- Pray for many believers to visit the Lao-language website so they can be strengthened in their faith by the free resources available.
Testimony - Laos
“I was diagnosed with fluid buildup in my brain and a brain tumor. I had two surgeries and chemo, but my health was still not good, and I could not work. I was holding on to unforgiveness against my father for abandoning us. But after proclaiming the Word of God from the DPM proclamation cards, I a stronghold of unforgiveness was broken and many miracles happened, including healing! Praise God and may the glory be unto Him!” — Mala
October 6 - Thailand
- Pray for our coordinators, as well as needed volunteer translators, as they re-edit some of the original translated materials.
October 7 - Cambodia
- For the first time, director Huy and his team will hold an outreach in a floating village for about 200 villagers. Pray for good weather so it can take place, for God’s protection and anointing, and for many to come to Christ.
- Huy and his team will hold a pastors’ seminar on 22–23 October using Derek’s material. Pray for the Lord’s anointing and for many to be encouraged and go on to minister to others.
October 8 - New Zealand
- Pray for all those in prison who are receiving Derek’s teaching letters to come to a greater understanding of God’s Word through them.
October 9 - Australia
- Pray for open doors to initiate local prison ministry so that many prison libraries will begin to stock Derek's books.
- Pray for divine appointments with pastors and other leaders, so they can benefit and use it to teach others.
- Pray that we will re-establish connections in Papua New Guinea to continue our outreach there.
October 10 - India
- Those who attended the pastors’ conferences in June asked for Elsie and Danny to take this teaching to the next generation of church leaders. So, a Youth Training Program is planned for north Tamil Nadu on 17–19 October to train young leaders. Pray that they will be equipped and go on to train other young people.
October 11 - France
- Pray for Caroline who continues to make Derek’s teachings known through all the Social Media outlets available.
- No doors are yet open to get Derek’s books into prisons. We sent over 100 books to as many prison chaplains, and only two responded, neither favorably. Pray for all resistance to be broken and doors to open.
- Pray for DPM–France to be more widely known here and for all obstacles to be removed that would hinder better distribution of Derek’s books.
October 12 - Romania
- We plan to hold a conference in November focused on the topic of depression. Pray for open hearts to God’s Word so that many believers will be delivered and for God’s anointing for the leaders to minister effectively.
October 13 - Netherlands
- Pray for our new volunteer as she starts to translate the study guide edition of Derek's book, Resurrection from the Dead.
- Pray that God calls the right people to join our team. Our YouTube channel is reaching many new people. Pray for Aron and his team as they develop the best strategy for using this platform.
October 14 - United Kingdom
- The Montrose Port Mission uses Derek’s Self–Study Bible Course in languages such as Russian, Arabic, Turkish and Portuguese. Many ships have a Russian crew, and Derek’s Bible studies have helped them develop their English skills. This mission now has a volunteer Arabic speaker who can hold Bible studies in Arabic. Trade has also increased with Mediterranean and North African countries, bringing ships with Indian (Hindi), Arabic and Turkish crews. Pray for the Lord to provide a younger person to carry on with this work and for Derek’s teaching to continue to be used.
October 15 - Germany
- We are working on a new AI-driven learning platform, based on Derek’s teaching, which we hope will benefit DPM more widely in the future. Pray that God will open the right doors and guide us in the right direction.
October 16 - Scandinavia
- Pray for one more translator in Finland so we can publish more of Derek’s titles.
- Pray for new Swedish donors to partner with us to help build DPM in Sweden.
October 17 - Serbia
- Pray for us to complete the translation of 70 of Derek’s video teachings in Serbian by the end of this year.
- Pray for God to send revival to Serbia and other Balkan nations and that Derek´s teaching will be a source of spiritual growth and help bring freedom from dead traditions and false doctrines.
- Pray for the translators and proofreaders working on Derek’s books and audio-visual material.
October 18 - Slovakia
- We will soon start translating the subtitles of 70 of Derek’s video teachings. Pray for God's guidance and wisdom for those involved.
- Pray that our recent reprint of They Shall Expel Demons will give believers a true understanding of their spiritual enemy and find freedom.
- Pray that Derek's teaching will equip Slovakian believers to serve their churches and the Lord effectively and walk in victory.
October 19 - Croatia
- Pray for fruitful networking with Christian bookstores, churches and mission organizations so that we can build and equip the Body of Christ here through Derek’s teaching.
- Pray for our proofreader Sanja to complete editing the subtitles for 70 of Derek’s video messages.
- Pray that our YouTube channel will extend Derek’s teaching to many Croatian-speaking Christians worldwide and that the new generation of believers especially will find it.
October 20 - Mozambique
- Pray for our partner ministries to pass the word about our new Mozambique (English and Portuguese) website, mobile app and YouTube channel so that Derek’s teaching can impact many.
- Pray for an open door to broadcast on radio.
- Pray for the funds to print more Portuguese books.
October 21 - Lesotho
- Pray for more contacts with ministries, pastors and Bible schools here.
- Pray for an open door to broadcast Derek’s teaching on radio.
- Pray that many will benefit from our new Lesotho website, along with our YouTube channel and mobile app.
October 22 - French-Speaking Canada
- We still don’t have “boots on the ground” to help us distribute Derek’s material in French-speaking Africa. Pray for open doors, serious connections, and wisdom on how to proceed.
October 23 - Botswana
- Pray for the completion of Life-Changing Spiritual Power in Tshwane so we can print it before the end of the year.
- Pray for an open door for radio broadcasting.
- Ask for news about the new Botswana website to spread so that many will visit it and tell others.
October 24 - Madagascar
- Dries and Valerie have been serving here for nearly 30 years—translating, editing, printing and distributing Derek's teaching to coastal villages. They then voice the translations for airing on 15 radio stations. Pray for God’s blessings on this couple and that many in hard-to-reach areas will be able to access Derek’s teaching.
October 25 - Brazil
- Many of Derek Prince´s videos and books have been translated into Brazilian Portuguese. Pray for partners and collaborators for dubbing videos, and for publishing and distributing more of Derek’s books.
- Pray also for the needed finances for these projects.
October 26 - United States/Hispanic Outreach
- Pray for the right connections in Argentina for the printing of Derek’s books, The Divine Exchange and Father God.
- Pray for the Lord to provide the funds needed for this printing and for great response to these teachings.
October 27 - Azerbaijan
- Continue to pray for those involved in the translation of Derek's book, The Beast or the Lamb, into the Azeri language. Pray for it to be available soon and bring discernment to churches and be a catalyst for revival.
October 28 - Russia
- Our Russian team is preparing to send thousands of books to churches nationwide. Pray for this process to go smoothly and for tens of thousands of people to be blessed by Derek’s teaching.
Praise Reports - Russia
- The Russian Video Bible School website is finally ready after a long process and will be launched soon.
- Our recent Russian title, The Beast or the Lamb, is in great demand, especially among pastors as they are gaining understanding of the last days.
October 29 - Syria
- We are thankful for the many camps, conferences and vacation Bible schools that were held during the summer. The believers appreciated the excellent training given, using Derek’s teaching. Pray they will share it with many others where they live.
October 30 - Egypt
- Pray for wisdom for the leaders who oversee our online studies in choosing the right books for upcoming courses.
- We plan to translate The Divine Exchange and I Forgive You into Kurmanji. Pray for the Lord’s guidance and removal of any obstacles to reaching the Kurdish people.
October 31 - Turkey
- Pray for the successful translation, publication, and distribution of our new book, The Beast or the Lamb, and for it to bless many Turkish believers.
- Continue to pray for a good voice for dubbing the translation of the Laying the Foundation video series into Turkish.
- Pray for God’s continued guidance and protection over our team that has produced and distributed Derek's teachings in Turkish for nearly 10 years despite the difficulties and persecutions.
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