
Prayer Guide
Join us in prayer throughout the month of September, as we continue to seek God and give thanks for all that He has done.

September 1 - International

  • Our Septuagint Project, whose aim is to translate and subtitle Derek’s 70 most influential video messages into 70 languages, is progressing. We have translators working in about 20 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and beyond. Many translators have faced spiritual battles, health issues, and more. Join us in prayer to sustain them through these challenges. (Read more online:

September 2 - India

  • Rameshwaram is one of the most holy places in the Hindu religion that is dominated by strongholds and temples. Pray for God’s protection and anointing for directors Elsie and Danny as they hold a pastors’ seminar there on 3–5 September. Topics include How to Pass from Curse to Blessing and Spiritual Warfare. Pray for breakthroughs for many pastors and growth in their ministries.
  • Elsie and Danny also plan to train pastors in the rural areas of Chennai on 9–10 September and in southern India on 11 September. Pray for many to have their lives changed.

Outreach Reports

During July, pastors’ conferences were held in seven cities in south Karnataka, two of which were new places for the team. In Bangalore, 150 pastors came, with some traveling 300 kilometers. After one seminar, Elsie shared:

“We last visited Belagavi nine years ago, when 25 pastors came. Now, more than 200 crammed into the same hall. They brought their next-level leaders, mostly women, who came from tribal groups—shepherd tribes, gypsy tribes, the high-class Lingayat community and many others. All were saved from a non-Christian background and now each one nurtures 15 to 20 believers. For many, this was the only seminar where they were not shunned but accepted and taught. At the end, the organizing pastor stood up with tears in his eyes and said this balanced doctrine was what they needed for a breakthrough in their regions. We praise God for the immense results, the hunger, and the open doors in several new districts.” 

Elsie received many testimonies, including this one:

“I traveled 220 km to be at today’s seminar after almost deciding not to attend. Three years ago, I lost my husband due to witchcraft against us. He built us a house and wanted to run a church on the upper floor. But there was much opposition and, as a result, he lost his life. I was in a dilemma. Keep the house or sell it? Run the ministry or give up? Through the teaching today, God answered every question in my heart. He showed me that no matter what sorcery or witchcraft is being done against me, I have authority over the works of the devil. I have been so encouraged that I will now go out and help those who are bound like me to be set free from the bondages of the enemy! Today, I have learned the truth, and the truth has set me free!! I am going back empowered and encouraged to build the ministry that I was considering stopping.” — Pastor Deborah

September 3 - Australia

  • Pray for God’s guidance in creating a national strategy for distributing Derek’s teaching. We especially want to reach the younger generation who don’t know about DPM and equip them with a firm spiritual foundation.
  • Pray for current supporters and others to continue to be fed with Derek’s teaching through books, social media platforms and other means.

September 4 - Cambodia

  • DPM director Huy and his team will hold a pastors’ seminar in Preah Vihear Province on 12–13 September. Pray for their protection and anointing and for the participants to be encouraged and equipped to reach out.

September 5 - Myanmar

  • We want to hold seminars in the next few months to train pastors and other leaders but have lacked the finances to do so. Pray for the needed funds for this training so we can equip the church.

September 6 - Indonesia

  • Pray for many to visit the Indonesian website and be encouraged by the daily devotional audios in the Indonesian language.
  • Pray for Rolan and his son, Matthew, who are both translating for DPM.

September 7 - Philippines

  • Several pastors’ meetings will be held in the next few months, and Derek’s books will be distributed. Pray that they will be well received and impactful and help DPM to become more widely known.

September 8 - China

  • In response to requests from China, our team is designing 3D cartoon and animation videos, targeting children and teenagers to introduce them to Derek's teaching. Pray for creativity and appropriate style selection for each project.
  • The Chinese version of The Beast or the Lamb should be ready in October. Pray for the successful printing and distribution of this important book.

Praise Reports: China

  • The DPM China team has completed the development of a Chinese language app for iPhone. It will be available in mainland China alongside the updated Android version.
  • By mid-July, the Chinese language YouTube channel had more than 412,000 views of the 722 videos produced since April 2023

September 9 - Vietnam

  • Pray for God’s anointing upon our team in Ho Chi Minh City as they work on Vietnamese subtitles for 70 of Derek’s core video messages.
  • Pray for God’s protection for pastor “D” as he travels to remote areas to train Christian leaders and tribal groups with Derek’s teaching.  
  • Pray for wisdom for Mary, our Social Media Coordinator, and Aaron, who is creating audio books in Vietnamese.

Outreach Reports

  • One of our coordinators recently held meetings with three tribal groups, including house church leaders, to introduce them to Derek’s material and teach them. Many were touched and healed. We pray this will lead to a periodic two-month Bible school.
  • A seminar was held for 60 pastors in Quang Ngai, a city on the east coast, to teach Derek’s foundational material. These booklets and the Self Study Bible Course were distributed. One of the 10 evangelists DPM sponsors shared that he has since baptized 20 new believers!

September 10 - Netherlands

  • The expanded edition of Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting is ready to print. Pray that it will reach the younger generation of believers, especially, and motivate them to be intercessors for their country.
  • Pray for the students of our Dutch online course on Spiritual Warfare that starts this month to become stronger and more discerning.

September 11 - Poland

  • Pray for the completion of the 10 booklets in the Foundation Series in Polish and for this teaching to give new believers a solid spiritual foundation.
  • Pray for Polish believers to grow in their hunger for God’s Word and for Derek’s teaching to help many be free from religious traditions and lies.
  • Pray for new opportunities to share Derek’s teaching so that many who are disappointed, fearful, and struggling economically are encouraged.

September 12 - United Kingdom

  • As we increase our communication with chaplains and design a new catalog of material for prisons, pray that our prison ministry will grow.
  • A ministry in Yorkshire uses Derek’s teaching to help new believers coming out of rehab become established in their faith. Pray for many lives to be impacted through this outreach.
  • Derek’s books The Divine Exchange, Hope Beyond Grief and God’s Medicine Bottle, and proclamation cards, have blessed many at just the right time. Pray for this and other material to continue to bear good fruit in many lives.

Praise Reports - United Kingdom

  • Derek’s resources on Israel have been widely distributed: 200 copies of Why Israel? were sent to a large Christian event in the summer and to a bookstall in Yorkshire that is in a weekly market and used to reach many. 
  • A great outreach is taking place with the Seafarers Missions based in Scotland. They recently ordered the Self-Study Bible Course in different languages, which they use as they travel to different countries. The turnaround time for cargo ships is usually hours rather than days, and the crews are on duty. But the Word is sown.

Prison Chaplain Testimony:

“One prisoner whom I met did not know Jesus when he first came in, and he was very down and scared. I led him to the Lord, and he began to read Derek’s books. He found reading very hard but was begging for more books until he had read all the books you had sent us. He was transformed by the Holy Spirit! He also developed a prophetic art gift which he did not have before. So many prisoners have been blessed by the books. My colleague, a Chaplain but a rather reserved one, took home Derek’s book on the Blood of Jesus. He came in and couldn’t stop talking about it and now keeps speaking the Blood of Jesus in his prayers!”

September 13 - Norway/Scandinavia

  • Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as we create a Scandinavian online course (based on Derek’s 10 Foundations teachings). Our goal is to find new ways to reach non-Christians and young people.
  • Pray for the Lord’s blessing and insight for our new workers in Norway, Ingvil and Rune, a couple who will be a great asset to our team.

September 14 - Greece

  • Pray for more people to find our new Greek website, and our posts on Instagram and Facebook, and to be open to Derek’s teaching in spite of the strong religious spirit here.
  • Pray for the Lord’s anointing and encouragement for those involved in the new work here and for His provision for every need.

September 15 - France

  • Pray for many people to be blessed by our new DPM–France app.
  • Pray for Catherine as she translates the Romans Self-Study Bible Course, for Frédéric, the “voice” of Derek in French and for Michaël, as he puts the teaching online, designs images, etc.
  • Our YouTube channel has had over 4.5 million views since it began in 2012, with over 2 million views just last year! We are now posting the “Roman Pilgrimage” series, so pray it will bring much revelation to many.

September 16 - Germany

  • God has given us a connection with an established German software company. Pray that we will have His wisdom and guidance as we build this relationship and that it will produce great results in spreading the gospel and Derek’s teaching in new and more efficient ways.

September 17 - Hungary

  • Pray that our new Hungarian title, Sharing in Christ’s Victory Over Death, will touch those who are grieving, bringing comfort and hope.
    The book, Rules of Engagement, is almost ready for printing. Pray that we can make it available by November.
  • Pray for open doors to all Christian denominations in Hungary and that Derek's teaching will reach every congregation.

September 18 - Ukraine

  • Protestant churches have gained favor in recent months through their active help during the war. Pray that God would use them to share His Word and teaching, including Derek’s material, even with the highest levels of government.
  • Pray for the 79 prison churches that we have given free book sets (over 40 books each) and that Derek’s teaching will equip ministers and touch the prisoners.

September 19 - Bulgaria

  • We are seeing an increased demand for Derek's material, some of which are out of stock. Pray for the funds needed to reprint these titles.
  • We have printed Foundations for Christian Living in one volume. Pray for it to be a great tool to help Bulgarian believers learn the basic doctrines of their faith.

Praise Report

We have successfully finished translating the subtitles of 70 video teachings, which are now available for Bulgarian-speaking believers worldwide on our YouTube channel. 

September 20 - Czech Republic

  • Czech Republic, once a Christian nation, has become very secular and humanistic since the fall of communism. Pray that God will visit the Czech people once again and use Derek´s teaching as a tool to bring many back to God and equip them to reach out.
  • We are beginning our new discipleship programs and restarting small groups for adults, students and youth. Pray for God’s guidance and for new leaders so that many will grow in their faith using Derek’s teaching.

September 21 - Iran

  • Pray for our new books to reach people safely and that we can double our distribution efforts. Pray also for our team’s protection.
  • The book Does Your Tongue Need Healing? is being printed. It is in great demand in Muslim countries where people have a good understanding of the power of words. Pray for safe printing and distribution.
  • Testimonies are coming in of how Derek's video teachings on our Iranian YouTube channel are strengthening people’s faith. His teaching is also available in Farsi on the popular YouVersion Bible app, widely used by Persian believers. Pray for Derek’s teaching to continue to reach Persian-speaking churches and people worldwide and have a great impact.

September 22 - Egypt

  • Our first online group study course based on Derek’s book I Forgive You is nearly complete. Pray for this teaching to touch hearts and change lives.
  • We have taken part in five book fairs so far this year in Iraq and Tunisia, and another is being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 28 September to 7 October 7. Pray that God will use the books we are making available through these events to impact many people.

Praise Reports

We are partnering with YouVersion to share Arabic reading plans based on Derek's teaching. To date, we have uploaded eight plans, which include: The True Source of Wisdom, The Innumerable Blessings of Forgiveness, Approach the Throne of Grace with Confidence and What it Means to be Sanctified.

September 23 - Armenia

  • Pray for a successful launch of Derek Prince’s Video Bible School in Armenian.

Praise Report

Our Armenian YouTube channel has been growing for 10 months, with 2.5 million views and thousands of subscribers. Many are sharing testimonies about the life-changing impact of Derek’s teachings. An Armenian lady sent this testimony:

“Derek Prince’s teachings are priceless for this generation; it has been the foundation of my personal spiritual journey. I thank God for this General of the faith, for his sacrifice and his amazing life! Nowadays the church needs teachers like him: profound, deep, uncompromising. Thank the Lord for Derek Prince and this channel with beautiful Armenian translation.”

September 24 - Tajikistan

  • We are grateful for open doors in Tajikistan, an Islamic country where Christians are regularly persecuted. The next book we want to translate, print and distribute is God’s Remedy for Rejection. Pray for the funds needed for this project and for the protection of all those involved.

September 25 - Estonia

  • A Christian mission here is translating Appointment in Jerusalem into Estonian. Pray for those involved and for successful completion.
  • Pray for wisdom in how to make our online Bible School better known and to attract new students.

September 26 - Canada

  • The new leaders of the Canadian office need God’s wisdom in connecting with their donors and supporters. Pray for them as they trust God’s faithfulness for a turnaround so their outreach can move forward with current and new partners.

September 27 - United States/Hispanic Outreach

  • Pray for the development of new Spanish resources and for more people to find our new Spanish website so they can be encouraged by all the free available material.
  • Pray for new partnerships with Spanish ministries, churches, and leaders.

September 28 - South Africa

  • Pray for the final edit and layout of Blessing or Curse in Afrikaans and Life-Changing Spiritual Power in Tswana so we can print them soon.
  • Pray for the editing of the Zulu and Xhosa Video Bible School subtitles so they can be voiced.
  • Pray that the Afrikaans books and DVD teachings that were distributed this year will bless and encourage the new Bible study groups that received them.

September 29 - Zambia

  • Over 30,000 leaders were trained in Zambia by the late Evangelist Ricky van der Walt using Derek’s teaching. Pray that we can get more material to them through the core men he worked with.  
  • Pray that more and more people will access our new Zambia website (English and Bembe), YouTube and mobile app options to be impacted by Derek’s teaching.
  • Pray that we can get Derek's radio broadcasts back on air in Zambia.

September 30 - Angola

  • Pray for safe distribution of outreach packs, each with 12 Portuguese titles, USB cards, and a Mega Voice Solar Player with 400 hours of teaching. Pray for all this teaching to impact many leaders and be shared with other pastors and ministries.
  • Information on the new Angola websites (English and Portuguese) was also shared with the leaders. Pray that they will pass on this news so that other ministries and leaders nationwide will benefit.

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Prayer guide
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2024
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