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Background for Being a Son or Daughter, Part 5 of 5: Father God

Being a Son or Daughter

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
Part 5 of 5: Father God

By Derek Prince

You're listening to a Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcast.


Today Derek finishes this study by going back over those four results that come through knowing God as a Father. You know who you are and who your Father is. You know that you have a home in heaven. You now have total security. And your number one goal is to please your Father. Then your life will speak volumes to those who are desperately searching for those assurances. And you can give them the solution!

Father God





I have this intense desire to please my Father, my heavenly Father. And I wouldn’t trade that for any other motivation that’s in the Body of Christ. And you see where the ministers of Christ are motivated that way, there’s no room for competition. If each of us is equally set on pleasing the Father, we’ll never compete with one another. You see, there’s a secret here and it comes through knowing the Father.

Let me recapitulate briefly the four things that come through knowing the Father. Number one, personal identity—You know who you are because you know who your Father is. You see we have a fatherless generation around us. And they’re never going to be satisfied until they have a father, and it’s our privilege to tell them there is a Father who loves them, who’s waiting for them, who will not condemn them, who will not criticize them, who will not point out all their faults and failings. He’s just waiting. And I have said to some people, I believe if we could get that across to this generation many of them would run into their Father’s arms. That’s what they’re longing for.

But the only way we can communicate it is the way Jesus communicated it to His disciples. It’s not by preaching. That can play a part, but it’s by living as sons and daughters of God. Living in security. Not carrying some heavy load, but trusting Him whose burden is light and His yoke is easy. And when people see people like that they become interested. “What makes you different? Why don’t you have furrows in your brow? Why aren’t you taking sedatives?” I know the Father. He cares for me. He provides for me.  “Why don’t you have all the financial worries of so many other people?” My Father cares for me. He feeds the sparrows and He feeds me. Now that’s not always easy, but it’s the goal, it’s the solution.

Secondly, as I’ve said before, you have a home in heaven. I’m just looking forward to getting home. I’ve been a long while on the way, more than fifty-five years, and I’ve got many precious brothers and sisters who are there ahead of me. I’m looking forward to meeting them again. Death doesn’t frighten me. I have to be careful that I don’t become almost ambitious. I say that carefully because I don’t believe my job is finished. And my aim is to finish His work. Jesus said, “My food is to do the Father’s will, and to finish His work.”

God made that very real to me. John 4:34, and I went around telling people I’ve got a new diet. And they say, “What is it?”  “My food is to do the Father’s will and to finish His work.” So you have a home in heaven. I mean, heaven has become real to me. There are some very sentimental songs that nobody sings today, but I rather like them.

“Sometimes I grow homesick for heaven
Where all the redeemed of all ages
Sing glory around the white throne…”

It’s corny, but I like it. I used to be very complicated, very intellectual, very profound. Now I’m very simple. I have a home in heaven. I have a Father who loves me. I have a Savior who’s waiting for me. And I have wonderful brothers and sisters that are there ahead of me! I think I mentioned one night about Ali, the Sudanese Muslim whom I led to the Lord. I trust by the grace of God he’ll be there. And he’ll say, “Thank you. I’m here because of you.” Will there be anybody in heaven who will say that to you? “Thank you. I’m here because of you.” It’s a very meaningful consideration.

The third result I spoke about is total security. I think we’ve dealt with that pretty thoroughly. You’re in the Father’s arms. You’re held in the Father’s hand. And no one can snatch you out of the Father’s hand! There’s no power in the Universe that can do that! Jesus said, “My Father is greater than all.” We have the greatest Father! The most wonderful Father! A God who’s a God above all gods. Whose hands are on the corners of the Universe. Who created the angels and the stars and is worshiped by millions and millions of glorious beings in heaven. And He’s waiting for little things like you and me to turn up. Isn’t that marvelous?

And then as I’ve said, and this has made a great difference in my life, it has provided me with motivation for service. I’m not out to build the biggest or be the greatest. I’m out to please my Father. There are lots of situations where there’s not much you can do. You may be sitting in a doctor’s waiting room and you’re late and he’s keeping you waiting and the magazines are pretty boring. What are you going to do? Please my Father by my attitude, by my meditation. There’s never a situation in which that motivation does not apply if we can cultivate it.

Now I’ve told you clearly and plainly, I cannot reveal the Father to you. The only one who can do that is Jesus. But if you seek Him sincerely and humbly on the basis of His word I believe, in His own way and time, He will reveal the Father to you. And I want to give you an opportunity tonight. I’m not saying what will happen because I don’t know, but if you have that longing that’s been stirred in your heart to know God as your Father, why don’t you rise out of your seat, come forward, and I would suggest if you can find a place to kneel, you kneel, and then you just tell the Father. “Father, I want to know You. I thank you for Jesus. He’s my Savior. He’s changed my life. I know I belong to You, but Father, I want to know You. I’m on the way but I want to come to the destination.”

I guarantee you nothing. I don’t know what will happen, but I have a sense that God is here tonight, and that there is a hunger in many hearts. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” If you are hungry and thirsty here tonight, you will be filled. And we invite you if you are hungry and thirsty for the knowledge of the Father, you’ll stand to you feet. And if you feel so led, move out and begin to cry out to God and worship.

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