Cambodia: Equipping Pastors In Battambang Province

Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
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In the far north west of Cambodia lies the vibrant city of Battambang, teeming with over one million souls. Our team recently hosted a DPM pastors’ seminar here for 37 pastors – the first of its kind in this bustling Cambodian metropolis.

Anticipation and Worship

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as pastors from surrounding areas came together. The opening worship service was a sight to behold, with a symphony of voices raised in gratitude and praise; hearts overflowing with thankfulness to the Lord.

The focus of the seminar was foundational topics critical for equipping pastors in their ministry. Sessions included teaching from Derek’s teaching, such as Power in the Name, explored the authority vested in Jesus’ name, while Fatherhood unpacked the transformative understanding of God’s love and care. Recognizing the importance of civic responsibility, a session dedicated to Praying for the Government emphasized the power of intercessory prayer for national leadership.

To foster deeper engagement, the seminar incorporated small group discussions. These sessions provided a platform for pastors to delve deeper into the presented topics, share experiences, and learn from one another’s journeys.

Supplying Local Pastors with DPM Teaching Materials

The impact of the seminar extended beyond the walls of the church. As a parting gift, each pastor received a comprehensive set of Derek’s teaching materials – a valuable resource to equip them in discipling their congregations and further spreading the gospel message within their ministries.

This Battambang seminar stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the thirst for spiritual growth among Cambodian pastors. The air-conditioned comfort of the church may have been a first, but a fire of faith has been ignited within the hearts of those present – these pastors will now go out to the communities they serve with a new sense of purpose.

God Can Transform Your Life

Pastor Sinak was deeply impacted by Derek's Bible teaching. He said,

"While reading Derek’s book Power of the Name, my eyes were opened.  I confess I was a man consumed with myself. Accumulating more and getting ahead were the driving forces in my life. There was a hollowness inside; a yearning for something I couldn’t quite grasp."

Continuing his story, he said:

"Then came a Christmas Eve invitation to a church event. A simple drama depicting the birth and sacrifice of Jesus Christ unfolded before me; with every utterance of the name “Jesus Christ”, a warmth bloomed in my chest; a feeling beyond words. This name, Jesus, echoed in my mind, resonating with a profound truth: He was the answer I craved; the Savior offering a new life.

Just a few months later, I surrendered my heart to Jesus. The emptiness that once defined me began to fill with a love I never knew existed. The desire to serve others, not myself, became the new compass guiding my steps. Today, as a pastor, I share the transformative power of Jesus’ name with others."

He concluded:

"The change is undeniable. The life I once led, grasping for more, feels like a distant memory. Now, the love of Christ overflows within me, an abundant source of joy and purpose."

He also made it very clear that this miracle of God's love is not limited. Speaking about his calling and ministry, he said:

"This is the message I long to share – the power of the name “Jesus Christ”. He can transform your life too, filling the emptiness with love, purpose, and an abundant life overflowing with His grace."

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