By Pastor “D”, DPM-Vietnam Outreach Director
The Christian population in Vietnam faces significant challenges, with the Communist Government imposing strict restrictions on Christian activities and religious gatherings. In spite of this, a number of very successful outreaches and seminars were held during December.
Bringing Hope, Salvation and Healing Through the Gospel Message
Twelve gospel outreaches were held across six regions, reaching over 1,000 people with the Gospel message:
- In several remote villages where access is limited and few are willing to visit, the Gospel was preached. Many expressed joy and newfound hope as they felt remembered and loved.
- In a city with significant restrictions on religious gatherings, an outreach event miraculously proceeded without interruptions. Despite challenges, over 100 people attended in many small, low-key groups, similar to a Christmas home gathering, and many responded to the gospel message with open hearts.
- In a tribal group, over 30 adults and 50 children attended an outreach event where they heard about Jesus through storytelling and songs for the first time. They enthusiastically declared their faith and expressed their gratitude for the gifts and the care shown to them.
- In another area, outreach teams faced initial resistance from local authorities but saw a breakthrough after distributing food portions to the poor. This act of kindness opened doors for conversations about Christ, leading to 50 adults making decisions for faith.

These December outreaches were marked by God’s undeniable grace and provision. Despite the challenges of remote locations, restricted areas, and logistical hurdles, the teams witnessed lives transformed. The gospel message brought hope, healing, and salvation to many who were hearing it for the first time. This impact was particularly significant in areas often overlooked or deemed too difficult to reach.
Equipping Pastors and Christian Leaders Through Derek’s Teaching
The church in Vietnam struggles with a shortage of well-translated teaching and a lack of support to pastors. The DPM teaching seminars held are therefore a life-line for these pastors and Christian leaders, ensuring they are well taught and equipped with resources so they can teach and disciple their own congregations.
Two significant seminars were held during December to equip 70 pastors and Christian leaders. The first seminar focussed on Derek’s teaching from At the End of Time and Final Judgement, with the second covering Self Study Bible Course and God’s Word Heals.
All attendees also received Derek’s books on these subjects to aid their personal study and facilitate discipleship efforts within their local churches and communities. They were also challenged to use the materials to develop discipleship programs in their churches, fostering spiritual growth and biblical literacy among members.

Many pastors expressed their gratitude for the clarity and depth of Derek’s teaching. One participant shared:
“This seminar has given me a renewed perspective on preparing my congregation for Christ’s return and living faithfully in the present.”
A pastor from a tribal group took the challenge seriously and immediately began a Bible training program for the workers and members of his church. Using the seminar materials, he initiated weekly sessions to help his church grow in their understanding of Scripture and its application.
Another attendee testified about experiencing personal healing during the seminar’s prayer session and vowed to share the message of God’s healing power with others.
Across both seminars, the participants were uplifted by the fellowship and the shared commitment to advance God’s kingdom in their regions. A church worker noted,
“I feel more equipped and confident to disciple others and teach them the truths I’ve learned here.”
The seminars were marked by a strong sense of purpose and spiritual renewal. Pastors and Christian leaders left with practical tools, renewed vision, and a commitment to implementing what they learned in their local churches. We expect these seminars to spark long-term growth and discipleship across this region of Vietnam.
Finances are urgently needed to continue this vital DPM work in Vietnam. You can donate safely and securely online below.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support as together we “Reach the Unreached and Teach the Untaught”.