
Prayer Guide
Join us in prayer throughout the month of January, as we continue to seek God and give thanks for all that He has done.

January 1 - International

  • Praise God for His faithfulness! He is the Lord! At the start of 2024, please lift up all DPM Directors and ask Him to guide them and show them His plans for this year. Pray that they will discern God’s voice in the midst of pressures and daily challenges.

January 2 - India

  • Directors Elsie and Danny, and their staff, seek to impact this nation of 1.4 billion people with Derek’s Bible teaching. A trip is planned for this month to the most remote island of the Andaman Islands (in the Bay of Bengal between India and Myanmar/Thailand). It will be difficult, but Elsie and Danny are determined to go as the pastors there need much encouragement. A staff member who is a native of the Andamans will travel with them. Pray for protection and good health.

Testimony - India

I am a pastor and have been in ministry for over two decades. I've been to numerous pastors’ conferences but I've always heard words taken from the Bible that have been mixed with man’s ideas. Today, Elsie of DPM India brought teaching that was only from the Word of God. It was based solidly and totally in the Word and was not deviating to the left or right. I am deeply edified and totally blessed. God bless your ministries.” 

January 3 - Australia

  • God has been so faithful in providing for our needs. Pray that we will continue to have abundant funding for our local and indigenous work and to be able to give toward DPM’s global outreaches in other nations. 

January 4 - Thailand

  • Pray for good health and God’s grace for all those involved in the work here so they will not be hindered in getting Derek’s Bible teaching produced and distributed. Two staff members, Arisa and Ruth, have physical issues that make it difficult to sit for any length of time. Please pray for their healing. 

Outreach Report - Thailand

DPM coordinators in Thailand have held teaching sessions using Derek’s Laying the Foundation material, teaching letters, and proclamation cards. Very encouraging feedback was received as people were able to forgive, be reconciled to family and friends, and were healed from various sicknesses.

January 5 - Japan

  • Pray for protection, good health and God’s anointing upon our translators, “Yvonne” and Takara.
  • Pray for the Japanese people to be hungry for good Bible teaching and that word would spread about the many free Derek Prince resources on the Japanese website.

January 6 - China

  • The Derek Prince Chinese language YouTube channel that began in April 2023 reached a new milestone in its first six months with 41,656 views from over 1,000 subscribers! Pray that many more people would find and view Derek’s teaching in video format through this channel. 
  • Li Keqiang, the former Chinese premier and previously the second most powerful man in China, died of a heart attack at age 68 last October. Li was the last of the prominent moderating voices in China’s leadership. Pray for the Chinese church, as government leaders are now uniformly hard-line and it is becoming more difficult to reach people with Bible teaching.

January 7 - Vietnam

  • Pray for God’s protection over our coordinators Pastors “A” and “D” who are based in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang. 
  • Pray that the government authorities will not interfere in their work in any way so that they are able to freely preach, teach and distribute Derek’s books as and when they desire. 
  • Pray for the funds needed for expansion of our outreach this year.

Outreach Report - Vietnam

Recently, Pastor “D” was arrested by the police while he was sharing the gospel message with 60 students. Three policemen videoed the meeting. Pastor “D” and his team were then arrested and interrogated.  They have since been released, but they were required to report back to the police for more interrogations, with the aim to find out where Pastor “D”’s churches were located and to put a stop to their meetings. Pastor “D” said: “It is tough and scary, and very tiring to go through persecution, but the Lord encourages us that there is a special grace for that. Thanks for this grace to go through suffering with joy.” Pastor “D” expressed gratitude for all DPM supporters who have been praying for him.

January 8 - Cambodia

  • Pastors’ seminars are planned for mid-January and February in the Svay Rieng and Prey Veng Provinces for about 40 pastors. Teaching will be shared from Derek’s books, You Matter to God, Faith and Works and Why Israel?. Pray for safe travel and that the pastors will be greatly blessed by the teaching and resources they receive.
  • The DPM team will visit a floating village along the Mekong River to organize a future outreach. Pray for the Lord to connect them with the right people and guide them to the right place for the outreach. 
  • Pray for the funding that is needed to cover all of these outreaches.

Outreach Report - Cambodia

Director Huy and his team recently held a seminar for 38 pastors in the remote northwest that borders Thailand. There was a real excitement among the pastors, given the lack of Bible teaching resources in this area. Teaching was shared from You Matter to God and Spiritual Warfare. After the seminar, each pastor was gifted five of Derek’s books. One pastor expressed his appreciation for the DPM Cambodia Facebook page and website, citing the many valuable teaching materials he found there. He is particularly fond of the proclamation cards which he and his church use every day. He has also found Derek’s book How to Pass from Curse to Blessing to be very helpful in his ministry.

Testimony – Cambodia

Director Huy writes: “Pastor Sivchen, one of the few female pastors in her area, shared her testimony of what she has learned from Derek’s book Faith and Works. She explained that she had a new revelation following the seminar held by our DPM team in Siem Reap – that she shouldn’t condemn herself or listen to the voice of Satan, who always told her she wasn’t good enough or hasn’t done enough. When she was younger, she had more energy to serve, but now that she's older, she is unable to do as much. She wondered if the Lord still loved her as much as before. However, through the teaching at the seminar, she received her answer and confirmation that the Lord never loved her less because of her age or the amount of work she has done.

January 9 - Indonesia

  • Pray for God’s anointing and protection upon our three part-time translators – Rolan, Matthew, and Susan – who are translating Derek’s books and teaching letters into Bahasa Indonesian.

January 10 - Switzerland

  • Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom in sharing Derek’s teaching material in this region and how it could be expanded. Pray especially for the development of our new website, which has great potential. 
  • Pray for the right people to partner with us in prayer and financial support, and for connections to interested pastors and ministry leaders. 

January 11 - Germany

  • Our office is working to produce new products and new channels of communication to nurture and train disciples in God’s Word. Pray for open doors and God’s wisdom in how to do this effectively.
  • Pray for God’s help to reach the younger generation with Derek’s Bible teaching. 

January 12 - Norway/Scandinavia

  • Pray for Director Sverre as he oversees the work of DPM in this region and for more people to join his team.
  • The Lord put a specific plan in Sverre’s heart to serve house churches. Pray for the funding needed for all his team desires to do.

January 13 - Netherlands

  • On January 15, we will send a teaching letter titled The Root of Antisemitism and organize an online course on “The Names of God.” Pray that believers will be inspired by the Spirit to rededicate themselves to world outreach and intercession for Israel.

January 14 - France

  • Pray for the Lord to continue to give us vision for reaching more francophone people with Derek’s teaching.
  • We are encouraged to see our YouTube channel reaching more and more people. Pray for further growth and many lives to be impacted.
  • Pray that God will touch hearts to give generously for our local work and DPM outreaches in various parts of the world where Bible teaching is not readily available. 

January 15 - Eastern Europe

  • Brano Cekan gives oversight to the work of DPM in 13 nations in Eastern Europe. He travels regularly to meet with and minister to the directors in these nations. Recently, Brano had a serious iris infection, which takes a long time to heal. Please pray for his health, and for God’s wisdom in all that he does.

January 16 - Spain

  • Pray for the new work in Spain to be smoothly established and for those who have moved here to give oversight. 
  • Pray for funding for planned projects and for connections with local church leaders to help distribute Derek’s material in Spanish and Russian.

January 17 - United Kingdom

  • Pray for new believers who are using Derek’s teaching materials to mature in their faith, and that the UK team will have God’s divine wisdom as they minister to them and give encouragement. 
  • We praise God for the young people in the UK who are finding and using Derek’s teaching on YouTube. Pray for their number to grow.

Testimonies - United Kingdom

  • I'm 17 years old, and I came from Italy to live permanently in England.
    I've been looking for help to learn about Jesus for a long time. I can’t
    find a Christian church or missionaries who can help me. When I searched the Internet for a Christian youth group that I could attend, I didn't find any, but I did find on the Internet videos by Derek Prince. They are such a blessing!” – Emanuella 
  • I am new to faith. I am struggling with establishing a relationship with Christ. I don’t believe I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. I have received so much from Derek’s ministry on YouTube and from his books. I wish he were still around today or that there were more preachers out there like him (certainly here in the UK).” – Samuel

January 18 - Ukraine

  • In spite of the challenges of the ongoing war, our team plans to publish four of Derek’s titles in Ukrainian this year: Life-Changing Spiritual Power, Blessing or Curse, Atonement, and Hear God’s Voice. Pray for this to be successful. Pray also for God to send the right people to work on these translations.
  • In times of need, many people turn to the Lord. Pray that the war will bring people to their knees to seek Him, and that they will find Derek’s Bible teaching to help them grow in their faith. 

January 19 - Belarus

  • Pray for more open doors for book distribution and printing, and for the funding needed. Only a few printed titles remain, and there has not yet been an opportunity to do large print-runs.
  • Pray for growth of our prison ministry and God’s guidance for it this year.

Testimony - Belarus

Praise God for the work of our Bible School. We have received testimonies of changed lives, questions answered, and empowerment to witness through Derek’s teaching. Here is just one testimony:

"The time at the Derek Prince Bible School was wonderful. During my studies, I found a lot of answers to my main questions and I gained a lot of useful knowledge which helps me in my ministry when I share the gospel with people who have never heard about God. This knowledge is a solid foundation for everyone who wants to be closer to God. I am grateful for DPM's significant contribution to changing people's lives, and may God bless you all!" – Sergey

January 20 - Armenia

  • Pray for protection and wisdom for our team and their families as they work bravely with refugees and traumatized orphans amid the dangers of a war and humanitarian crisis.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring supernatural peace to the refugees and that they would stay safe. Many of them received The Divine Exchange and 40 of them gave their lives to Jesus in the local church.
  • Pray for the leaders and decision-makers to have God’s wisdom compelling them towards a peaceful outcome in the current conflict.

January 21 - Turkey

  • Blessing or Curse has been reprinted by a local Turkish church and is now very popular among Turkish congregations. It is exciting to see Derek’s teachings spread; pray that it will continue.
  • In February, a big conference of charismatic Catholics has been scheduled in Istanbul, and we have been invited. Pray for God to open doors for new opportunities so we can provide Derek’s teaching to more churches and believers in Turkey.

January 22 - Iran

  • Pray for the Lord’s guidance in organizing new seminars for ministers of underground churches and that this would go smoothly and safely. Derek's books and videos are now available in Farsi, and we praise God that we have already trained many leaders in the Iranian church. 

January 23 - Egypt

  • We have completed the Arabic audio recording of Derek’s book Will You Intercede?. Pray that the Lord will use this book to call many to stand in the gap as intercessors. 
  • We are in the final stages of translating a second book in the Sorani language, God's Will for Your Life. Pray for the translator, who comes from a Muslim background. It is not safe for him to work on this translation openly. 
  • The Cairo International Book Fair will take place from January 24 to February 6, and all of Derek’s books in Arabic will be displayed. It is a unique opportunity to share the gospel in the Arabic world. Pray that we will reach many people and that the Holy Spirit will work in their lives through Derek’s teaching.

January 24 - United States/Hispanic Outreach

  • Pray for progress to continue successfully on our Spanish Video Bible School as well as our Spanish website. Please lift up to the Lord all those working on it to have wisdom and insight.

January 25 - Canada

  • Pray for God’s wisdom in plans for this office for the coming year so that Derek’s teaching can have a greater impact upon the Canadian people.

January 26 - Brazil

  • Exciting things are happening through this young DPM outreach. A church contacted us to help donate teaching letters to other churches in Brazil, and we are exploring this partnership. Pray that Derek’s teachings can reach many more of the 214 million people in this nation.

January 27 - Namibia

  • Revive Us bookshop in Windhoek has been buying large quantities of books, and several ministries have been using and distributing Derek’s material. Bible schools have also been established across Namibia. Pray that Derek’s teaching being used in all these capacities will have a profound impact, not only on individuals, but on the entire nation.

Testimony - Namibia

Udo Wahl is a ministry contact who attended Derek’s meetings in Germany in the 1990s. He bought every German and English book he could and studied them over and over. Udo and his wife eventually moved to Namibia and started a Bible school. As a result, his graduates founded a number of other Bible schools, including one in Angola and one in Zambia. We will be sending him boxes of books and DVDs, and proclamation cards in English, Afrikaans, and Portuguese. Praise God for what He has done through this one believer hungry for God’s Word! Read his story on our website: (https://testing.derekprince.com/news/c-20231102-1)

January 28 - South Africa

  • Pray for the right African language editors (13 languages) to edit the new African language websites and teaching letters. 
  • MegaVoice solar-powered audio players filled with hundreds of hours of Derek’s teaching are being sent to many Bible study groups and churches. Pray that, through this teaching, people will grow strong in their faith.

Praise Reports - South Africa

  • A long-standing supporter who worked in Correctional Services at Pretoria’s main prison was promoted to oversee Correctional Services for all of South Africa. This opens up many doors for sharing Derek’s resources with inmates. So far, we have been able to print 150 copies of the Self-Study Bible Course for inmates, and another 80 were requested for the supporter’s church youth and leaders.
  • A door has opened to send Derek’s material to all the police stations in Johannesburg! A long-time supporter prays with officers at their request due to their work in dangerous situations. We will provide him with a selection of Derek’s teaching.
  • An organization that helps abused women, rape victims and pregnant single women asked us for assistance. They give out gift packs to the ladies when they arrive, approximately 40-60 each month just in the Pretoria area. We will give them relevant teaching by Derek to go into these packs.
  • Pastor Stemmet has had reports of a group of 20 that meets in a café in Alexander Bay to study Derek’s teaching. It started with Derek’s Afrikaans Foundations book, Bought with Blood, the Self-Study Bible Course and other material. Another home group has studied through the 800-page Afrikaans Foundations book four times! And there are more testimonies showing a move of the Holy Spirit to study the Word wherever Pastor Stemmet has left Derek’s books with leaders. We will be sending MegaVoice solar-powered audio players with 400 hours of Derek’s teaching to all these new Bible study groups.

January 29 - Angola

  • Continue to pray for the funding needed for printing Portuguese translations of over 20 titles by Derek. These will be distributed to pastors and leaders for personal and ministry use.

January 30 - Malawi

  • Distribution of the Chichewa translation of the Life-Changing Spiritual Power book is in progress. Copies have arrived in Northern Malawi and will be going to several mission organizations, pastors and other leaders, prisons, and youth ministries. Pray for this to continue smoothly and for many people to be impacted by this teaching.

January 31 - Zimbabwe

  • Our team has translated and printed four books into Tonga, including Expelling Demons and Explaining Blessings and Curses, as well as five books into Shona, including What’s So Important About The Cross and Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting. Pray for their successful distribution and that many lives will be transformed through this new material.

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Last Updated: Jan 03, 2024
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