
Watch powerful full-length sermons by Derek Prince for practical Bible-based messages that inspire faith and draw you closer to God.

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Thumbnail for True and False Christ - Part 2
Top 10
End Times
Spiritual Warfare
End Times
Spiritual Warfare

The ultimate end-time conflict: the beast (Antichrist) vs. the Lamb (Jesus). How will we identify the beast? On whose side will we be?

Thumbnail for True and False Church - Part 1
Top 10
Church and Leadership
Christian Living
Church and Leadership
Christian Living

Two opposing religions are coming to fulfilment in our time. Abel's produces a martyr and a bride; Cain's produces a murderer and a harlot.

Thumbnail for Do You Realize How Valuable You Are?
Top 10
Christian Living
Spiritual Growth
Christian Living
Spiritual Growth

Most Christians do not realize their value in God's eyes. What often appears to be humility is simply an inability to understand our standing as a child of God. Learn to see yourself as God sees you—and leave poor self-esteem behind forever.

Thumbnail for Ministries Of The Holy Spirit
Top 10
Holy Spirit
Christian Living
Holy Spirit
Christian Living

The Holy Spirit—Christ's personal representative—seeks out those who are seeking to be like Jesus to empower them with gifts and graces that bring glory to God. Learn what these ministries are and how you can cultivate them in your life.

Thumbnail for The Cross in My Life - Part 2
Top 10
The Cross
Spiritual Growth
The Cross
Spiritual Growth

The cross applied to your own life provides a fivefold deliverance from this present evil age, the law, self, the flesh, and the world.

Thumbnail for I’m Glad You Asked That!
Top 10
Christian Living
Prayer and Fasting
Christian Living
Prayer and Fasting

A question and answer session, Derek addresses a number of key issues relating predestination vs. free will, Christians participating in protests, abortion, Israel, love, and more.

Sermon Library

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Top 10 most popular sermons

Watched by millions worldwide.
Thumbnail for How To Find Your Place
Top 10
Christian Living
Spiritual Growth
Christian Living
Spiritual Growth

God saved you to fulfill a plan He conceived in eternity. Discover the seven steps that will take you into that plan!

Thumbnail for How To Be Delivered
Top 10
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare

In this insightful message, Derek Prince demystifies demons and offers practical steps to breaking their strongholds.

Thumbnail for The White Horse Of The Gospel
Top 10
End Times
Christian Living
End Times
Christian Living

Thumbnail for Casting Down Strongholds
Top 10
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare

We have an enemy that takes us seriously, so we should take our enemy seriously. In this insightful message, Derek Prince explains the nature and activity of spiritual warfare.

Thumbnail for How To Apply The Blood
Top 10
The Cross
Spiritual Growth
The Cross
Spiritual Growth

Personal testimony is the "hyssop" by which we apply the Blood of Jesus to our lives.

Thumbnail for How to Identify the Enemy
Top 10
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare

Controversial, yet scriptural. Deliverance from demonic influence is a relevant and needed ministry in today's church. Drawing on decades of personal experience, Derek Prince imparts the foundational keys to spiritual freedom.

Thumbnail for Invisible Barriers To Healing
Top 10
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit

God provides healing as part of the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. But what do you do when you don't see the healing manifest in the physical realm? Derek Prince discloses six common barriers to healing—and how to overcome them.

Thumbnail for When You Fast
Top 10
Prayer and Fasting
Christian Living
Prayer and Fasting
Christian Living

In Matthew, when Jesus says, "When you pray," we all accept that He intends for prayer to be a key part of our life as a Christian. But then how do we respond when Jesus says, "When you fast"? Discover God's mandate to fast—and the benefits and effects connected to it.

Thumbnail for The Holy Spirit As Guide
Top 10
Holy Spirit
Spiritual Growth
Holy Spirit
Spiritual Growth

Righteous living is not achieved by keeping a set of rules, but by being led by a personal guide: The Holy Spirit. Learn how to be a fulfilled and complete Christian believers.

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