Spanning all creation, discover a war that currently wages between two opposing spiritual kingdoms and our vital role in the conflict.
(Chronological order)
As Christians, we are involved in a wrestling match—both individually and corporately. In order to be victorious, we must understand the origin of this conflict and the structure of our enemy's kingdom.
Basics of Deliverance
Controversial, yet scriptural. Deliverance from demonic influence is a relevant and needed ministry in today's church. Drawing on decades of personal experience, Derek Prince imparts the foundational keys to spiritual freedom.
By the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice, Jesus canceled forever the effects of sin and provided complete well-being for every believer.
By the perfect all-sufficient sacrifice, Jesus canceled forever the effects of sin and provided complete well being for every believer. These messages unfold fourteen main aspects of this sacrifice, and four steps by which to appropriate its provisions.