Gain clarity and a deeper understanding of Israel with this in-depth series exploring the nation's unique past, present and future.
(Chronological order)
The name Israel occurs about 2,600 times in the Bible. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince paints a clear picture of God's dealings with Israel—and instruction on how to pray for Israel.
In this insightful message, Derek Prince demystifies demons and offers practical steps to breaking their strongholds.
Seven Steps To Revival
How can we determine what is witchcraft and what is not? Is there a spirit of witchcraft at work in our nation? Watch this video to find out! The Lord allows His people to reach a place of utter helplessness and total reliance. But, when our prayer is based on this realization, the Lord's compassion prevails.
Where Are We In Bible Prophecy?
Bible prophecy reveals much concerning the end of the age. The "secret things" remain hidden, but it is our responsibility to study and to act on the "revealed things." This assures our preservation and ultimate victory.