There are two churches in operation today; the true church and a false church. Learn how to identify the enemy so you are not deceived.
(Chronological order)
Two opposing religions are coming to fulfilment in our time. Abel's produces a martyr and a bride; Cain's produces a murderer and a harlot.
Many Christians, and more than a few worship leaders, know that thanksgiving, praise and worship are three very distinct ways of expressing ourselves to God. In this challenging message, you will discover the practical means to incorporate each of these in your approach to God and experience the glorious results.
Who Am I?
Analyze the components of total human personality from creation to climax. Confronts you with yourself: your potential, your problems, and your ultimate destiny.
Is there hope for America? If Jesus said to you, ‘Would you ask Me to give you My heart for America?’ how would you answer? There is hope for this nation. If we have Jesus' heart for America, lives will be changed.