By Derek Prince
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Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
The Cross Nullifies Witchcraft, Part 1
Iâm really grateful for the person who always demands a title because he makes me to state what Iâm going to be talking about. The title this morning was âWitchcraft Unveiled.â Then when I was accosted this evening on my way here I quickly came up with the title, âThe Cross Nullifies Witchcraft.â So thatâs what Iâm going to talk about tonight and tomorrow night.
Let me remind you that I pointed out that on the cross Jesus administered to Satan a total, eternal, irrevocable defeat. Nothing can ever change that. So, Satan cannot ever recover from that defeat but Jesus has left it to the church to administer his victory. So Satanâs tactic is to keep the church from doing that by obscuring what happened on the cross. And the evil force that obscures the work of the cross is called in the Bible witchcraft. The church today, in my opinion, is largely in the condition stated by Paul in Galatians 3:1:
âO foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified?â
What has witchcraft done? Obscured Jesus crucified. Once the church loses the sight of what was accomplished on the cross, the church no longer can administer Jesusâ victory over Satan.
Then I described what witchcraft does. Itâs an illegitimate power that supports and illegitimate authority. Itâs a supplanter, a usurper. So, Godâs ordained authority is set aside by manâs rebellion and another authority is set in its place which is maintained by the supernatural power of witchcraft.
I outlined briefly to you certain results in the church, certain ways in which what God ordained to prevail has been set aside in favor of something that does not do the job. If I could use this languageâand some of you wonât understand itâbut if I go on long enough, youâll get used to these words. The spiritual has been supplanted by the soulish. The soulish is where witchcraft flourishes. So Iâm going to just read this list again because I believe it is very important to see.
As a result of the work of witchcraft in the church and in the lives of individual Christians, the spiritual has been supplanted by the carnal. To use an Old Testament picture, Isaac has been supplanted by Ishmael. Only as I was preparing for these meetings did I realize that thatâs the exact truth about Islam, itâs exactly what Islamâs done. If youâre not familiar with its teaching, it teaches that Abraham offered Ishmael and not Isaac, and that the descendants of Ishmael are the chosen inheritance. I donât know whether youâre familiar with Islam, the Mohammedan religion, but according to my observation, at the moment it is the most powerful, evil force opposing Christianity in the earth. The aim of Islam is clearly stated. Itâs to take over the world for Islam. They mean it, theyâre working at it. And they regard Britain as an easy prey. According to statistics in the last two or three years, 15,000 Britons have converted to Islam. Itâs now the largest active, single religious movement in this country. Dear British people, itâs time you woke up. Church of Jesus Christ, what have you been doing?
Going on with witchcraft. Witchcraft has supplanted revelation by theology. Revelation is spiritual, theology is soulish, itâs intellectual.
Witchcraft has supplanted discipling by education. Education just teaches peopleâs minds, discipling trains peopleâs characters. To educate minds without training characters is to produce disaster. See? Paul said in Romans 8, âThe carnal mind is enmity against God.â So if you just get people into religious atmosphere and educate their carnal minds, what you are educating is enemies of God. And the finished produce will be educated enemies of Godâwhich is what the majority of seminaries are producing worldwide today. You could name some names in Britain that are on the news continually who are pretty good representatives of the educated enemies of God.
Witchcraft replaces discernment with psychology.
It replaces supernatural direction, the leading of the Holy Spirit, by planned program.
It replaces supernatural power by eloquence.
It replaces the walk of faith by reasoning.
And, it replaces love by legalism.
Thatâs not a complete list but it just gives you an example of what the products of witchcraft are when itâs admitted to the church.
One of the marvelous things about the Bible for me is that it wasnât written mostly as a theological treatise. Paul didnât write his letters to write theology, he wrote them in strange places: peopleâs homes, jail. He wrote to certain situations and certain churches or individuals lives. But the Holy Spirit so inspired him that the final result is perfect. Iâve seen this over the last few years in Galatians. Galatians unfolds the problem which is witchcraft. But Galatians also gives us Godâs answer to witchcraft. And thatâs what Iâm going to deal with tonight and tomorrow night, the provision that God has made to protect us from witchcraft.
You see, as a man with a ministry, I tremble for my own spiritual condition. I have seen so many men with powerful, successful ministries corrupted by their power and their success. And I have sincerely sought God, âGod, is there a protection? How can we keep from these disasters?â I mean, Iâve been associated with the Pentecostal movement, as Iâve said, for well over 40 years. I can remember all the days of the voice of healing evangelists. Out of 50 internationally known evangelists, I doubt whether 10 have survived with their character and their ministry intact. A certain politician once said this, âPower corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.â And that is really true. Is there any way that we can avoid being corrupted by the power that God commits to us?
One of the problems of the Pentecostal movementâand Iâm not a critic of the Pentecostal movement, I owe everything to them. I owe my salvation and everything. They were the first people that ever told me you could be saved and born again. But one of the problems of the Pentecostal movement is basically, most of us are focused on power. Youâll hear Pentecostal people, âWeâve got the power of God.â If you want power, you get baptized in the Holy Spirit. Power without some safeguards is disastrous.
So, Iâm going to try to speak to you tonight and tomorrow night about the safeguards. And the safeguards all come through applying the work of the cross in our own lives. You see, thereâs two aspects to the work of the cross. Thereâs what Jesus did for us, He provided everything weâll ever need, He defeated our enemy. Thatâs for us. Lots of people who get excited about that have never begun to understand what the cross is intended to do in us. But if the cross doesnât have its work in us, we will not really be able to benefit from what the cross has done for us because our subtle, deceptive enemy will get the better of us and corrupt us.
So, Iâm going to speak about five operations of the cross in the life of the believer. What Iâm going to say, in a sense, is not popular preaching. Iâm not going to tell you how to get rich quick. Iâm not going to tell you how to solve all your problems or get all your prayers answered in the next 6 months. Iâve preached prosperity before there was a prosperity movement because the Bible teaches it. Concerning the man who meditates in the law of God day and night and doesnât walk in the way of the ungodly, it says whatsoever he does prospers. But, the problem is that people have taken the contemporary American concept of prosperity and tried to put it into the Bible. The word prosperity, properly translated, means âsuccess.â For a believer, the greatest success is to accomplish the will of God. That was Jesusâ motivation. He said, âMy food is to do the will of Him who sent me and finish His work.â Where did He finish the work? On the cross. Was that prosperity? Not by American standards. People say, âI believe in victory.â Let me tell you, Jesus was never more victorious than when he was on the cross.
Could you believeâand this is just a thoughtâthat God will take the church home the same way He took His Son homeâby way of the cross. If you know whatâs going on in Communist China today, thatâs a very probable thesis. I suppose the church in Communist China, with all its weaknesses and its lack of equipment, is probably the most wonderful thing thatâs happened in church history since the book of Acts. Itâs estimated there are between 50 and 100 million new believers in Communist China in the last two decadesâin the face of intense opposition and persecution. The supernatural there is just accepted as normal Christianity.
I read an account in Brother Andrewâs publication, Open Doorsâsome of you may have seen itâof a Chinese wife who came to the Lord and he daughter came to the Lord and the husband and father were terribly angry. He forbid them to go to church or to have anything to do with the gospel. One night the mother and the daughter went out to the church meeting, the father discovered they werenât there, asked his son where they were, the son said theyâd gone to the meeting and the man went absolutely mad with rage. He seized an axe and when his wife opened the door to come in, he began to strike her and the daughter with the axe. He literally chopped them in pieces with his axe. The people in the village heard what was going on and gathered and as they were looking at the dead bodies writhing in their death throes on the ground, the bodies were slowly lifted up into the night air and disappeared. Thatâs what we call translation power. Of course, I wouldnât want to ask how many of you would be willing to go that way. But we may not get any options.
Letâs turn to Galatians and look at five statements of Paul. I think for some of you these statements will be somewhat surprising. Weâll read chapter 1, verses 3â4.
âGrace to you and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, [Where did he give himself? On the cross.] that he might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.â
I believe thatâs primary. I believe until we understand that through the cross it is Godâs purpose that we be delivered from this present evil age, we are not really in line for what God intends to do for us and through us. There are four other deliverances through the cross which follow in Galatians and weâll look at them. But I think in a certain sense, the other four are the outworking in various areas of this primary deliverance which is from this present evil age. I wonder how many of you have ever actually realized that itâs Godâs purpose to deliver you from this present evil age.
There are two words used in the New Testament, Greek words, and theyâre not always accurately translated, so we need to pause for a moment. One word is kosmosfrom which we get such words today as cosmonaut, cosmology, and all sorts of words like that. And that is properly translated âworld.â But it doesnât mean the globe in the New Testament, it means the present world order. And the distinctive feature of the present world order is that it is not submitted to the righteous government of God. It is an order that is in rebellion against God.
The church is a group of people called out from the world. Thatâs what the word church means, a called out company. I think it would be worthwhile looking for a moment in John 15. Keep your fingers in Galatians, weâll probably get back there sometime before midnight. John 15:19. I choose this verse because the word âthe worldâ occurs five times in this one verse. This is what Jesus said to His disciples:
âIf you are of the world, the world would love its own: yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.â
Okay? You understand, thereâs a total line of separation between the world and the church. The world is in rebellion against God, the church called out by a sovereign choice of Jesus to become the people of God, is submitted to God. And the more the church is submitted to God, the more the world will hate it. Okay? Jesus said to His brothers, âThe world canât hate you because you belong to it. But me it hates because I testify of it that its deeds are evil.â If the world doesnât hate the church in Britain today, do you know the reason why? Because the world is half inside the church. Why should the world hate its own? Thereâs a teaching that the church is going to take over the world. I donât believe that, let me tell you that. At the present moment itâs the other way around. The world has taken over the church. I believe if the world were evicted from the church and the church were separated from the world, we would discover how much the world really hates the church. So, thatâs the church. Itâs a kind of sociological, geographical entity. The Greek word is kosmos.
The other word thatâs used in Greek is the word ionwhich gives us the English word âeon,â and is an age. Itâs a measurement of time. Godâs time plan consists of ages that follow one another, and the strongest phrase in the Bible âforever and everâ is âto the ages of ages.â That is ages, each of which is made up of ages. You understand? The human mind canât even begin to comprehend whatâs involved.
What we are talking about in Galatians is the word age. I think if I remember rightly, the Old King James Version may well say âthe world,â Iâm not sure. But Galatians 1:4 says:
âChrist gave himself for us that he might deliver us from this present evil age.â
Now I want to point out to you certain simple, objective facts revealed in the Bible about this present age. First of all, the most important thing you can know is itâs coming to an end. Itâs not going to last forever. If you feel the way I do, youâll say thank God because I donât want the present age to continue, I think itâs a mess. I think itâs getting steadily worse.
Letâs look in Matthew 13. This is the great chapter of the parable of the kingdom. Matthew 13:39, interpreting the parable of the wheat and the tares, Jesus says:
âThe enemy who sowed the tares is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are the angels.â
So He says the harvest is the end of the age. When the harvest comes, the age is going to end.
And in verse 40 He says:
âTherefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be at the end of this age. The Son of man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness; and will cast them into the furnace of fire: there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the son in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.â
The righteous and the wicked are going to coexist right up to the end of the age. And actually, itâs not our business to separate them. Itâs too difficult. The workers said, âShall we go and pull up the tares?â And you remember what the landowner said? âNo, because you might pull up some of the wheat with them.â But Jesus says, âAt the end of the age, Iâll send out my angels. Theyâll pull out the tares and the wheat will be left.â But what I want to emphasize is the age is coming to an end.
And in the same chapter, verse 49, another parable, the parable of the drag net.
âSo it will be at the end of the age: the angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire...â
There are many other such passages but itâs extremely important for us to all to realize this age is coming to an end. So, if we live as if it was going on forever, weâre living in a delusion.
The next fact about this age states the reason why itâs an evil age. You turn to 2Corinthians 4:4, we have to read verse 3 to get the sentence. 2Corinthians 4:3â4:
âBut even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded.â
Whoâs the god who blinds the minds of unbelievers? Satan. And do you know what he is? Heâs the god of this age. No wonder he doesnât want the age to end, you understand? Because when this age ends he will no longer be a god. But the churchâs responsibility is to bring the age to an end, terminate the rule of Satan as a god.
Itâs interesting because heâs called âthe god of this age,â and three times in Johnâs gospel Jesus calls him âthe ruler of this world.â So, heâs the ruler of the world system but heâs the god of the present age. And since he is totally evil, that explains the evil of the age of which he is a god.
You could say God could dethrone him. But, heâs not going to. Heâs going to bring the age to and end, and with the end of the age will cease Satanâs position as a god. You see that? Thatâs why he does everything in his power to delay the end of the age. He knows itâs coming but heâs trying to delay it. And he has two main tactics. One against Israel, the other against the church. Because, certain things have to happen in the church and in Israel before the age will end. And the devil is a student of prophecy, he knows that.
So, if youâre involved in the church, youâre involved in a battle. And if youâre involved with Israel, youâre involved in a battle. And Ruth and I are involved in both battles simultaneously. I have to tell you frankly, we live on the front lines. We just donât have any knowledge of what itâs like to be anywhere else. When we get out of one battle we move into the next. Itâs not our choice, itâs simply our appointment.
Now, in Hebrews 6, the writer of Hebrews says that those of us who have had the experiences that we have had, have tasted the powers of a new age. Heâs speaking about people who go back from what they have had but just letâs read the words. Hebrews 6:4â5:
âFor it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the age to come...â
Thereâs five experiences there and I believe most of us here have had all those five experiences. Weâve been enlightened, weâve tasted the heavenly giftâeternal lifeâweâve become partakers of the Holy Spirit, weâve tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the age to come. I understand thatâs what comes with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, youâre immersed in the supernatural presence that is supernatural in this age and will be natural in the next age. So, we have been given a little taste of what the power of the next age will be like. I believe God has given us a taste to spoil our taste for this age. I think the Christian should not be too enamored with the tastes of this age when theyâve tasted the powers of the age to come.
Then in Matthew 13:22, weâll go back to that chapter, interpreting the parable of the sower and the seed, Jesus says:
âNow he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches choked the word, and he becomes unfruitful.â
Where it says âworldâ in this translation, the correct translation is âage.â Youâll find the NIV translates it âage.â So, the cares or the worries of this age choke the word of God and make us unfruitful. Again you understand we cannot afford to be part of this age. Because, if weâre part of this age weâll be dominated by its cares and its problems. They will make us spiritually unfruitful. Weâve got to live lives that belong to a different age.
I look at some of your faces and I reckon you have never heard this before. But I think Iâm showing you itâs right through the pages of the New Testament.
Turn to Romans 12:2.
âAnd do not be conformed to this world [thatâs the NKJ but the correct translation is âage.â Do not be conformed to this age] but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.â
So we cannot afford to be conformed to the present age. And the way we are changed is not by a lot of religious rules, because that doesnât change people inside. The way we are to be changed is in our minds. Because, when we begin to think differently weâll live differently. See, thatâs the difference between religion and grace. Religion consists of outside rules: what should you wear, how long your skirt must be, how much lipstick you may wear and all sorts of things. Iâve been through all that andâwell, you have to understand, I had a wife and nine daughters so I went through it by proxy! I have to say, my first wife never since she became a Christian, which was many years ago, never wore any kind of make-up. That makes really no difference to me. My present wife wears make-up. So what?
You know, in the Assemblies of God, way back, it was a sin to wear make-up. So they never put make-up on. But after the rule was made, people came out with eye-shade and there was no rules about eye-shade so they would wear eye-shade without make-up which made them look like ghosts! What Iâm saying is rules like that donât change peopleâs heart. Youâve got to change the way they think. Then theyâll change. So Paul says donât think the way this age thinks. Be changed in your mind, let the Holy Spirit give you a different way of thinking and evaluating things, different priorities, different ambitions, different goals. Then youâll live differently.
Then he says when you have your mind renewed, youâll be able to find out what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. You see, lots of Christians donât find the will of God because theyâre never renewed in their minds. The unrenewed mind cannot discover the will of God. The carnal mind is enmity against God. God doesnât reveal His secrets to his enemies. But if your mind is changed, then God will begin to show you His secrets. Heâll begin to show you His secret plan for your life. Iâm afraid millions of Christians will get to heaven but theyâll have missed Godâs plan here on earth because they were not renewed in their minds. So, we are not to be conformed to this present age.
And then in 2Timothy 4:10, I think we have one of the great tragedies of the New Testament. One of Paulâs most trusted, long-term fellow workers abandoned him in jail. Who was he? His name was Demas. This is what Paul says:
âDemas has forsaken me, having loved this present age...â
It doesnât say that Demas went into sin, that he became immoral or drunk. He just was enamored of this present age. And there came a point where the love of this age made it impossible for him to go any further with Paul. I think that has been true in the experience of many people called into the service of God. The love of this age has kept them from fulfilling their call. A servant of God cannot love this present age. You have to make your mind up.
Now, whatâs the result of being delivered from this present evil age? I want to offer you some suggestions. First of all, we get citizenship in heaven. Philippians 3:17 and following.
âBrethren, join in following my example...â
Can you say that? When I went into the British Army in l940, there was a sergeant there whose business it was to train us. And he stood a long way off and we stood in three uneven, ragged lines in front of him. He shouted at us. The first thing he said was, âDonât do as I do, do as I say.â And there were good reasons for him saying that! But you and I can not afford to say that. We have to be able to say, âDo as I do. Follow my example.â Otherwise we better not say anything, itâs better to keep our mouth shut.
âBrethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk as you have us for a pattern. For many walk [and I donât think heâs talking about unbelievers here. I think heâs talking about professing Christians. Many walk] of whom I have told you often and now tell you, even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ.â
Notice theyâre not the enemies of Christ. As long as they can get what they want from him, theyâll be friends. What is it theyâre the enemies of? The cross, thatâs right. Whatâs the result? Look in the next verse.
âWhose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame; who set their minds on earthly things.â
Thatâs the result of refusing to embrace the cross. You can say all sorts of nice things about Jesus Christ and call Him your Savior but if you donât embrace His cross, this will be your destination. Iâm afraid there are many, many Christians today whose god is their belly, to say the truth. Who are more interested in what they put in their stomach than what they can do for God. I donât think thatâs characteristically a British problem, itâs certainly an American problem. But I donât think thereâs any racial group thatâs exempt from that problem.
Paul says for those who donât go this way:
âFor our citizenship is in heaven.â
Now I have British citizenship, I have American citizenship. Iâm privileged. But the most important citizenship I have is in heaven. Thatâs what really matters. Thatâs the result of embracing the cross, being separated from this present evil age. Your citizenship is in heaven. If you have citizenship in any nation, youâre entitled to the passport of that nation. So weâre entitled to heavenâs passport. And when you come to the nation where your a citizen, youâre admitted on very different terms than people who donât have that passport. Have you ever stood in the line and watched? Ruth is only an American citizen so when I come to Britain with my wife, I come in with my American passport. We stand âOther Passports,â whereas all the people with UK passports just walk through. But when we get to the United States, then itâs the other people that have to wait and we just walk through. See? So itâs important that you have the right passport. You can only have the right passport if you have the right citizenship. So, you need citizenship in heaven to have heavenâs passport, the right of free entry into the country of which youâre a citizen.
Not only do we have citizenship in heaven, but we are looking for Christâs return. I think thatâs the second mark of being delivered from this present evil age. Paul continues in this third chapter of Philippians:
âFor our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.â
Let me ask you, Are you eagerly waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ? Good, thatâs true, thatâs wonderful. You see, Heâs only coming back for the people that are eagerly waiting for Him. Did you know that? Turn to Hebrews 9 for a moment. Hebrews 9:27â28:
âAnd as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many; to those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.â
To whom will He appear? To those who eagerly wait for Him. If we have not been delivered from this present evil age, we will not be eagerly awaiting for Jesus. So, the practical results of being delivered from this present evil age through faith in Jesus are that we have citizenship in heaven and we are eagerly awaiting the return of the Lord from heaven.
Now letâs go on to the second deliverance in Galatians. As I have said, I suggest that the remaining four deliverances that weâre going to look at are all different aspects of the first deliverance from this present evil age. In other words, in order to be delivered from this present evil age fully, you need to make sure that you have all four subsequent deliverances. I think Iâve communicated that. I see understanding registering on your faces.
So weâll go on now to Galatians 2:19.
âFor I through the Law died to the Law, that I might live to Christ.â
When did I die to the Law? When Christ died, thatâs right. Our old man was crucified with Him. So through the cross and the death of Jesus there which has become my death through my faith, I have died to the Law. Thatâs a wonderful thought if you can grasp it. You see, the last thing the Law can do to you is put you to death. Okay? Thatâs its final penalty. When itâs put you to death, it has nothing more that it can do to you. So when you have been executed, youâre no longer subject to the Law. The only way out from the Law is death. In the mercy of God, the death took place when Jesus died on the cross. Okay? So, I through the Law am dead to the Law. The Law has nothing to say to me, I have no more relationship to the Law. Iâve been separated from the Law by the death of Jesus.
Now, Iâve dealt with this theme frequently in the last few years. Iâm used to the look of polite astonishment that comes on peopleâs faces because they cannot conceive that itâs Godâs purpose that we should be delivered from the Law, but thatâs the truth. It is His purpose. Itâs clearly stated many, many times. Letâs look for a little in Romans 6:14. If youâre with me long enough, youâll know where to find some of these scriptures. Romans 6:14. This is really a breathtaking statement. If youâve read your Bible and never been surprised by this, youâve never really understood it.
âFor sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under Law but under grace.â
Okay? Iâve pointed out previously in this series there are two mutually exclusive alternatives. You canât have them both, you have to make a choice. If youâre under law, youâre not under grace. If youâre under grace, youâre not under law. So you have to make your mind up. Am I under law or am I under grace? And you canât have one foot in two different worlds.
The further amazing implication of this is that if you are under the law, sin will have dominion over you. Would you mind looking at those words just for a moment. I donât want you to look at my face because that doesnât say it. Itâs the most astonishing statement. Just be assured Iâm reading the verse right, I havenât left out a ânotâ or a âno.â Okay?
âSin shall not have dominion over you, for [or because] you are not under the Law.â
What is the obvious implication? If you are under the Law, sin will have dominion over you. The only way of escape from the dominion of sin is escape from the Lawâwhich was provided by the death of Jesus on the cross. âI through the Law am dead to the Law.â
I could go on the rest of the night in Romans because Iâve just taught 12 hours solid on Romans in my last meetingâthe most challenging undertaking Iâve ever had in all my preaching ministry. Iâm not short of ammunition when it comes to Romans. I canât afford to get side-tracked. Letâs just look at a couple of other passages in Romans. Romans 7:5â6:
âFor when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins which were aroused by the Law, were at work in our members to bear fruit to death.â
What aroused the passions of sin? The Law. And what was the result? Fruit for death. Now, the next verse says:
âBut now we have been delivered from the Law...â
What have we been delivered from? The Law. Itâs not talking about being delivered from sin at this point but being delivered from the Law. If you really believe the Bible, would you do something for me? Would you just say that with me? âBut now we have been delivered from the Law.â That was a good start but letâs say it as if we really mean it. âBut now we have been delivered from the Law.â
Now let me go on reading that verse.
âBut now we have been delivered from the Law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.â
If you look at the preceding verses of Romans 7âand itâs one of Paulâs complicated passages of which he has produced a numberâyou find that he uses an analogy. Iâd rather just say it than read the verses and explain them. He takes the analogy of a woman married to a man and he says, âAccording to the Law, if that woman marries another man while her husband remains alive, she is an adulteress. But once her husband is dead, sheâs free to marry another man.â Now, thereâs a lot there in connection with divorce which I donât want to go into. But I would like to suggest if you have questions about the rights of a divorcee, the answers that I give are found in our book, God is a Matchmaker. All right, thereâs a whole chapter on divorce. I cannot go into it tonight but people use this verse to say a woman is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives. They donât go the whole way because if the husband has committed adultery, the Law left no option, he had to be put to death. It was mandatory, there was no other penalty. So once under the Law a man committed adultery, his wife was automatically free to marry another. It is totally illogical to apply the law in one part and not in the other, see? I think millions of innocent Christians have been held in bondage by this misapplication of this scripture. Thatâs not what Iâm dealing with but when I get here I get indignant. I really do because I think in many places divorcees are treated like second class citizens. As far as America is concerned, about 50 percent of people today are divorcees. Some of them through their own wickedness but many whoâve done nothing wrong whatever.
Let me use my little figure. I should just stop. You see, the rules about divorce in the church were made by clergy who never married! So they were making rules they were never going to have to keep themselves. And the thing is, divorce is bad so if any people get divorced, we punish them both. What logic! So robbery is bad. So if one person robs another, we put them both in jail. Is that right? But thatâs what the church has done, itâs put both people in a jail thatâs much worse than a physical jailâfor life. Well, thatâs not what Iâm preaching about but it will just give you a little more to think about.
Letâs come back to Paulâs analogy. What is he trying to say? Heâs talking primarily to Jewish people. You need to bear in mindâas a matter of fact, the only nation that was ever put under the Law was Israel. God has never put Gentiles under the Law of Moses. Furthermore, in actual fact, the only place where the Law could be fully observed was the land of Israel. You canât observe it outside the land of Israel because there are all sorts of geographical features to the Law. See, people donât realize this.
But anyhow, Paul says, âAll right. Weâve been under the Law.â And he says this, âBy the law we were married to our carnal nature.â And the carnal nature produced out of that union what it always produces, the works of the flesh. And thereâs not one good thing amongst them. Okay? But he says, âThe good news is that on the cross our carnal nature died in Jesus.â So now weâre free to marry another without being adulteresses. See the application? To whom shall we be married? To the resurrected Christ. When we are married to Him, what do we bring forth? The fruit of the Spirit. Thatâs out of that union.
Thereâs two possible unions. You can be united with your fleshly nature and bring forth the works of the flesh. Thatâs the marriage under the Law. But delivered from the Law we are free to be married or united by the Holy Spirit to Jesus in what is called a marriage relationship, and bring forth out of that relationship the fruit of the Spirit. You see, in neither case is it a question of trying or doing our best. Christianity is not a religion of doing our best. Itâs not a religion of effort. The key word is union. You bring forth that which is appropriate to what youâre united to. When youâre united to your fleshly nature, I donât care how hard you try, no matter how many rules you make youâre going to bring forth the works of the flesh. And there isnât one good one amongst them. When you are truly united by the Holy Spirit to Jesus the resurrected Lord, you donât have to make a lot of effort, you will bring forth the fruit of the Spirit. I tell people itâs not effort, itâs union. Itâs not a new set of rules, itâs a relationship. Thatâs stated so plainly in the New Testament. Isnât it amazing that the majority of professing Christians have never known it.
Just to take another very simple picture. John 15, the parable of the vine. Jesus said, âI am the vine, youâre the branches. Every branch in Me that bears fruit...â Et cetera, et cetera. Thatâs a beautiful parable of the Godhead because He said, âMy Father is the vinedresser. Iâm the vine,â and whereâs the Holy Spirit? Heâs the sap, thatâs right. And how do the branches produce fruit? By trying hard? By abiding in the vine. And when they abide in the vine, they canât help it. It is not effort, it is union.
So, we have been delivered from the Law because it brought forth all sorts of fleshly activity within us. And Paul says a little further on in Romans, âThose who are in the flesh cannot please God.â No matter how hard you try, you canât do it. Why try?
Letâs look in Romans 10:4.
âFor Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one who believes.â
To how many? Everyone. Itâs a very carefully stated verse. I marvel at the accuracy of Paul because again, he was just writing a letter. It says Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness. As a means of achieving righteousness with God, the death of Christ set the Law aside. Itâs not the end of the Law as a part of Godâs wordâthat endures forever. Itâs not the end of the Law as a part of the history and culture of Israel. And you really canât understand the Jewish people unless you understand something about the Law. Itâs not the end of the Law as a subject for meditation. Itâs a subject for endless meditation. âBlessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and in his Law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.â The key to that is right meditation. The subject for meditation is the Law.
Let me tell you, when you have met Jesus and you know the Holy Spirit, there is no limit to the richness of the meditation thatâs available through the Law. Itâs an endless series of lessons.
The key to prosperityâI mean, Iâm making no extra charge for this, so why shouldnât I say it? The key to success in Godâs terms is meditation. What you think on is going to determine the way you act. You cannot think right and live wrong. And you cannot think wrong and live right. So, when God was telling Joshua to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land, he said, âThis book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.â What are the keys? Confession, meditation, action. Think the Law, speak the Law, act the Law. Okay? Thatâs the key to success in the spiritual life. Thatâs one reason why Ruth and I devote so much importance to right confession. Because, your tongue is the rudder. It determines where youâre going to go in life. You cannot maintain the right confession and go to the wrong destination. Something is going to have to change. Either youâll give up the right confession or youâll give up the wrong course. But one or the other is going to change.
I think thatâs enough about the Law. Iâve got a lot more scriptures here but I think Iâve got you convincedâmost of you. Which is a miracle if itâs happened!
What are the results of being delivered from the Law? And this will be the last in this series tonight. Tomorrow night, for those of you who can come, if God wills and we live Iâll deal with the remaining three deliverances. But letâs look now at the result of deliverance from the law.
First of all, freedom from condemnation. Romans 8:1:
âThere is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. [Verse 3:] For what the Law could not do, God did sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.â
If you analyze Romans, I tell people itâs like when we used to drink percolated coffee. We donât do that very much now. But there are two kinds: percolated and instant. If you want to get Romans 8, you canât get instant Romans 8, it has to be percolated. You have to go through the preceding 7 chapters, thatâs the percolator. And itâs only at the end of that you get âthereforeâ when youâve been through those chapters. The preceding chapters deal with the total sinfulness of all humanity with the failure of religion to change manâs sinful nature. With the examples of Abraham and David, with a comparison between Adam and Christ, chapter 6 is Godâs remedy for the old man which I have told you is execution. Godâs solution for the old man is execution. He doesnât patch him up, he doesnât reform him, he doesnât send him to church; he executes him. The good news is the execution took place when Jesus died on the cross.
Now, I always used to think, âWhy come to the Law after all that?â But the whole of Romans 7 deals with our relationship with the Law. But I have learned by my own experience and by dealing with other people, and from scripture, the ultimate hurdle you have to get over, the last stage of the percolator is finding out how you relate to the Law. And most Christians have never gone there. And without that, you cannot live in Romans 8 because the essential condition is âno condemnation.â The moment you come under condemnation, you are out of the Spirit controlled life of Romans 8. The devilâs number one objective is to bring you under condemnation. The purpose of Godâs word, especially in Romans, is to deliver you from condemnation.
If you go on to the end of the 8th chapter, youâll find again that glorious statement, âWho is he that will bring a charge against Godâs elect? Itâs God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? It is Jesus Christ who died, who rather, has risen again from the dead.â The essential thrust of that chapter is âno condemnation.â But until we have understood our relationship to the Lord, we will always be subject to condemnation. Let me say there will always be a lot of religious people around just ready to bring you under condemnation.
Secondly, deliverance from the Law brings freedom to love. I think legalism and love essentially are opposites. If youâre in a legalistic system, it is very hard to love. We have to be delivered from legalism to love. We could look in a number of scriptures. Letâs look in Romans 13 for a moment, Romans 13:8â10:
âOwe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.â
Notice that, has fulfilled the Law, not is going to fulfill the Law.
âFor the commandments, âYou shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet,â and if there is any other commandment are all summed up in this saying: âYou shall love your neighbor as yourself.â Love does no harm to a neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the Law.â
Thatâs very simple. The problem is for theologians itâs too simple.
Turn for a moment to Galatians 5:6.
âFor in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.â
In the last resort, the only thing that matters is faith working through love. If we ever get off that, weâre side-tracked. We can get side-tracked into all sorts of clever theological theories, interpretations of prophecy and all sorts of things. But if we ever get away from faith working through love, weâve gone off center, weâve missed the real purpose of the gospel message.
And then in Galatians 5:14:
âFor all the Law is fulfilled in one word [How many of you can guess the word?], even in this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.â
That is not possible when weâre bound by the Law because weâre bound to our carnal nature, and the carnal nature produces anything but good fruit.
The third result of being delivered from the Law is freedom to be led by the Holy Spirit. Letâs look at Romans 8:14â15.
âFor as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery again to fear, [What would that have been? Going back under the Law. You didnât go back under that spirit.] but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry, âAbba, Father.ââ
Not the spirit of slavery but the spirit of sonship. God does not want to produce slaves, he wants to produce sons. What is the mark of sons of God? Itâs stated there very clearly. âAs many as are regularly led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God.â
You see, most of you from the background that you come from, have heard sermons on how to be born again. Youâve probably heard sermons on how to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Thatâs tremendous. The new birth makes you a child of God. The baptism in the Holy Spirit equips you to serve God with supernatural power. But the only way you can become a mature son of God is by being led by the Holy Spirit. And Iâve been in large congregations of Pentecostal and Charismatic people, and Iâve asked, âHow many of you have ever heard a sermon on How to Be Led by the Holy Spirit?â And very often not more than 25% will ever raise their hands. I think this is the great deficiency in the current movement that weâre in. We major on one-time experiences and we donât realize the importance of the ongoing life in the Spirit. The words in this verse are in the continuing present. âAs many as are being regularly led by the Spirit of God, they [and only they] are sons of God.â
You have to put that together with Galatians 5:18 to see the full effect of what Iâm trying to share with you. Galatians 5:18 says:
âBut if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.â
Okay? So if you want to be led by the Spirit, you cannot be under the Law. And if youâre not led by the Spirit, you cannot become a mature son of God. See? So deliverance from the Law means release to become a mature son of Godâand the word âsonâ includes both sexes. Iâm sure you understand that. To become a mature son or daughter of God, shall we say, through being led by the Holy Spirit. Okay?
Now, I think youâve been wonderfully attentive at the end of a rather long series of meetings. I think I would be foolish to try to take you any further tonight. But I just like to end with this what is to me a very vivid picture of the alternatives. I realize this is a tremendous problem for religious people. Itâs like if I let go of the rules, what am I going to hold on to? You know? This is dangerous. What the Bible says is dangerous to try to live by the rules. Okay? Thatâs not the way we thing but itâs true to experience.
Iâm saying there is a place for rules, definitely. I believe in keeping the speed limit, though I sometimes have a struggle with it! I really believe itâs right. I believe in being an obedient citizen of the nation in which you are. I believe in keeping the nationâs laws. I believe in a family there has to be simple, practical rules. I believe a church needs a few simple rules to guide the conduct of the affairs of the church. But, you are not made righteous by keeping the rules of your church. If you have been made righteous by faith and the rules are right, youâll keep them. See the difference? But your righteousness does not come from keeping those rules. And if thatâs the only righteousness you have, which is true of millions of Christians, youâve never experienced the righteousness that God intends you to have.
This is the little illustration. I just used it very briefly the other day but I can amplify it a little. I hope that somehow this will make it clear to you. Itâs like there are two different ways of making a journey from a certain starting point to a certain destination. One is a map, the other is a personal guide. Okay? The map is perfect, it tells you everything you need to know. The map is the Law. And Paul says of the Law of Moses, it was perfect, it was holy, it was good. Never does the Bible say thereâs anything wrong with the Law. The problem is not in the Law, itâs in us.
The other alternative is a personal guide. Who is the personal guide? The Holy Spirit. âAs many as are regularly led by the Holy Spirit are sons of God.â
One of the causes of manâs fall and one of its effects is an innate desire to be independent of God which is born into every child of Adam. See, it was there in the initial temptation. Satan said, âIf you eat of that tree, youâll be like God.â Whatâs wrong with being like God? Thatâs not evil. What was the evil? The evil was trying to be like God independent of God. And the root of all sin is not the desire to do evil, itâs the desire to be independent of God. And thatâs the ultimate thing that God has to deal with in every one of us before we can become the kind of people that He wants us to be. And it takes a lot of dealings of God in the lives of most of us to bring us to the place where weâre willing to be simply and humbly dependent upon God.
So we have this young man, heâs a university graduate, heâs strong, heâs healthy and heâs presented with a choice. Does he want the map or does he want the guide? He says, âIâve got two degrees, healthy, Iâve got sense. Iâll take the map.â All right. He starts out, the sun is shining, birds are singing, the road is very easy to follow. He says, âThis is a piece of cake!â About 48 hours later things have changed. Heâs in the middle of a dense forest in the middle of the night, on the edge of a precipice. Itâs raining hard and he doesnât know whether heâs facing north, south, east or west. And at that moment a gentle voice says, âCan I help you?â
âOh, Holy Spirit, I need you!â
âWell, give me your hand and Iâll get you out.â
So, off they set out together and after a little while theyâre on the plain, straight road again and the sun is shining. So the young man says to the Holy Spirit, âIâve got a wonderful map here. Perhaps youâd like to look at the map.â So the Holy Spirit says, âI donât need the map. I know the way. Besides, Iâm the one that made the map!â
So after awhile the young man says to himself, âWell, I was silly. I didnât need to panic like that. I could have made it on my own.â And he turns around and thereâs no Holy Spirit there. You donât have to give the Holy Spirit two hints, He takes the first one. So he goes on and about four days later heâs in the middle of a bog and every step he takes heâs sinking deeper. He says, âI canât ask the Holy Spirit...â But this gentle voice says, âPerhaps you need me now?â
âOh, Holy Spirit.â
âGive me your hand.â
And out he comes. And theyâre on the road again.
Now, the question I want to ask is, How many times does that have to happen? Most of us have gone back to the map several times before we really saw we couldnât do it without the guide. Thatâs what righteousness is. Itâs not following a set of rules, itâs being led by the Holy Spirit.
Now please understand, when I say youâre not made righteous by not keeping the Law, that doesnât mean you can break all the laws. Because, the alternative is not doing your own thing. The alternative is being led by the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit of God will never lead you to do anything evil. The question is, Can you trust Him? And whatâs inside most of us is, âWell, I know myself. I think I better go back to these rules because thatâs where Iâm at home.â The trouble is we always mess it up with the rules. Weâve got to take the risk of being led by the Holy Spirit.
I want to tell you this, the Holy Spirit is a person. Heâs not a set of rules, Heâs not a theological concept, Heâs not half a sentence at the end of the Apostleâs Creed; Heâs a person. And youâve got to learn to relate to Him as a person. Youâve got to be sensitive to Him.
I believe the most successful ministers today are those who know how to relate to the Holy Spirit and do it. Charles Finney, one of the worldâs most successful evangelists, said, âThe exact measure of a ministerâs success is the measure of the Holy Spirit in his ministry.â
I want to give this a practical application tonight. Years ago the Lord said to me, âI didnât call you to deliver religious lectures.â He said, âWhenever you teach anything practical, I want you to give my people an opportunity to apply it.â So very briefly, as this meeting closes, Iâm going to give you an opportunity to make a decision. Let me first of all give you one more picture. When Jesus was publicly revealed to Israel through the ministry of John the Baptist, as He approached John, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John said, âBehold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.â And then a few minutes later, apparently John saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending on Jesus. And he said, âThis is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. This is the Son of God.â
Now, in that vivid incident we have two familiar creatures. The lamb and the dove. The dove represents the Holy Spirit. What I want to point out to you is the Holy Spirit only looks for one kind of nature to settle on. Heâs not going to settle on a lion or a bear or a dog. Heâs only going to settle on the lamb nature. Thatâs what Heâs looking for. And the only one He never wanted to move from was Jesus because He had the perfect nature of the lamb. And if you want the blessing and presence of the Holy Spirit continually on your life, you need to cultivate the nature of the lamb in you. Donât be too ambitious about power and miracles and success, because that usually leads to disaster. Whatâs important is the lamb nature.
We could say a lot about the lamb nature but let me just suggest to you three things. In the scripture it typifies purity, meekness and the life laid down in sacrifice for others. What is the Holy Spirit looking for, what is He willing to settle on? What is He willing to have fellowship with? The lamb nature. And if you really want fellowship with the Holy Spirit, if you want him as your regular daily companion and guide, Heâll be very happy. But, to keep him close to you youâve got to cultivate the nature of the lamb.
I want to give you just an opportunity to consider what Iâve tried to put before you this evening and I believe some of you need to make a decision. I believe some of you need to say, âI really havenât cultivated the right relationship with the Holy Spirit. Iâve really been very independent in many ways. Iâve tried to do my own thing and go my own say, set my own standards, please myself. Iâve been pretty selfish at times. I havenât cared too much about others, Iâve just pressed through and if Iâve trod on a few peopleâs toes it didnât worry me much. Iâve been more like a lion than a lamb.â And the Holy Spirit has been very patient but Heâs waiting for you to make a decision. If you really want fellowship with Him, youâre going to have to ask God to change that selfish self seeking, aggressive, self centered nature in you. Okay? Thatâs your decision. But I believe there are those here tonight who need to make that decision. I believe some of you are at a crossroads. Youâre going to go either to success in Godâs sense or youâre going to run off into some spiritual backwater and spend the rest of your life there. Maybe youâll get to heaven at the end but youâll look back on a life that was essentially wasted.
Iâm going to ask you to do something very simple. Iâm going to ask you to think over what Iâve been saying for a moment or two. And shut yourself in with God. Donât bother about people round about you. Then if you want to indicate to God your intention to make this change and to relate in a new way to the Holy Spirit and to try to do the things that attract the Holy Spirit, and avoid the things that grieve the Holy Spirit, and youâre going to say to the Holy Spirit, âHoly Spirit, I havenât treated you right. Youâve been so patient with me and Iâve really been arrogant, Iâve been self assertive.â
Let me just say we had a visitation in our local church which is GNC, Good News Churchânot Good News Crusadeâabout a year and a half ago, nearly two years ago. We had a 21 day period of prayer and fasting as a church and during that period we met in the church every morning from 5 to 7 a.m. It started with a total failure and ended with an amazing move of God. I canât go into the details but we spent most of that time on our faces on the floor before God. I think I could say God showed almost every one of us that weâve been guilty of the sin of arrogance toward God. Not so much toward man. And I tried later to sum it up this way, by saying weâve been treating Jesus as our butler and the Holy Spirit as a rubber stamp. We saw that we had to completely change our whole attitude towards God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Iâm one of those that spent so much time on the floor. But I can look back and say Iâm not perfect, far from it, but I thank God for what he showed me in that time, for the change that he brought. I think my wife Ruth would say the same. And there were others in our church who were vitally and radically transformed at that time. Not the whole church because God deals essentially with individuals.
So, Iâm not theorizing. Iâm suggesting something to you which I have proved works. So, if you tonight would like to tell God, âGod, I have to say Iâm sorry. Iâve really been very independent. Iâve not acknowledged you in many things, Iâve not submitted to you, Iâve not been sensitive to you. I want to change. I want your help to change.â If you want to make that decision here tonight, forget about other people and stand to your feet right where you are. âBrother Don, would you come up?â Now be careful when you make this decision because things are going to happen. Life is not going to go on exactly the same. Iâve asked Don to come up here because I do believe that itâs appropriate that he stands with me as we pray.
I think Iâm just Iâm just going to ask you to say a few brief words, very simple, and then pray whatever prayer you want to pray. Will you say these words? âHoly Spirit, Spirit of God, Iâm sorry that I havenât honored you. That I havenât been sensitive to you. That often Iâve ignored you and slighted you. Holy Spirit, Iâm sorry. I ask your forgiveness and I pray that youâll come into my life and abide with me and lead me in the ways of God. In Jesusâ name, amen.â
Now just settle it between God and you privately in your own way.
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