The Bible speaks of a false Christ, the Antichrist, that will rise up and deceive many believers. Learn how to identify the beast.
(Chronological order)
The ultimate end-time conflict: the beast (Antichrist) vs. the Lamb (Jesus). How will we identify the beast? On whose side will we be?
Complete Salvation and How to Receive It
Our salvation through Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross is totally complete, and yet many Christians have a limited understanding of what this means. They are living in a tiny portion of a house when there is a great mansion God has prepared for them. Expand your knowledge and embrace the all-encompassing totality of the Cross and its tremendous gift to people everywhere.
Experience the profound exchange that took place at the Cross with Derek Prince's sermon 'Death vs Life'. Discover how Jesus' sacrifice transformed death into abundant life for us, fulfilling the divine promise of the Gospel. Part of the 'Atonement' series, this message highlights the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Laying the Foundation
At least three different baptisms are mentioned in the Bible, two of which will be covered in this video. What are the requirements we need to meet? What new position or state do we attain?