The Bible speaks of a false Christ, the Antichrist, that will rise up and deceive many believers. Learn how to identify the beast.
(Chronological order)
The ultimate end-time conflict: the beast (Antichrist) vs. the Lamb (Jesus). How will we identify the beast? On whose side will we be?
Is there hope for America? If Jesus said to you, ‘Would you ask Me to give you My heart for America?’ how would you answer? There is hope for this nation. If we have Jesus' heart for America, lives will be changed.
Servanthood is part of the divine nature, revealed in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. Often despised in our contemporary culture, it is the way that God expresses Himself in human lives.
Bend The Church And Bow The World
‘Bend the Church and Bow the World’ was the theme of the revival that shook the little nation of Wales in 1904. It is still true today and just as relevant. If the Church will bend, the World will bow.